Each development plan shall provide for sewage disposal in accordance with the following requirements:
[Ord. #585, § 512]
Sewage disposal using septic systems shall be designed in accordance with P.L. 199 and shall be approved by the Township Health Officer.
[Ord. #585, § 512B]
Wherever public sewers are available, all sewage disposal shall utilize public sewers, designed in accordance with the requirements of the Township Sewerage Authority or the appropriate operating agency.
[Ord. #585, § 512C]
In areas where public sewers are intended to be provided as indicated in the Township's Master Plan, but have not yet been installed, package treatment plants may be used temporarily. However, at such time as public sewers become available, the project must be tied into the public system and the use of the package treatment plan discontinued.
The sewerage system shall be designed to accommodate the future tie-in to the public system.
The developer shall design the package treatment plant in accordance with the requirements of all applicable federal and state agencies, and the design shall be approved by these and all required local agencies, including the Township Sewerage Authority.
Prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy, the package treatment plant shall be turned over to and owned, maintained and operated by the Township Sewerage Authority; however, all costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the plant shall be paid for by its users.
The site occupied by the plant and its surrounding area shall be landscaped to visually screen the facility from the remainder of the development and from all surrounding properties.
Adequate provision for access to the plant by the Township Sewerage Authority shall be provided.