This zone is designed for single-family residential use.
The permitted uses are:
Recreational uses, subject to the provisions in § 134-66.
Public buildings, subject to the provisions in § 134-66.
The office of a professional person limited to lawyers, accountants, music teachers and artists, provided that such persons reside on the premises. Not more than two persons other than a resident of the premises shall be employed by such professional person and that not more than 1/2 of the floor area of one story or the basement shall be devoted to such use. No merchandise or materials, either assembled or unassembled, may be received into a residence for the purpose of assembling, fabricating, storing or reselling. No use permitted by this section shall result in any permitted professional use operating in this zone in other than a building strictly residential in appearance. Except for permitted signs, there shall be no physical evidence of said use visible from the exterior of the building so used. Such use is subject to the requirements of § 134-8.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 2(d) of this ordinance, which immediately followed this subsection and which dealt with multiple-family dwellings, was repealed 10-8-1979.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the R-1 zone:
Home occupation.
Private garage.
The keeping of domestic animals commonly accepted as household pets.
The keeping of horses for riding purposes only, provided that such horses are owned by the resident, and their number does not exceed the following schedule:
First horse: two acres minimum.
Each additional horse: one additional acre, but in no event more than five horses.
Any use which the Board of Adjustment determines is one customarily incident to the principal permitted use on the premises other than a nonconforming use.
All setback requirements for accessory uses shall be those indicated in the Schedule of Dimensional Regulations.[1]
[Added 12-10-1990 by Ord. No. 286]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Dimensional Regulations is included at the end of this chapter.
The keeping of poultry subject to the following: Only hen poultry that are owned by the resident may be kept on residentially used property. Shelters, pens, runs and so forth must not be closer than 15 feet from any adjoining property. Poultry must be penned and not allowed to free range. A maximum of five poultry per 10,000 square feet of property shall be allowed with a total of 25 maximum for any size lot within this zone.
[Added 4-8-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-3]
Editor's Note: Former § 134-16, Supplemental regulations, as amended, was repealed 3-10-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-1. See now the Schedule of Dimensional Regulations, which can be found as an attachment to this chapter.