[Adopted 9-3-2002]
Editor's Note: The Sunny Acres/Blue Development Sewer District was merged with the Central (Original) Sewer District 1-6-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-1. See Art. XIV of this chapter for an enumeration of the impacts of said merger on this article.
In an effort to avoid problems when roots or other items found in sewer laterals are flushed into the main line and could cause problems within the main line, the Borough of Riverside hereby adopts the following as a sewer line maintenance policy.
[Amended 9-19-2011 by Ord. No. 09-11]
It shall be the responsibility of any company, business or individual working on sewer laterals within the boundaries of the Borough of Riverside to contact the Borough Manager/Borough Secretary at the Borough office and provide the following: the location of the work site, dates, times, and type of repair or flushing to the sewer lateral.