Plumbing, heating, electrical, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigerating, cooking and fire protection equipment, elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and other mechanical additions, installations or systems for use in residential buildings shall be constructed, installed, located, connected and maintained and repaired, when necessary, so that such equipment and systems will operate satisfactorily and not be a danger to safety, health and welfare.
Installation, maintenance and repairs shall be performed in accordance with the relevant codes and/or regulations of the Village of Pelham.
All installations, maintenance and repairs made by owners, operators or occupants and required by this code shall be done in a workmanlike manner. Materials used for repairs shall be similar to and blend in with surrounding structures so that the repair is not obvious to sight or touch.
All facilities shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition so as not to breed insects, vermin or rodents or produce noxious or offensive gases or odors.
Moving parts of equipment that may be a potential hazard shall be guarded to protect against accidental contact.
Equipment and systems subject to damage from freezing shall be adequately protected against freezing.
Equipment or systems that create excessive or undue noise or otherwise become a nuisance shall be adequately baffled or otherwise soundproofed.
No person shall cause any service, facility, equipment or utility required to be supplied by the provisions of this code to be removed from, shut off from or discontinued for any dwelling unit, except for necessary repairs, alterations or emergencies or if the building is vacated.
Water lines, plumbing fixtures and drains shall be kept free from obstructions, leaks and defects.
Stacks, waste and sewer lines and connecting sewer lines shall be so installed as not to be a source of structural deterioration or a health hazard.
All plumbing fixtures installed within residential buildings shall be connected to sewer lines that discharge into a public sanitary sewage system.
Substances that will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall not be discharged into the building drainage system unless it is provided with approved devices suitable for intercepting such substances.
Each fixture directly connected to the sewage drainage system shall be equipped with a water seal trap.
Adequate cleanouts shall be provided and maintained so that the pipes may be readily cleaned.
The drainage system and its attendant vent piping shall be maintained so as to provide adequate circulation of air in all pipes, in order that siphonage, aspiration or pressure will not cause a loss of trap seal under ordinary conditions of use.
Each vent terminal to the outer air shall be installed and maintained so as to minimize the possibilities of clogging, frost closure, the return of foul air to the building or the creation of a nuisance to adjacent premises.
Drains provided for fixtures, devices, appliances or apparatus containing food, water, sterile goods or similar materials shall be equipped with air breaks adequate to prevent contamination of such contents from any backup of sewage through the direct or indirect drainage piping.
Every residential building and every dwelling unit shall be supplied at all times with potable water from a public source. There shall be sufficient volume and pressure at all hot and cold water outlets. They shall function without undue noise.
Water supply systems shall be installed and maintained so that water used for cooling or heating shall not be reintroduced into the domestic water supply system nor be distributed through such equipment to plumbing fixtures.
Every residential building, dwelling unit and rooming unit shall be provided with an adequate electrical service, properly connected to an adequate source of electric power.
Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained so as not to be a potential source of ignition of combustible materials or a potential source of electrical hazard.
Electrical wiring and equipment shall be firmly secured to the surface on which it is mounted.
Electrical wiring and equipment in damp or wet locations or exposed to explosive or flammable gases or to excessive temperatures shall be of a type approved for the purpose and location.
Electrical wiring and equipment shall be protected against excessive current by properly rated overcurrent devices.
Electrical service equipment and over-current protection devices shall be installed in readily accessible locations, and access to such locations shall be kept unobstructed.
Electrical wiring and equipment shall be grounded or otherwise protected by insulation, isolation or guarding so as to minimize the danger of high voltages from lighting or other causes.
Electrical equipment that in ordinary operation produces arcs or sparks shall be enclosed, unless separated and isolated from all combustible materials.
Flexible cord shall not be run through holes in walls, ceilings or floors or through doorways, windows or similar openings or attached to building surfaces or concealed behind building walls or above ceilings or under floors or floor coverings.
Defective wiring and equipment shall be repaired or replaced.
The owner of every residential building that is intended for occupancy between September 15 and May 15 of the following year shall provide to such building and keep in good repair approved, safe central heating facilities, capable of maintaining a minimum inside temperature of sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (65º F.) or such other minimum inside temperature as might be mandated or recommended by the Westchester County Department of Health in an emergency crisis. Said temperature shall be based on outside design temperature and be provided in all habitable rooms and bathrooms, shower rooms and water closet compartments. Such temperature requirements shall be measured thirty-six (36) inches from the floor at approximately the center of the room.
Heating equipment shall be installed in a manner that will avoid the dangerous concentration of fumes and gases.
Every heating, cooking and water-heating device burning solid fuels shall be rigidly connected to a chimney or flue. Any such equipment, burning liquid or gaseous fuels shall be rigidly connected to a supply line and, where required, to a chimney, flue or vent.
Fuel tanks for such equipment shall be permanently installed and refilled only from outside the building.
Supply lines shall be installed in an approved manner.
Where necessary, exposed heating risers, heating ducts and hot water lines shall be covered with an insulating material or guard.
Every heating, cooking and water-heating device located in a residential building shall be maintained and operated so as to be free from fire, health and accident hazards.
All fuel-burning equipment, components and accessories shall be free from leaks and obstructions and shall function properly.
Heating equipment shall not be forced to operate beyond the safe capacity for which it was designed.
Portable space heaters burning liquid or gaseous fuels and heating, cooking and water-heating equipment with integral fuel tanks are prohibited.
Every residential building shall have an adequate supply of hot water, properly connected to plumbing fixtures requiring hot water.
Water heating equipment shall be installed in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Village of Pelham. Such equipment shall be capable of delivering water at a constant minimum temperature of one hundred twenty degrees (120º), at pressure adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily at all times, at each hot water outlet. The system shall be capable of delivering an adequate supply of hot water to each dwelling unit, one-family house and rooming house.
