[Adopted 4-11-2000 by Ord. No. 393]
The Collector of Taxes shall assess and collect at least the following fees and costs in all monition proceedings under the Charter of The Mayor and Council of New Castle. The following fees and costs are intended to be the minimum to be assessed and collected, and in the event that the City incurs fees and costs in excess of those listed, the city shall assess and collect the greater of what is listed or the actual fees and costs incurred, as follows:
For initial deed and lien search: $40.
For title search, if necessary: $100.
City Solicitor's fees for initial investigation, certified mailing to property owners, preparation of initial praecipe and preparation of praecipe for monition and notice to property owners and lien holders of the date of sale of the property: $500.
Prothonotary's filing fee: $20.
Sheriff's charge: $25.
For posting of monitions notice on property: $25.
Postage for certified mailings: $6.50.
In addition to the minimum fees set forth above, the Collector of Taxes shall assess and collect:
All reasonable attorney's fees actually incurred by the city in excess of those set forth above based on the City Solicitor's hourly rate and the actual time spent in each monition proceeding.
All reasonable maintenance expenses incurred by the city which are connected to the property to protect the health, safety and welfare of the municipality.
This article shall become effective immediately upon adoption by Council and signature of the Mayor and shall apply to any actions taken in any monition proceedings currently pending in or filed thereafter with the Superior Court Prothonotary.