[Amended 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
Application. The application for a vehicle license shall require but not be limited to copies of the current, valid title and New York State vehicle registration, proof of a valid New York State inspection certificate for said vehicle, insurance requirements as set forth in § 299-21 herein, a copy, if any, of the applicant's owner or operator license, or license application as filed with the Town Clerk, and any information required in said license application and business owner information, if different from the vehicle owner.
Vehicle license types. The Town shall issue the following two types of vehicle licenses:
Livery vehicle license. This vehicle license shall be issued to all those vehicles operating exclusively as livery vehicles, as defined in § 299-2 above.
Transportation-for-hire vehicle license. This vehicle license shall be issued only to those vehicles operating as taxicabs, as defined in § 299-2 above, and having taxicab license plates as provided by the State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles.
Conformance. No license shall be issued or renewed unless and until the vehicle has been found to be in conformance with all the provisions of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Compliance. Proof that a violation has been corrected or repaired shall be filed with the Town Clerk within 10 days of the issuance of a summons. If not filed, the application will immediately be disapproved, license of said vehicle suspended, and a time and place for a revocation hearing, as prescribed in this chapter, shall be set.
Waiver of disapproval or suspension. Any vehicle license disapproved or suspended pursuant hereto may be approved or reinstated after the filing of a request for a waiver from the Town Clerk, based on submission of proof, within 10 days of the disapproval or suspension, that corrective measures have been taken. If said proof is not submitted within 10 days and/or the Public Safety Commission revokes the license, a new application, Town inspection, and fee shall be required.
[Amended 5-28-2024 by L.L. No. 10-2024]
[Amended 11-22-2005 by L.L. No. 61-2005; 2-28-2012 by L.L. No. 3-2012; 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
The following regulations are the responsibility of the owner as to themselves and their vehicles, operators and/or employees during all times and operations of the business, and of the operator while in possession of a vehicle:
Vehicle regulations: livery. All those vehicles operating under a livery vehicle license shall comply with the following:
Compliance. Each vehicle shall be in compliance with all applicable requirements of this chapter and all ordinances, local laws, codes, laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to those concerning vehicles, traffic and parking, of the Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Each vehicle shall also specifically be in compliance with all business owner and vehicle operator regulations set forth in this chapter, as they may apply to vehicles.
Identification devices. Each vehicle shall have posted any and all identification devices required by Article V of this chapter.
Signs and/or displays. Advertising and displays on the exterior of the vehicle, other than one small sign on each side of the vehicle, not exceeding 12 inches in height by 12 inches in width, used exclusively for the identification of the livery vehicle as a vehicle for hire, shall be prohibited.
Attention-seeking devices. Loudspeakers, noisemaking devices and/or any other attention-seeking devices may not be used by operators, owners, or any person on their behalf in any vehicle upon any road, highway, alley, residential and commercial neighborhood, park or other public place within the Town for the purpose of attracting attention to solicitation of passengers or for any other purpose.
Invalid documents. No livery vehicle may be operated while its license or any appropriate New York State-issued registration or inspection certificate is not in effect, has expired, or has been suspended or revoked.
Trailers. No livery vehicle may be operated to transport passengers while a trailer or semitrailer is attached or secured thereto.
Vehicle regulations: transportation for hire. All those vehicles operating under a transportation-for-hire vehicle license shall comply with the following:
Compliance. Each vehicle shall be in compliance with all applicable requirements of this chapter and all ordinances, local laws, codes, laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to those concerning vehicles, traffic and parking, of the Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Each vehicle shall also specifically be in compliance with all business owner and vehicle operator regulations set forth in this chapter, as they may apply to vehicles.
Identification devices. Each vehicle shall have posted any and all identification devices required by Article V of this chapter.
Taxicab identification. Each vehicle used as a taxicab, as defined hereinabove, shall have the words "taxi," "taxicab," or "vehicle for hire," affixed to each side of the exterior, not more than four inches in height, and the business name and address shall be affixed to the lower portion of the front door, on each side of the exterior, not less than 1 1/4 inches in height. Any vehicle already equipped with a raised dome light affixed to the roof shall limit the text in such dome to the business name or the words "taxi," "taxicab," "vehicle for hire" or "off-duty," with the letters being no more than 1 1/4 inches high and 1/4 inch thick.
Signs and/or displays. Advertising and displays on vehicles regulated by this chapter shall be compliant with all federal and New York State laws and all regulations promulgated by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Attention-seeking devices. Loudspeakers, noisemaking devices and/or any other attention-seeking devices may not be used by operators, owners, or any person on their behalf in any vehicle upon any road, highway, alley, residential and commercial neighborhood, park or other public place within the Town for the purpose of attracting attention to solicitation of passengers or for any other purpose.
Invalid documents. No livery vehicle may be operated while its license or any appropriate New York State-issued registration or inspection certificate is not in effect, has expired, or has been suspended or revoked.
Taxicab license plates. All vehicles operating as taxicabs shall have taxicab license plates as provided by the State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles.
Trailers. No taxicab may be operated to transport passengers while a trailer or semitrailer is attached or secured thereto.