Hot-water supply systems shall be provided with safety devices arranged to relieve hazardous pressures and excessive temperatures.
Stormwater shall be properly drained to prevent recurrent ponding or the entrance of water into any basement or cellar.
Conductors or drain pipes, where used, shall function properly. They shall be discharged in such a manner that water will not flow onto sidewalks or into sewers intended for sewage only or onto the property of others.
Stormwater sewers, dry wells or other satisfactory drainage systems shall be used where necessary.
All fuels stored on the premises of a residential building for the operation of heat-producing equipment shall be stored in a safe manner in accordance with generally accepted practice and in a manner that will minimize the danger of fire.
No fuel oil, gasoline or other highly flammable fuel shall be stored within a residential building, except in a manner approved by the Fire Safety Code of the municipality.
Fuel oil shall be received, stored and conveyed by means of fixed liquidtight equipment.
Storage tanks shall be installed and maintained so as not to be a hazard to the premises serviced or the surrounding property. They shall be provided with means for venting.
Incinerators are prohibited unless approved and registered with the Fire Department and shall not emit contaminants into the atmosphere in violation of air pollution control regulations pursuant to New York State Law or to any other governmental authority having jurisdiction.
Incinerators shall be of adequate capacity for the intended use.
Connections to incinerators shall provide free passage of garbage and refuse without clogging.
Service openings shall be readily accessible to the building occupants.
Durable signs, with plainly legible letters, shall be conspicuously posted at service openings, stating:
"Throwing lighted matches, cigars or cigarettes, carpet sweepings, naphthalene, camphor balls or flakes, floor scrapings, oil soaked rags, paint cans, aerosol containers or any other flammable or highly combustible or explosive substance into incinerator chutes is unlawful and subjects the offender to a penalty."
Fuel gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained so as to remain gastight, safe and operative under conditions of use.
Fuel gas piping systems shall provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum expected demand of the installed gasburning appliances connected thereto.
Gas piping systems shall have at least one (1) accessible means for shutting off all gas supply. Such means shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Gas services, gas meters and gas pressure regulators shall be located so that they are protected from damage.
Gas refrigerators and ranges shall be installed with clearance for ventilation. They shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Undiluted liquefied petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems in residential buildings.
Liquefied petroleum gas containers shall be designed, stored and located so as not to be a hazard to the premises served or to the surrounding property.
Fuel gas systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressure and shall be so arranged that the discharge terminates in a safe location.
Fuel gas systems shall have at least one (1) accessible means of shutting off the gas. Such means shall be located outside the building and shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Elevators installed in residential buildings for travel between floors shall be maintained in continuous service.
Defective equipment shall be repaired immediately. Elevators required for vertical travel by human occupants above the third floor of any structure shall not be out of service for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Elevators shall be adequately lighted at all times.
All such elevators shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with the Building Code of the Village of Pelham or with the American National Standards Safety Code for Elevators.
Air conditioning and ventilation in multiple dwellings.
Refrigerants that are highly flammable shall not be used in multiple dwellings.
Direct systems using refrigerants that are flammable or toxic shall not be used for air-conditioning purposes.
Ventilating systems.
Ventilating systems shall be installed and maintained so that the rapid spread of heat, flame or smoke through the system will be prevented and so that under conditions of use the temperature of any combustible material adjacent thereto, or in contact therewith, will not exceed a safe temperature.
Stairways, passageways, exits, shafts, hoistways or attics shall not be used as plenum chambers.
Ducts shall be securely fastened in place and appropriately fire-stopped.
Ducts and other air-handling equipment shall be of noncombustible material.
Filters shall be installed and maintained so as not to constitute a fire or smoke hazard.
Ducts passing through or located within combustible construction shall be separated from such construction by a clearance of at least one-half (1/2) inch or by a noncombustible insulating material or shall be quality controlled.
Air required for ventilation shall be taken from the exterior or shall be quality controlled.
Exhaust air from a dwelling unit or a space whose contents may emit odors, fumes or vapors shall not be circulated to other occupied spaces within the building.
Air intake and exhaust openings.
Air intake and exhaust openings shall be installed, located and maintained so as not to constitute a hazard or nuisance and so as to prevent the possibility of fire, smoke, fumes or foreign matter being drawn into the system.
Ventilating systems shall be provided with adequate openings for incoming and outgoing air to obtain the required circulation. Intake openings shall provide air from an uncontaminated source.
Where openings for mechanical exhaust are located in spaces that also contain fuel-burning equipment, there shall be provided fixed intake openings from the exterior to supply sufficient air so that the fuel-burning equipment is not adversely affected.
Exhaust openings shall be located so that the exhaust air will not create a nuisance.
Ventilation requirements.
Enclosures or spaces where heat, gases, vapors or odors may accumulate and become a potential source of hazard or nuisance shall be provided with adequate means of ventilation to remove such excess.
Public spaces shall be provided with means for obtaining air supply for the maximum number of persons for which such spaces are designed.
Safety controls.
Manually operated controls shall be provided to stop the operation of all central fan equipment. Such controls shall be conspicuously identified and in readily accessible locations outside the fan room.
Every system using recirculated air and serving an assembly space for more than one (1) fire area or more than one (1) story of a building shall be provided with controls arranged so that, under abnormal rise in temperature of the air in the system, the fans causing normal circulation shall stop and require manual restart.
Every system for ventilating an assembly space shall be provided with an emergency switch conveniently located and with a durable sign giving instructions for shutting down the system in case of fire.
Air conditioning and ventilation in one- and two-family houses:
Exhaust air from a dwelling unit shall not be circulated to another dwelling unit.
Ducts shall be securely fastened in place and appropriately fire-stopped.