[Added 1993 by Ord. No. 227]
It shall be the responsibility of the Town Council and its authorized agent, the Planning and Zoning Commission, to administer the zoning ordinances of the Town.
[Amended 1996 by Ord. No. 305; 10-22-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-425; 1-10-2011 by Ord. No. 469; 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 681]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of five members, each residing within the corporate limits of the Town, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Town Council. The residency requirement shall not apply to sitting members of the Commission as of the effective date of this section. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, other than their expenses. The term of the members of the Commission shall be three years, except that the initial term of two members shall be for one year, and the term for two members shall be for the two years. No more than two consecutive full terms may be served. If a member serves two consecutive terms, he or she may not be appointed again for a two-year period. In the event a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor, with consent of the Town Council, for the unexpired portion of the term. In order to provide for a uniform termination date for the Commission members, the term of any member may be lengthened or shortened by resolution of the Town Council at any time or by motion at the time of appointment of a member. Each January the Commission shall vote for the Commission member to serve as Chairman for the next year. Members shall notify staff no later than one hour prior to a scheduled meeting if they will be unable to attend. A member violating this provision three times within any calendar year shall be referred to the Mayor for possible removal from office.
[Added 5-28-2019 by Ord. No. 653]
Any member of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be removed at any time by the Mayor with or without cause.
[Amended 1-10-2011 by Ord. No. 470]
The Planning and Zoning Commission will serve as the vehicle for citizen participation in the public planning and zoning process and shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
Review applications as required by the ordinances of the Town. Make a recommendation on each application based on the staff report, existing ordinances, Master Plan, applicable studies and information provided both in support of and against said applications as presented at the meeting where said applications are considered. Review and provide recommendations on other items as requested by the Council or staff.
Conduct an official and open meeting process to allow public comment and encourage civil discussion of issues.
Obtain and review all staff reports and meeting materials prior to the meeting.
Participate in a minimum of two education programs per year to learn proper meeting and board procedures and maintain up-to-date on current planning and zoning issues and practice. Education may include online courses, courses or speakers held out of Town or within Pinedale, or may include reading materials on planning and zoning subject matter.
Identify and propose to the Town Staff or Council any ordinance changes or planning strategies within the Town that may be desirable or necessary.
The Town shall hold harmless the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, when acting in good faith and without malice, from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to any person or property as a result of any act required by this chapter or for the omission of any act in the discharge of their duties under this chapter, and shall defend against any such suit through final determination of such proceedings.