[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Sayre 1-9-1967 by Ord. No. 429 as Ch. 31 of the 1967 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Alcoholic beverages — See Ch. 47.
Firearms — See Ch. 81.
Nuisances — See Ch. 111.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Be guilty of a breach of the peace, vagrancy, disorderly conduct or to engage in fighting or to incite others to fight or to engage in any unlawful act tending to imperil the personal security or to endanger or injure property within the borough.
Use loud, boisterous, profane, blasphemous or indecent or immoral language upon or near any of the public highways or public places or in a manner so as to annoy residents in the neighborhood or to make any unseemly noise or disturbance to the annoyance of the residents nearby.
Commit any act of lewdness or public indecency or exposure of person or to become intoxicated.
Loaf, loiter or stand upon any of the sidewalks or other public highways or places so as to interfere with the free and full passage of residents or travelers.
Set up, maintain, open or conduct any gambling place or device, immoral show, entertainment, unlawful drinking place, resort or house of prostitution or to be gathered in or participate in the operation of the same or to be a patron thereof.
Carry concealed any deadly weapon, unless authorized by law, or to discharge any gun or firearm, unless in defense of person or property; to possess, use or offer for sale any fireworks of any character at any time; to throw on or into any highway any stones, snowballs or other material; or to raise any false alarm of fire; provided, however, that upon approval by the Borough Council, the Chief of Police may issue a written permit for the discharge of firearms.
Interfere with borough police officers, resist arrest or fail to render assistance to the police officer when called upon by him; or to tamper with, destroy or otherwise interfere with any lights guardrails, signs or other property or materials placed in public places by the borough or any of its officials.
[Amended 10-21-1991 by Ord. No. 686]
Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding 30 days.