[Ord. #585, § 760, § 6410;
Ord. #1103, § 38]
Each parking space shall meet the following
minimum dimensional requirements:
a. Residential:
1. Within a garage or under a cover: 10 feet by 20 feet.
2. Located on an open lot*: nine feet by 20 feet.
b. Nonresidential:
1. Within a garage or under a cover: 10 feet by 20 feet.
2. Located on an open lot* and used for short term parking
as retail shopping: 10 feet by 20 feet.
3. Located on an open lot* and used for long term parking
such as for employees: nine feet by 20 feet.
4. Compact spaces for long-term parking**: eight feet
by 16 feet.
*The length of any parking stall may be reduced
by two feet if the front of the stall abuts a curb or other approved
wheel stop and the two feet is not used for any other purpose such
as sidewalks.
**Compact spaces must be marked with double
[Ord. #585, § 610C; Ord. #641;
Ord. #1103, § 39]
a. All off-street parking areas shall meet the following
1. All off-street parking, other than for agricultural
purposes, shall be paved with a minimum of 1.5 inches of bituminous
concrete (FABC) placed on top of a minimum of 3.5 inches of stabilized
base and a minimum of four inches of compacted subbase, Type 5A, or
an equivalent as approved by the Township Engineer.
2. All parking and loading areas shall be curbed with
granite block or concrete curbing constructed to Township standard
specifications unless the applicant can demonstrate that elimination
of the curbing will not decrease the useful life of the pavement,
have a negative effect on drainage or increase maintenance costs.
3. All parking and loading areas shall have convenient
means of ingress and egress.
The applicant shall demonstrate to the Board
that ingress and egress will not adversely affect the flow of traffic
on Township roadways.
Traffic circulation shall be designed to minimize
the use of aisles serving parking areas.
For nonresidential uses, parking areas with
more than 25 spaces shall have separate entrances and exits.
Where a combined entrance and exit is provided,
the access road shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width.
Where separate entrances and exits are provided,
the minimum roadway width shall be 15 feet.
4. In the case of multifamily housing, no more than one
required parking space may be located in or may be a driveway to a
5. Parking areas shall be designed with aisles meeting
the following standards. Where the angle of parking is different on
both sides of the aisle, the larger aisle width shall prevail.
Angle of Parking Spaces
One-Way Aisle
Two-Way Aisle
6. If a parking lot has an area of less than 8,000 square
feet, an area equal to 5% of the lot shall be maintained as open space.
If a parking lot has an area of greater than 8,000 square feet, an
area equal to 10% of the lot shall be maintained as open space. The
open space shall be within the perimeter of the lot and shall be appropriately
planted or designed for the retention of existing trees. All plantings
shall be protected by curbing, bumpers or bollards. Within any parking
area there shall be at least one three-inch to four-inch caliper or
larger shade tree for each 10 spaces.
7. All portions of the property not used for off-street
parking, loading or access shall be attractively landscaped with lawns,
trees and shrubs as approved by the Board. Parking areas visible from
a street shall, through the use of landscaping, be intermittently
8. Striping and directional and traffic safety signs
shall be provided throughout the parking, loading and circulation
areas in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
9. All lighting shall be so arranged and shielded to
reflect light downward and away from adjoining streets and properties.
(See Section 21-41.)