The Select Board may, either permanently or seasonally, impose such restrictions on the gross registered weight of vehicles as may, in its judgment, be necessary to protect the traveling public and prevent abuse of the highways and designate the Town ways and bridges to which the restrictions shall apply. Whenever notice has been posted as provided herein, no person may thereafter operate any vehicle with a gross registered weight in excess of the restriction during any applicable time period on any way or bridge so posted unless otherwise exempt as provided herein.
The notice shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: the name of the way or bridge, the gross registered vehicle weight limit, the time period during which the restriction applies, the date on which the notice was posted, and the signatures of the Select Board. The notice shall be conspicuously posted at each end of the restricted portion of the way or bridge in a location clearly visible from the travelway.
Whenever a restriction expires or is lifted, the notices shall be removed wherever posted. Whenever a restriction is revised or extended, existing notices shall be removed and replaced with new notices.
No person may remove, obscure, or otherwise tamper with any notice so posted except as provided herein.
[Amended 6-11-2003]
The following vehicles shall be exempt from weight limit restrictions posted pursuant to this article:
Any two-axle vehicle while delivering home heating fuel.
Any vehicle while engaged in highway maintenance or repair under the direction of the state or Town.
Any emergency vehicle while responding to an emergency.
Any school transportation vehicle while transporting students.
Any public utility vehicle while providing emergency services or repairs.
Any vehicle whose owner or operator holds a valid permit from the Select Board or the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) as provided herein. Said permit must be carried in the vehicle for the exemption to apply.
Any empty vehicle driven by a resident of the road traveling to or from his place of residence.
The owner or operator of any vehicle not otherwise exempt as provided herein may apply, in writing, to the Select Board for a permit to operate on a posted way or bridge notwithstanding the restriction. The Select Board may issue a permit only upon all of the following findings:
No other route is reasonably available to the applicant.
It is a matter of economic necessity and not mere convenience that the applicant use the way or bridge.
The applicant has tendered cash, a bond or other suitable security running to the Town in an amount sufficient, in its judgment, to repair any damage to the way or bridge which may reasonably result from the applicant's use of the same.
Even as the Select Board makes the foregoing findings, it need not issue a permit if it determines that the applicant's use of the way or bridge could reasonably be expected to create or aggravate a safety hazard or cause substantial damage. The Select Board may also limit the number of permits issued or outstanding as may, in its judgment, be necessary to preserve and protect the highways. In determining whether to issue a permit, the Select Board shall consider the following factors:
The gross registered weight of the vehicle.
The current and anticipated condition of the way or bridge.
The number and frequency of vehicle trips proposed.
The cost and availability of materials and equipment for repairs.
The extent of use by other exempt vehicles.
Such other circumstances as, in its judgment, are relevant.
The Select Board may issue permits subject to reasonable conditions, including but not limited to restrictions on actual load weight and the number or frequency of vehicle trips, which shall be clearly noted on the permit.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Any violation of this article shall be a civil infraction subject to a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $4,000. Each violation shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to any fine, the Town may seek restitution for the cost of repairs to any damaged way or bridge and reasonable attorney fees and costs. Prosecution shall be in the name of the Town and be brought in the Maine District Court.