[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting 5-8-1988 ATM, Art. 98, as Sec. 105.2 of the General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Licensed establishments — See Ch. 432.
Public use of marihuana — See Ch. 450.
Parks and public lands — See Ch. 488.
No person shall consume intoxicating beverages on any Town owned land or have in his possession on any such place or way an open bottle, can or other container containing such beverages unless a special permit is secured from the Board of Selectmen.
[Amended 5-11-2009 ATM, Art. 26; 10-16-2023 FATM by Art. 6]
Anyone violating this bylaw shall be subject to a fine as defined in Chapter 260 of these bylaws and may be subject to arrest without a warrant by a Police Officer.