Every residential building shall be constructed and maintained to prevent fire hazards and in a manner conducive to fire safety.
A safe, continuous and unobstructed means of egress shall be provided from the interior of a residential building to the exterior at a street or to a yard, court or passageway leading to a public open area at grade level.
All doors in the required means of egress shall be readily opened from the inside without the use of keys.
Every dwelling unit and rooming unit shall have safe and unobstructed means of egress from the building. Such means of egress shall not lead through other dwelling units or rooming units or through bathrooms or water closet rooms.
Every dwelling unit and rooming unit located in a multiple dwelling or a rooming house shall have at least two (2) means of egress; such means shall be remote from each other. This shall also apply to a dwelling unit in a two-family house which is located entirely above the second floor.
Exits that cannot be cut off in case of fire shall be regarded as a minimum essential. These exits shall be such that, where necessary, they can safely be used by children, the infirm, aged and physically handicapped.
Multiple dwellings and buildings in which rooms are let to three (3) or more persons shall, in addition, have exits that comply with the requirements of the Multiple Residence Law.
All required fire escapes shall be maintained in good working condition and shall be structurally sound.
All exit signs shall be maintained illuminated and visible at all times.
The owner or his agent shall notify the occupant of the passageway to all required exits.
Floors, walls, ceilings and other elements and components of every residential building that require fire-resistance ratings shall be maintained so that said ratings are preserved.
All fire safety systems and equipment shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times.
Every multiple dwelling or rooming house built before September 1, 1976, shall be equipped with heat detectors approved by the Fire Department of the Village of Pelham.
Every multiple dwelling or rooming house built after September 1, 1976, shall be equipped with heat and smoke detectors approved by the Fire Department of the Village of Pelham.
Every one- and two-family house built after September 1, 1976, shall be equipped with smoke detectors approved by the Fire Department of the Village of Pelham.
Fire alarm and detecting systems shall be maintained and shall be suitable for their respective purposes.
Fire suppression systems shall be maintained in good condition, free from mechanical injury. Sprinkler heads shall be maintained clean, free of corrosion and paint and not bent or damaged.
In standpipe systems hose stations shall be identified and accessible. The hose shall be in proper position ready for operation, shall be dry and shall be free of deterioration.
All portable fire extinguishers shall be visible and accessible and maintained in an efficient and safe operating condition.
Waste, refuse or other materials shall not be allowed to accumulate in stairways, passageways, doors, windows, fire escapes or other means of egress or in any locations that might interfere with fire-fighting operations.
Highly flammable or explosive matter, such as paints, volatile oils and cleaning fluids, or combustible refuse, such as wastepaper, boxes and rags, shall not be accumulated or stored on premises, except in reasonable quantities consistent with normal usage.
All fuels stored on the premises for the operation of heat-producing equipment shall be stored in accordance with generally accepted practice and in a manner that will minimize the danger of fire. Fuel oil, gasoline and other highly flammable fuel shall be stored in a manner approved by the Fire Department of the Village of Pelham.
Walls and ceilings shall be maintained free from cracks and openings that would permit flame or excessive heat to enter the concealed space.
In buildings of mixed occupancy, nonresidential space shall be separated from residential space by approved fire separations that will retard the spread of fire.
Garages in or attached to a residential building shall have the floor elevation at least four (4) inches below adjacent floors and shall be separated from other spaces in the building by approved fire separations that will retard the spread of fire and prevent flammable or toxic vapors originating within the garage from being transmitted to other parts of the building.
Interior finish materials for acoustical correction, surface insulation and decorative treatment on the surfaces of walls and ceilings and interior trim shall be of materials that will not, in burning, give off excessive amounts of smoke or objectionable gases.
Fireplaces and similar construction used, or intended to be used, for burning fuel in open fires shall be connected to approved chimneys and shall be installed so that nearby or adjacent combustible materials and structural members shall not be heated to unsafe temperatures.
Hearths and linings or other parts of fireplaces exposed directly to flame shall be of materials that will not melt, disintegrate, spill or shatter at high temperatures.
Wood mantels and trim on fireplaces shall be placed and attached so that they cannot be heated to unsafe temperatures or ignited by sparks or embers from the fire.
A dwelling unit or rooming unit shall not be located within a structure containing an establishment handling, dispensing or storing flammable liquids with a flash point of one hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit (110º F.) or lower, except as provided for in the Building Code.