Every dwelling unit shall be maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary condition.
Every dwelling unit in a multiple residence, which is not covered by rent control or by separate agreement providing for painting, shall be painted at least once every three (3) years.
No person shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling unit that does not comply with the following requirements:
A dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling shall not be occupied by more than one (1) family, plus two (2) occupants unrelated to the family, except for guests or domestic employees.
The owner, or his agent, shall advise the occupants, in writing, of the maximum number of occupants permitted in the dwelling unit.
Every dwelling unit shall contain at least five hundred (500) square feet for occupancy by three (3) or fewer people, plus an addition of one hundred (100) square feet for each occupant in excess of three (3) persons.
At least one (1) room shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet.
Every habitable room shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven (7) feet six (6) inches throughout, except that not more than fifty percent (50%) of attic or half-story areas may have a lower sloping ceiling with a minimum height of five (5) feet.
In every dwelling unit of two (2) or more habitable rooms, every room occupied for sleeping purposes shall have at least one hundred (100) square feet of floor area for one (1) occupant, plus seventy-five (75) square feet of floor area per each additional person. For children under six (6) years old, the requirement shall be fifty (50) square feet per child for additional persons.
Every sleeping room shall be at least seven (7) feet wide.
Every sleeping room shall have a door to ensure privacy.
A kitchen shall not be used for sleeping purposes.
Rooms with floor elevation below grade shall not be used for sleeping purposes.
An alcove less than sixty (60) square feet shall be deemed part of the habitable room it abuts, provided that the dividing partition between the alcove and the room has an opening of at least eighty percent (80%) of the wall area of the partition, measured on the alcove side, such wall area is at least forty (40) square feet and the depth of such alcove is not more than half its width.
The floor area of the alcove shall be added to the floor area of the habitable room for the purpose of complying with the light and ventilation requirements under §§ 54-127, 54-128 and 54-129 of this code.
An alcove with an area of sixty (60) square feet or more, but less than eighty (80) square feet, shall be deemed part of the habitable room that it abuts, provided that it meets the requirements of Subsection A above and is separately lighted and ventilated as required for habitable space under this code.
Every dwelling unit occupied by two (2) or more persons that contains a room not intended primarily for either cooking or sleeping and is properly designed and equipped or especially furnished with kitchenette and bed furniture properly designed for daytime storage or other daytime uses, to be used as a combination of regular living and efficiency sleeping, may contain fifty (50) square feet less gross floor area than required in § 54-119C of this code but shall not be less than five hundred (500) square feet.
No dwelling unit shall have such room arrangement that the only access to a water closet or bathroom, to any habitable space, to any hall or to the exterior shall be through a water closet or bathroom or through the sleeping room or dwelling unit of another occupant.
No habitable room and no water closet or bathroom contained in a dwelling unit shall open directly into or be used in conjunction with any space used for public purposes.
Every dwelling unit shall have at least four (4) square feet of floor-to-ceiling-height closet space for the personal effects of each permissible occupant; if it is lacking, in whole or in part, an amount of space equal in square footage to the deficiency shall be subtracted from the area of habitable room space used in determining permissible occupancy.
Every dwelling unit and rooming unit located in a basement shall meet all the requirements of this code, but no such room below grade shall be used for sleeping.
Floors and outside walls of such dwelling units and rooming units shall be waterproofed and dampproofed.
All pipes, ducts and other obstructions that interfere with the normal use of the room shall be at least six and one-half (6 1/2) feet above the floor level.
The sills of all required windows shall be located no more than three (3) feet above floor level.
The exterior grade abutting any wall shall be at least six (6) inches below any window for a distance of at least five (5) feet from such wall.
No cellar shall be used as a habitable area.
Every habitable room shall have adequate sources of natural and artificial light.
Every nonhabitable room shall have an adequate source of natural or artificial light available at all times.
Natural light.
Every habitable room shall have at least one (1) window or skylight or transparent or translucent panel or any combination thereof facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate area available for unobstructed light shall be at least ten percent (10%) of the floor area of such rooms.
Whenever an obstruction is higher than the top of the window and less than five (5) feet from it, such window shall not be deemed to face directly to the outdoors nor shall it be included as contributing to the total window area.
Artificial light.
Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with at least one (1) fifteen-amp circuit. Such circuit shall not be shared with another dwelling unit.
Every habitable room and kitchen shall contain at least two (2) separate wall duplex electric convenience outlets, remote from each other, and one (1) supplied wall or ceiling electric light fixture. However, in lieu of a wall or ceiling fixture, an additional wall duplex electric convenience outlet is acceptable.
The artificial lighting equipment shall provide a minimum of one (1) watt per square foot of floor area.
Every nonhabitable room, including bathrooms, shower rooms, and water closet rooms and compartments shall be supplied with at least one (1) permanently installed ceiling or wall electric light fixture and one (1) wall electric convenience outlet.
Temporary wiring or extension cords shall not be used as permanent wiring.
Convenient switches for turning on one (1) light in each room or passageway shall be located so as to permit the area ahead to be lighted. Such switches shall be of such design as to avoid danger of electrical hazard.
