[Adopted 5-26-1998 by Ord. No. 252]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Water Well Regulations" to the Code of the Township of Antrim.
The intention of this article is to ensure and protect the quality and suitability of domestic water supply and to secure and maintain the minimum required isolation distances between water supplies and sewage disposal systems or other sources of contamination.
This article shall apply to all wells which have not been completed or which are not in operation or in an inoperable condition at the time of passage of this article.
This article shall further apply to the reconstruction, major repair and other changes to existing wells, when, in the opinion of the inspecting officer, such reconstruction, major repair and other changes may affect the quality and suitability of the water supply on the property upon which the well is constructed or on surrounding properties.
The following standards shall apply:
Location. Drilled and driven wells shall be located at a point free from flooding at the following minimum distances to existing or possible future sources of pollution:
Minimum Distance
Storm drains
Drains carrying domestic sewage or industrial wastes
Septic or holding tanks
Surface/subsurface sewage disposal fields
Sewage seepage pits, cesspools
Fuel tanks
As approved
Other (ditches, streams, barnyards, rainwater pits, etc.)
As approved
Additional location restrictions
Principal structure/dwelling
Property lines
Source of water. The source of supply shall be from a water-bearing formation drawn not less than 100 feet from the ground surface, with at least 20 feet of properly grouted well casing, and from no formation which is subject to pollution.
The well shall have a watertight and durable wrought iron, steel or other type of approved casing with a nominal thickness of 3/16 (0.1875) inches and 6 5/8 inches outside diameter. The sections shall be joined together by threaded couplings, joints, by welding or any other watertight approved joint or coupling.
Twenty feet from the finishing grade and in any case shall be extended 10 feet into bedrock or other impervious strata. Driven wells shall be provided with a drive shoe or other effective casing seal.
The casing shall be sealed effectively against entrance of water from water-bearing formations, which are subject to pollution, through which the casing may pass. If casings of smaller diameter are used in the lower portions of the well, effective watertight seals shall be provided between the casings where they telescope. In such instances, sections of casing shall telescope for a minimum distance of four feet.
The top of the well casing shall extend a minimum of eight to 12 inches above the finished grade of the lot so that contaminated water or other substances cannot enter the well through the annular opening at the top of the well casing, wall or pipe sleeve.
Every potable water well shall be equipped with an overlapping cover of the top of the well casing or pipe sleeve. Covers shall extend downward at least two inches over the outside of the well casing or wall. All well caps shall indicate well driller's main, depth of well and depth of casing.
Where pump sections or discharged pipes enter or leave a well through the side of the casing, the circle of contact shall be watertight. The use of plastic/nylon adapters for this purpose is not acceptable. A brass pitless adapter with brass connectors or equivalent are required.
All potable water wells and springs shall be constructed so that surface drainage will be diverted away from the well or spring.
Any pump room or any enclosure around the well pump shall be drained and protected from freezing by heating or other approved means. Where pumps are installed in basements, they shall be mounted on a block or shall not be less than 18 inches above the basement floor. Well pits shall be prohibited.
Water service. Size of water service pipe. The minimum diameter of water service pipe shall be 3/4 inch separation of water service and building sewer/drain water service pipe shall be installed 12 inches above sewer drains.
Drilled wells. Any restoration/repair of wells with casing terminating below grade shall be raised above grade to eight to 12 inches minimum.
Springs. Before rehabilitation shall begin on an existing spring, a report shall be made to determine the advisability of said reconstruction, which shall include, as a minimum, quality and quantity of water. Springs for new construction are not considered an adequate water supply and will not be considered as valid for the issuance of a building permit. Reconstructed springs shall be completely enclosed by walls and a cover of reinforced concrete or equally durable watertight material. The cover shall have a firm foundation so as to effectively prevent settling. The uphill wall shall be so constructed as to prevent entrance of surface water. Where manhole covers are used, the manholes shall be at least 24 inches in diameter. It shall extend at least three inches above the surrounding ground surface and be covered by an impervious durable cover of concrete, steel or equivalent material which overlaps the manhole vertically by at least two inches. The manhole shall be kept secured by bolting, locking or equivalent means, and shall be kept so secured.
Abandoned water supplies. Wells, springs, cisterns and water storage tanks which are no longer in use shall be removed, filled or otherwise maintained in a condition such as to prevent access by unauthorized persons or animals, to prevent accidental injury and to effectively prevent pollution of groundwater. Abandoned wells shall be completely filled with cement or equal impervious material.
Permits shall be issued on a form provided by the Township of Antrim, which shall be executed by the duly authorized inspecting officer. All permits shall be issued to the property owners or their duly authorized representative/well driller.
All permits shall be in effect as of the date of issuance and shall remain in effect for a period of six months. In the event that water supply construction under the permit has not been completed at the expiration of six months from the date of issuance, the permit shall expire.
Inspection. Upon completion of construction, or at such other time as the Township inspecting officer may deem appropriate, the inspecting officer shall perform a final inspection of the well/water supply to determine whether there has been compliance with the permit issued.
Approval. Upon completion of the inspection, the inspecting officer shall:
Issue an "approval of operation" upon the original permit; or
Deny such approval due to noncompliance with the permit issued, in which event written reasons for such denial shall be noted on the original permit.
Driller's report. A report for each well shall be prepared by the driller and shall be submitted to the Township of Antrim for evaluation and approval. The well report shall contain the following pertinent information:
Owner of property.
Date of completion.
Depth of well.
Well driller.
Type and size of casing.
Type of test pump used.
Address and lot number.
Depth of casing.
Static water level.
Yield in gallons/minimum.
Pump output in gallons/minimum.
Owner's report. Subsequent to house construction, but prior to occupancy, the owner/contractor shall initiate appropriate action to have the on-site water supply tested by a certified laboratory and provide to the Township of Antrim a laboratory report containing the following information:
Total coliform.
Hardness: equivalent calcium carbonates.
Fecal coliform.
A request for an extension to a permit must be submitted to the Township, in writing, 10 days before the expiration date of the permit. Extensions are limited to 30 days. Subsequent requests must be accompanied by an application for a new permit with the appropriate fee.
In the event that a permit expires and construction has not begun, an application for a new permit must be submitted with the appropriate fee.
Expiration of a permit during construction will result in the landowner being prosecuted in accordance with the violations provision of this article.
This article shall be enforced by an action brought before a District Justice in the same manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure. The Municipal Solicitor may assume charge of the prosecution without the consent of the District Attorney as required under Pa. R. Crim. P. No. 83(c) (relating to trial in summary cases). Any person who violates or permits a violation of this article, shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 90 days.
This article also may be enforced by the Township of Antrim through an action in equity brought in the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, Pennsylvania.
For the purpose of this article, each day or portion thereof that such violation continues, or is permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, a violation of each section of this article shall constitute a separate offense.
The provisions of this article shall be severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such unconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this article.
No responsibility or liability for the construction of any well/water supply shall be deemed to be assumed or accepted by the Township of Antrim or its officers, agents or employees by virtue of the terms of this article or otherwise.