[Added 6-22-1982;[1] amended last 3-23-2004 by L.L. No. 10-2004]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former legislation on parking fields, which appeared as § 63-8.2 of the 1979 Code.
Applicability. This article shall apply to all unincorporated areas of the Town of Southampton and to Town-owned lands within an incorporated village in the Town of Southampton.
Definitions. The following terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
The area or space officially set apart within a roadway or parking area for the exclusive use of emergency fire or ambulance vehicles and which is protected or so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a fire zone.
Spaces officially set apart within a roadway or parking area for the exclusive use of vehicles bearing a special vehicle identification parking permit issued for handicapped persons and which are protected or so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a handicapped parking area.
Any area or areas of private property or municipally owned property near or contiguous to and provided in connection with premises having one or more stores or business establishments and used by the public as a means of access to and egress from such stores and business establishments and the parking for motor vehicles of customers and patrons of such stores or business establishments. Such areas include the Southampton Town Hall Parking Lot at 116 Hampton Road, Southampton; the Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead; and all municipal parking areas and parking areas associated with Southampton Town beach recreation areas, park recreation areas, recreation centers, community centers, post offices, nutrition centers, docks and ramps.
All rules are set forth in accordance with §§ 1203-a and 1660-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. Traffic and parking regulations are hereby established as follows for the private and municipal-owned parking lots:
No vehicle shall be operated within any parking lot in any manner other than as designated. Persons operating vehicles within parking lots shall at all times observe and obey directions, orders and instructions appearing upon or conveyed by signs, pavement markings or other devices. Regulations governing the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles, overnight or long-term parking and/or the direction in which vehicles shall at all times be operated or parked shall be obeyed.
Fire zones. No vehicle shall park in any area designated as a fire zone.
Handicapped parking spaces. No vehicle shall park in parking spaces designated as reserved for handicapped parking unless displaying a permit issued in accordance with § 1203-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
Where additional traffic regulations, including one-way restrictions, stop signs, speed limits and turn restrictions, are indicated by official signs and/or markings, no vehicle shall operate or park except in accordance with such signs and/or markings.
No person shall knowingly dump or shovel snow onto a parking space or access ramp for handicapped persons thus rendering the space or ramp unusable.
Overnight and long-term parking permits. No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle in any municipal parking area where overnight or long-term parking is prohibited pursuant to § 312-62B of this chapter unless said vehicle displays a valid permit duly issued by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southampton.
The Town Clerk may issue such parking permits to residents and nonresidents. A resident parking permit shall be issued only to those persons who reside within the Town of Southampton, owners of property within the Town of Southampton or persons operating or who are actually employed by a business located within close proximity to the municipal parking area.
The Town Board, by resolution, shall set the rates for all resident and nonresident parking permits and replacement sticker fees and such other rules and regulations to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
The Town Clerk shall, at the time such permits are issued, deliver to such permittee a distinctive sticker bearing a number and the term for which such permit shall be valid. The permittee shall conspicuously display said sticker on the vehicle for which the permit is issued.
Such permit shall not be transferable from one owner to another or from one vehicle to another. In the event that the owner replaces the licensed vehicle during the calendar year, the sticker shall be removed from the licensed vehicle before disposing of it. This sticker may then be presented to the Town Clerk, and a new sticker may be requested for a replacement sticker fee of $5.
No person shall display a sticker as provided by this section who does not come within one of the categories set forth above or to whom a sticker may have been issued who obtains more than one sticker per vehicle, except to replace one lost or defaced.
The payment of the fee and the issuance of the sticker shall not be construed to guarantee the permittee a reserved space.
The Superintendent of Highways shall ensure installation of any necessary signage required by this article at all municipal parking areas, other than Town-owned beach recreation areas, park recreation areas, recreation centers, community centers, nutrition centers, Southampton Town Hall, and similar properties with parking facilities which are under custodial maintenance by the Town of Southampton Department of Parks and Recreation. For purposes of this subsection only, the term "municipal parking areas" shall only refer to those parking lots and parking areas that are owned, leased, and operated by the Town of Southampton for municipal parking purposes.
[Amended 10-26-2004 by L.L. No. 37-2004; 12-13-2005 by L.L. No. 67-2005; 5-9-2006 by L.L. No. 19-2006; 5-8-2012 by L.L. No. 5-2012]
In addition to all other applicable rules and regulations concerning parking lots, the following rules and regulations are hereby established for the following private or municipal-owned parking lots, and in addition to, and not in replacement of, the penalties provided for in Article XVIII of this chapter, those vehicles found to be in violation will be removed at the owner's expense pursuant to Chapter 312, Article XIII, Removal and Storage of Vehicles, of the Town Code:
Lands of the Southampton Colonial Society, Inc., leased to the Town Trustees at Conscience Point: The parking of vehicles on or after the 15th day of May to and including the 15th day of September of each year is hereby prohibited daily between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except those vehicles that display a ramp sticker as required by § 111-14 of the Town Code.
Overnight and long-term parking in municipal parking areas. No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle in any part of the following parking lots between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., except those vehicles that display a long-term parking permit, in accordance with § 312-61F of this chapter, that park or permit to stand in the following specific areas:
Designated spaces for up to seven days at the Bridgehampton Railroad Station Municipal Parking Lot east of Butter Lane and north of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-69-1-3.
Designated spaces for up to five days at the Bridgehampton South-West Municipal Parking Lot east of School Street and south of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-086-2-57.2.
From October 15 through May 15, spaces for up to 14 days at the Bridgehampton Railroad Station Municipal Parking Lot east of Butter Lane and north of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-69-1-3.
No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle in the following parking lots between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.:
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton South-East Municipal Parking Lot on the south side of Montauk Highway, west of Ocean Road, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-86-2-15.
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton North Municipal Parking Lot on the north side of Montauk Highway, south of Newman Avenue, from Suffolk County Tax Map No. 900-086-5-10 east to and including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 900-086-5-12.
The Bridgehampton Community House Parking Lot west of School Street, south of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 900-086-1-8.1.
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton South-West Municipal Parking Lot east of School Street and south of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-086-2-57.2.
No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle in the following parking lots for longer than three hours:
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton South-West Municipal Parking Lot east of School Street and south of Montauk Highway, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-086-2-57.2.
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton North Municipal Parking Lot on the north side of Montauk Highway, south of Newman Avenue, from Suffolk County Tax Map No. 900-086-5-10 east to and including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 900-086-5-12.
Designated spaces at the Bridgehampton South-East Municipal Parking Lot on the south side of Montauk Highway, west of Ocean Road, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-86-2-15.
Designated spaces at Wildwood Lake Park be a parking by permit only area at all times, at 3939 Lake Ave, Northampton, NY, shown as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 0900-164-4-1.2.
[Added 6-27-2023 by L.L. No. 22-2023; amended 5-28-2024 by L.L. No. 11-2024]
Anyone using a municipal parking lot shall do so with the understanding that the Town assumes no responsibility for any injury or damage which such person or vehicle may sustain while an occupant of the municipal parking lot or while using any of said facilities; and the Town will not be responsible in any manner for any article that may be stolen from any vehicle using the municipal parking lot.