[Adopted 5-26-1987 as Ch. 18, Part 2 of the 1987 Code of Ordinances]
This article shall be cited and known as "The Antrim Township Building Sewer Code."
Unless the context specifically and clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms and phrases used in this article shall be as follows:
The extension from the sewage drainage system of any structure to the lateral of a sewer.
A receptacle intended to receive and discharge sanitary sewerage and/or industrial waste into a building sewer and sewer system.
Any property located within this Township upon which there is erected a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes shall or may be discharged. The term "improved property" shall not include or apply to barns or other farm outbuildings unless such structures are improved with bathroom facilities for the discharge of sanitary sewage.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or waterborne wastes or form of energy rejected or escaping in the course of any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or in the course of the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinguished from sanitary sewage.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
That part of the sewer system extending from a sewer to a curbline or, if there is no curbline, to a point designated by the Township.
If no such lateral shall be provided, then "lateral" shall mean that portion of or place in a sewer which is provided for connection of any building sewer.
A local ventilating pipe is a pipe through which foul air is removed from a room or a fixture.
Any person vested with ownership, legal or equitable, sole or partial, of any improved property.
Any individual, partnership, company, association, society, corporation, school district, municipality, municipality authority or other group or entity.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
Normal water-carried household and toilet wastes discharged from any improved property.
Any portion of the Township which has public sewers constructed and available for use.
Any pipe, main or conduit constituting a part of the sewer system and used or usable for collection and transportation of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
All facilities, as of any particular time, for collecting, transporting, pumping, treating and disposing of wastewater to be acquired and/or to be constructed and to be owned by the Authority and to be leased to the Township for maintenance, operation and use.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
The Township of Antrim, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, a municipality of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and through its Board of Supervisors or, in appropriate cases, acting by and through its authorized representatives.
A fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the passage of air or gas through a pipe without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.
The vertical distance between the crown weir and the dap of the trap.
Any pipe provided to ventilate a house drainage system and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure.
All fixtures and drains in any structure within a service area must be connected to the building sewer of that structure.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to connect a building sewer system of the Township before such building sewer has been properly inspected.
The Township or its Building Sewer Inspector shall have the right to inspect the interior drainage systems of all buildings and structures within a service area to determine that sewer pipes from all fixtures are connected to the building sewer and that there are no prohibited or illegal connections to the building sewer of any such building or structure.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Section 204, Committee of Sanitation, was deleted 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246.
There is hereby created the office of Sewer Inspector for the Township. He or she shall be competent by education and/or experience to administer this article and shall not engage in or be connected directly or indirectly with the business of installing sewers within the Township. He or she shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the Township and shall receive such compensation as the Township may from time to time provide. It shall be his or her duty to inspect all building sewer systems in conformity with the provisions of law and this article. The Sewer Inspector shall be charged with the duty of enforcing this article and shall have the power to bring appropriate proceedings before the District Justice for the Township.
A fee, as set forth from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, shall be paid to the Township by the owner for the inspection of a building sewer for a building or structure existing at the time of adoption of this article or constructed after the adoption of this article.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
A fee, as set forth from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, will be charged for each additional inspection required due to failure to pass the initial inspection.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
All fees shall be paid prior to or at the time of a request for inspection of a building sewer.
Editor's Note: For the current fee schedule, see Ch. A155, Fees.
It shall be the duty of the Township Sewer Inspector to inspect all building sewers for conformity with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Township.
No building sewer installation shall be covered or concealed in any manner until after it has been inspected and approved by the Sewer Inspector.
Notice shall be given at the Township office when the work is sufficiently advanced for inspection, and it shall be the duty of said Inspector to inspect the same within three working days after receipt of such notification.
Any alteration, extension, addition or removal of a building sewer shall also be inspected by the Sewer Inspector and shall be subject to his or her approval in the same manner as new building sewer installations.
Rules and regulations for the construction, repair, replacement or removal of any portion of a building sewer in the Township and any modifications, amendments or changes thereto as promulgated by the Board of Supervisors shall become effective on the date of approval thereof by the Board of Supervisors of the Township.
Rules and regulations for the construction, repair, replacement or removal of building sewers in Antrim Township shall be as follows:
Change in direction. All changes in direction shall be made by the approximate use of 45° wyes, half wyes, long sweep bend, short sweep bend, sixth, eighth, or sixteenth bends, except that single sanitary tees and double sanitary tees may be used on vertical stacks and quarter bends may be used in soil and waste lines where the change in direction flow is from the horizontal to the vertical.
Sump pumps. No sump pump used to discharge stormwater, underground seepage or any other type of water shall be connected into the sewer system.
Sewage sump pumps. Sump pumps or other pumps used to discharge sewage as defined by Township ordinance shall be inspected by the Sewer Inspector prior to connection into the sewer system and such pumps shall not be connected to the sewer system until after approval by the Sewer Inspector.
