[Adopted 7-3-1961]

Permits (§ 214-27 — § 214-35) 

§ 214-27
Provisions to be enforced. 

§ 214-28
Imposition of conditions for issuance. 

§ 214-29

§ 214-30
Compliance required. 

§ 214-31
Village not to be liable. 

§ 214-32
Notification of intention to close. 

§ 214-33

§ 214-34
Duration of excavation. 

§ 214-35
Clerk to make provisions known. 

The provisions of Article I of this Chapter 214 shall be strictly enforced.

The following conditions are hereby imposed upon the issuance of permits for excavation in the public streets in the Village of Blasdell.

Application in writing shall be made and signed by the person, firm or corporation seeking a permit for excavation, or its duly authorized agent, on forms provided by the Village of Blasdell.

The applicant shall agree to comply with all the provisions of Article I of this chapter and other applicable provisions of law.

The applicant shall agree to hold harmless the Village of Blasdell from any loss, liability or damage that may result or accrue because of the making, existence or manner of guarding or constructing any such excavation.

The applicant shall agree to notify the Superintendent of Public Works of intention to close the excavation until a reasonable time is allowed for inspection of village pipes and lines encountered in any excavation.

Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.

The applicant shall pay an administrative fee as set by the Board of Trustees with each application for permit to the Superintendent of Public Works of the village prior to the issuance of such permit.

Editor's Note: A complete schedule of fees is on file in the office of the Village Clerk and may be examined there during regular office hours.

The applicant shall agree that the excavation shall remain open only so long as is reasonably necessary to complete the object or purpose for its being made.

The Village Clerk is authorized and directed to communicate to all known interested parties the provisions of this Part 2 and the conditions herein imposed.