These regulations have been prepared and adopted
in accordance with Chapter 126 of the Connecticut General Statutes,
as amended.
The Planning Commission of the Town of Somers
declares that these regulations for the subdivision of land have been
designed to provide for the orderly growth and coordinated development
of the Town of Somers, to accomplish all of the purposes set forth
in Section 8-25 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, and
to accomplish the following specific goals:
A. To assure that the land to be subdivided is of such
character that it can be used for building purposes without danger
to health or the public safety.
B. To assure that proper provision is made for water,
drainage and sewerage.
C. To assure that in areas contiguous to brooks, rivers
or other bodies of water subject to flooding, proper provision is
made for protective flood control measures.
D. To assure that the proposed streets are in harmony
with existing or proposed principal thoroughfares shown in the Plan
of Development for the Town of Somers, especially in regard to safe
intersections with such thoroughfares, and that such streets are so
arranged and of such width as to provide an adequate and convenient
system for present and prospective traffic needs.
E. To assure that adequate provision is made for open
spaces, parks and playgrounds.
F. To assure that proper provision is made for soil erosion
and sediment control.
G. To encourage energy-efficient patterns of development
and land use, the use of solar and other renewable forms of energy
and energy conservation.
H. To protect existing and potential public surface and
ground drinking water supplies.
I. To promote with the greatest efficiency and economy
the coordinated development of the Town of Somers and the general
welfare and prosperity of its people.
J. To encourage the responsible and appropriate design
of subdivisions.
K. To maximize the preservation of natural terrain and
drainage lines and such natural assets as ponds, streams, shrubs and
trees, and to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to these
natural features in the design of any subdivision.
L. To assure the provision of adequate utility services
and public facilities to serve each subdivision.
M. To prevent the unreasonable pollution, impairment
or destruction of the public trust in the air, water and other natural
resources of the Town of Somers.