Minimum slope of building sewer pipe. The minimum slope of a four-inch building sewer shall be 1/4 inch per foot. Building sewers of a larger diameter may be constructed at a flatter slope. Prior to construction, the minimum slope of such larger building sewers must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Quality of materials. All materials used in any drainage or building sewer, or part thereof, shall be free from defects.
Label, cast or stamped. Each length of pipe, fitting trap, fixture and device used in a building sewer shall be stamped or indelibly marked with the weight or quality thereof and the maker's mark or name.
Vitrified clay pipe. All vitrified clay pipe and bedding shall conform to the ASTM "Standard Specifications for Extra Strength Clay Sewer Pipe."
Cast iron pipe. All cast iron pipe and fittings shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings" approved by American Standards Association. Pipe and fittings shall be of weights known as extra heavy, uncoated and in accordance with the following table:
Weight Per Foot
Weight Single Hub Length
Weight Double Hub Length
Wrought iron pipe. All wrought iron pipe shall conform to the ASTM "Standard Specifications for Welded Wrought Iron Pipe" (in accordance with federal specifications) and shall be galvanized.
Mild-steel pipe. All steel pipe shall conform to the ASTM "Standard Specifications for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe" (in accordance with federal specifications) and shall be galvanized.
Brass and copper pipe.
Brass and copper pipe shall conform, respectively, to the standard specifications of the ASTM for "Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes" and for "Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes" (in accordance with federal specifications).
Copper waste piping shall conform to federal specifications for tubing. D.W.V. tubing may be used for drainage, with Type K tubing for branch lines serving only underground branches.
Asbestos-cement pipe shall be in accordance with Federal Specification SS-P-331B.
Sheet lead. Sheet lead shall weigh not less than four pounds per square foot.
Acid and chemical waste pipes. Acid and chemical waste pipes shall be of materials unaffected by the discharge of such wastes, as approved by the Township.
Plastic pipe shall be ABS-DMV Schedule 40 or approved equal. Pipe and bedding must conform to the latest ASTM Specifications D 2321.
Thread fittings. All drainage fittings shall be of cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, brass or plastic of standard weight and dimensions. All drainage fittings shall have new improved recess installed throughout, with smooth interior waterway, with threads tapped out of solid metal, and with the long turn pattern.
Traps. The main soil line must be provided with a vented house trap, known as a building sewer trap, no less than four inches, vented on the house side.
Trap location in sewered area. The building sewer drain should be provided with a horizontal intercepting trap placed inside the cellar wall or on the outside as close to the cellar wall as possible. If the main soil line has an existing trap in the basement, it will be approved and the property owner will not be required to place a trap outside the wall.
Inspection tee and cleanout. Immediately adjacent to the end of the lateral provided by the Township, or as close thereto as practical, a standard tee with a vertical cleanout to the surface shall be constructed for inspection purposes. Adjacent to the inspection tee a standard cleanout shall be constructed.
Prohibited traps. No form of trap which depends for its seal upon the action of movable parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used.
Trap levels and protection. All traps shall be set true with respect to their water seals and protected from frost.
Interceptor pit.
Public garages and car wash stands shall install a grease, oil, gasoline, silt or sand interceptor, placed as to be readily accessible for cleaning and connection to the building sewer.
Reinforcement should follow standard procedures as approved by the Sewer Inspector.
The interceptor shall have two compartments of at least three feet by three feet by three feet each below the waterline. The center partition shall be six inches thick and shall extend nine inches above the waterline and shall be provided with two five-inch diameter openings, 18 inches center and placed 18 inches above the floor.
There shall be a two-inch difference in flow lines between the inlet and outlet of the interceptor. The outlet pipe shall be a sanitary tee extending to within 18 inches of the bottom and to 12 inches above the waterline.
No fixture connection carrying sanitary sewage shall be permitted to flow through the interceptor.
Floor drains. Floor drains from houses shall not be connected to the sewer system. Floor drains from service stations or garages for washing cars must be connected to the sewer system.
Pipe cleanout fittings shall be installed no more than 70 feet apart in horizontal lines of four inches nominal diameter or less. When installed in underground lines they shall be extended to or above the finished grade, directly above the place where the cleanout is installed. A cleanout shall be installed at all changes in horizontal direction.
If the building sewer is less than 70 feet in length and has no changes in horizontal direction, a cleanout shall be installed either inside the cellar wall or just outside the cellar wall on the downhill side of the house trap.
Drainage below sewer level. In all buildings in which all or part of the house drainage and plumbing system lies below the crown level of the main sewer, sewage or house wastes shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged into the building sewer.
