Initiation. Whenever any minor transfer of land is proposed, the owner or authorized agent shall apply for and secure approval of such a revision to a filed plat in accordance with the procedures set forth in this article.
Application. The owner or agent shall make application at the office of the Director for approval of the minor transfer of land and shall submit the following information, documentation and endorsements:
A photocopy reproduction of the City's Official Street Map at a scale of 50 feet to the inch or such scale as required by the Director, showing the plan of the proposed revision and including the following:
North arrow and map scale.
Existing section and block numbers.
Names of adjacent rights-of-way.
Distance from front corner of property to the nearest intersection.
Street numbers of all parcels involved.
Land areas (in square feet) of existing lots.
All easements.
New or changed lot lines.
Dimensions of each new or changed lot line in feet and hundredths of a foot.
Land areas (in square feet) of new lots.
Tax certificates from the City Treasurer and County Treasurer showing that property taxes for the affected properties have been paid in full through the end of the current fiscal year.
The date, liber and page for each property currently held by the owner under deeds recorded in the Monroe County Clerk's Office.
Identification of lots which are improved and unimproved.
The zoning classification of the parcels affected by the revision.
A minor transfer of land shall be exempt from the public hearing provisions of § 128-5C of this chapter.
A minor transfer of land shall be exempt from the filing provisions of § 128-5E of this chapter, provided that:
The geometrics of the filed plat are not substantially altered.
No irregular lots lines are created.
No lot is assigned new or additional frontage on a street which it currently does not abut.
All dimensions as shown on the Official Street Map conform to the deeded record.
If the Director finds that the requirements of Subsection C(2) have been met, the Director shall issue a certificate of exemption from the filing and hearing procedures of these regulations.
Plat drawing required. Whenever a minor transfer of land does not meet the requirements of Subsection C(2), a new revised plat drawing shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of §§ 128-4B(1) and 128-5B(13) and (14) and submitted to the Director in lieu of the photocopy reproduction described in Subsection B(1) above.
Action by the Director. The Director shall, in consultation with the City Engineer and the Manager of Maps and Surveys, determine whether or not the application for a minor transfer of land conforms to the requirements of this chapter and of the Zoning Code.[1]
[Amended 11-19-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-354]
Photocopy reproduction. If a certificate of exemption has been issued, the Director shall then either approve the application or decline to approve the application. Upon approval, the Director shall transmit the application and a signed copy of the approved map to the Manager of Maps and Surveys.
Plat drawing. If a plat drawing has been submitted, the Director shall then either approve the application or decline to approve the application. Approval shall be noted on the plat by signature of the Director.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 120, Zoning.
Filing. If a plat drawing has been approved in accordance with Subsection E(2) above, the owner or agent shall file the original drawing of the approved plat with the office of the Monroe County Clerk within 90 days of the approval, or such approval shall expire and be void.