There shall be a switch or other means for controlling a light in each dwelling unit near the point of entrance to such unit.
Every habitable room and every kitchen, bathroom, shower room, water closet room or compartment shall have at least one (1) window or skylight that can be easily opened or a mechanical device that will adequately ventilate such room.
Natural ventilation.
Openable areas for natural ventilation shall include windows, skylights, louvers, monitors and similar openings.
The total openable area for natural ventilation in habitable rooms shall be equal to forty-five percent (45%) of the minimum requirement for windows and skylights, as specified in § 54-127 of this code.
The total openable area for natural ventilation in bathrooms, shower rooms or water closet rooms or compartments shall be at least one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet facing open space.
Mechanical ventilation.
Required ventilation may be supplied by a mechanical device of a type approved by the Enforcement Officer.
The system shall be provided with proper openings for incoming and outgoing air to obtain the required circulation of air and shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained as to continuously provide adequate ventilation.
Every dwelling unit shall have a room or a portion of a room in which food may be prepared and cooked. Such room or area shall be provided with installed safe and adequate food preparation and cooking facilities or with utility connections for such facilities. Where cooking facilities are not supplied, adequate space and utility connections shall be provided where such connections are necessary. Such area shall be equipped with the following:
A kitchen sink of approved material, in good working condition, properly connected to a water supply system approved by the Enforcement Officer, which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure and which is connected to any approved sewer system.
A stove or similar device for cooking food, which is properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation.
A refrigerator for the safe storage of food at temperatures less than forty-five degrees Fahrenheit (45º F.) but more than thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit (32º F.) under maximum summer conditions, which is properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation.
Adequate cabinets and/or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking, cooking equipment and utensils and of food that does not, under ordinary maximum summer conditions, require refrigeration for safekeeping. Said equipment shall be of sound construction, with surfaces that are easily cleaned and that will not impart any toxic or deleterious effect to food.
The items listed in Subsection A(2) and (3) need not be installed when a dwelling unit is not occupied and when the prospective occupant is expected to provide same on occupancy.
Every dwelling unit shall have a room that affords privacy, equipped with a flush water closet, with easily cleanable surfaces, properly connected to a water system that, at all times, provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to cause it to operate properly and that shall be properly connected to a sewer system approved by the Enforcement Officer.
Every dwelling unit shall have a lavatory, which may be located in the same room as the flush water closet, or, if in another room, shall be close to the door leading directly into the room in which said water closet is located. The lavatory shall be in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system approved by the Enforcement Officer, which provides, at all times, an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure and which is properly connected to a sewer system approved by the Enforcement Officer. Water inlets for the lavatory shall be located above the overflow run of these facilities.
Every dwelling unit shall have a room that affords privacy that is equipped with a bathtub or shower in good working condition. Such bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the water closet or in another room. It shall be properly connected to a water supply system approved by the Enforcement Officer and shall provide an adequate amount of heated and unheated water under pressure, and it shall be properly connected to a sewer system approved by the Enforcement Officer.
In multiple dwellings, floors of bathrooms, shower rooms and water closet rooms and compartments shall be waterproof. Such waterproofing shall extend at least six (6) inches above floors except at doors, so that floors can be flushed or washed without leaking.
In one- and two-family houses, the floor surface of every bathroom, shower room and water closet or compartment shall be constructed or covered with a moisture-resistant finish or material. Such floors shall be kept clean and sanitary.
Every owner or operator of a building who permits to be occupied any dwelling unit or rooming unit therein under an agreement, expressed or implied, to supply or furnish heat to the occupants thereof shall supply heat adequate to maintain therein, from September 15 to May 15 of the following year, a minimum inside temperature of sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (65º F.), based on outside design temperature in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, shower rooms and toilet rooms or compartments, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and not less than sixty degrees (60º) between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Temperature requirements shall be measured thirty-six (36) inches from the floor at approximately the center of the room.
The provisions of this section shall not apply where the failure to maintain minimum requirements is caused by a general shortage of fuel, negligent or malicious act of the occupant, necessary repairs or alterations or any cause beyond the control of the owner or occupant such as might be mandated or recommended by the Westchester County Department of Health in an emergency crises.
Heating facilities, if such are under the occupant's control, shall be operated in order to maintain above-freezing temperatures, at all times, in all parts of the residential building, dwelling unit or rooming unit that is occupied, so as to prevent injury or damage to water pipes and plumbing.
The entrance door to a dwelling unit shall be equipped with safe, functioning locks.
Every door, when closed, shall fit reasonably well within its frame.
Every door, door hinge and door latch shall be maintained in good condition.
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a functioning doorbell.
Every dwelling unit shall be free from accumulations of garbage and rubbish that might become a health, accident or fire hazard.
Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of regularly by the occupant in the appropriate manner.
Disposal of garbage by garbage disposal units shall be in accordance with all applicable regulations of the Village of Pelham.
Flammable materials shall be stored safely or removed from the premises.
Every dwelling unit shall have facilities for the safe storage of drugs and household poisons.