Sumps and receiving tanks. All subhouse drains shall discharge into an airtight sump or receiving tank so located as to receive the sewage by gravity, from which sump or receiving tank the sewage shall be lifted and discharged into the building sewer by pumps, ejectors or any equally efficient method. Such sumps shall be either automatically discharged or be of sufficient capacity to receive the house sewage and wastes for not less than 12 hours.
Ejector, vented. The soil or vent pipe leading to an ejector or other appliance for raising sewage or other waste matter to the sewer system, where a water closet or closets are installed, shall be provided with a vent pipe not less in diameter than the soil pipe to which the water closet or closets are connected, and, where fixtures other than water closets are installed, the waste vent pipe shall be of the same diameter as the waste pipe.
Motors, compressors, etc. All motors, air compressors and air tanks shall be located where they are open for inspection and repair at all times. The air tanks shall be so proportioned as to be of equal cubical capacity to the ejectors connected therewith, in which there shall be maintained an air pressure of not less than two pounds for each foot of height the sewage is to be raised.
Inspections. All pipings and traps of a building sewer shall be inspected by the Sewer Inspector to ensure compliance with the requirements of this article.
It shall be the duty of the owner to notify the Sewer Inspector orally, by telephone, or in writing, not less than eight working hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. before the work is to be inspected or tested.
It shall be the duty of the owner to determine that the work will stand the test prescribed before giving the above notification.
If the Board of Supervisors finds that the work will not stand the test, the owner shall be required to renotify as above.
If the Sewer Inspector fails to appear within three working days of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made and the owner shall file an affidavit with the Township that the work was installed in accordance with this article, that it was free from defects, that the required test was made and the system found to be free from leaks and that the owner or his or her authorized agent was present when such inspection or test was made or was duly notified.
Material and labor for tests. The equipment, material, power and labor necessary for the inspection and tests shall be furnished by the owner or his or her authorized agent.
Covering of work. No building sewer or part thereof shall be covered until it has been inspected, tested and approved as herein prescribed.
Uncovering of work. If any building sewer or part thereof is covered before being regularly inspected, tested and approved, as herein prescribed, it shall be uncovered upon the direction of the Inspector.
Defective work. If inspection or testing shows defects, such defective work or material shall be replaced within three days and inspection and testing shall not be repeated.
Methods of building sewer testing.
System test. All of the piping of a building sewer shall be tested with water or air. The property owner shall have the right to select the method of testing to be used.
Water test. The water test shall be applied to the building sewer in its entirety or in sections. If applied to the entire system, all opening in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the highest opening, and the system shall be filled with water to a point five feet above the portion of the building sewer under test. The water test shall be conducted for a period of 15 minutes. If the building sewer is to be tested in sections, each opening shall be tightly plugged, except the highest opening of the section under test, and each section shall be tested with no less than a five-foot head of water for a period of 15 minutes. The maximum allowable volume of water lost during the fifteen-minute period shall be based on 100 gallons per inch of diameter per mile of pipe per day. (Example: A four-inch building sewer 100 feet long could infiltrate nine ounces and pass the test).
Air test. The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor or test apparatus to any suitable opening and closing all other inlets and outlets to the system, then forcing the air into the system until there is a uniform pressure sufficient to balance a column of mercury 10 inches in height or five pounds per square inch on the entire system. The pressure shall be allowed two minutes to stabilize, at which time the pressure shall be brought back up to five pounds per square inch. All air hoses shall be disconnected and if after four minutes the pressure registers 3.5 pounds per square inch or greater, the system will have passed the test.
Garage and drainage system. With respect to a garage or any part of a garage, the same tests and inspection of the building sewer shall be made as in the case of an ordinary dwelling.
Certificate of approval. Upon the satisfactory completion and final testing of a building sewer, a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Inspector upon request.
Air test of defective building sewer. An air test shall be used in testing the sanitary condition of the building sewer of any building where there is reason to believe that it has become defective. In any building condemned by the Township because of unsanitary conditions of the building sewer, the alterations of such sewer shall not be considered as repairs, but as new plumbing. All necessary alterations, repairs and retesting shall be completed within 30 days after such condemnation.
Building sewers to all new houses not existing at the time this article was adopted shall be inspected and tested in strict accordance with this section.
This article shall be enforced by action brought before a District Justice in the same manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure. Any person who violates or permits the violation of this article shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues, or is permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense. Each section of this article that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
Any person who violates or permits a violation of any of the duly approved rules and regulations of the Township regarding the construction, reconstruction, testing or removal of any portion of a building sewer, shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be punishable by a fine of not more $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues, or is permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense. Each section of the rules and regulations that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense. These rules and regulations shall be enforced by action brought before a District Justice in the same manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure.
[Amended 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 246]
All fines and penalties assessed hereunder shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Township for deposit in the general funds of the Township.