The Code Official shall enforce the provisions of the code except as may otherwise be specifically provided by these regulations. In enforcing this chapter, the Code Official (or other person duly authorized by the Town) may interpret the provisions of this chapter in terms of specific requirements to be met by the property owner, if such requirements are reasonably necessary to insure compliance with the provisions of this code and other applicable regulations.
Upon receipt of a written complaint signed by the tenant, the Code Official shall inspect the property and, if a violation is discovered, shall immediately notify the owner(s) of the property as described in § 175-28. Such notification shall indicate the number of days the owner has to correct the violation. This period of time may range from one to 30 days, depending on the severity of the violation, which shall be at the discretion of the Code Official.
In circumstances where the property owner is making a good faith effort to complete repairs or improvements in a timely fashion but, due to delays in the receipt of materials or equipment, delays experienced by the contractor duly engaged to perform such work or delays due to weather or other matters beyond the property owner's control, the Code Official may grant an extension up to an additional 90 days upon receipt of a written request from the property owner.
The Code Official shall issue all notices and orders necessary to insure compliance with this code.
The Code Official is authorized to enter a structure or premises at any reasonable time upon providing notice to the property owner and tenant, for the purpose of making inspections and performing duties under this code.
The Code Official has the authority to require and approve any alterations or repairs necessary to bring a structure or premises into compliance with this code. The determination of what may be necessary to bring the premises into compliance shall take into consideration the use of alternatives and equivalent approaches as provided for in this code.
The Code Official shall have the authority to approve changes in alterations or repairs in the field when conditions are encountered which make the originally approved work impractical, if the changes in approved work can be readily determined to be in compliance with this code and are requested by the property owner or his agent before the changes.
The changes shall be specifically documented by the property owner or by his agent, describing the change in work and the reasons and justification for the change, and shall be filed with the permit for the project.
If a property owner, tenant, or operator of a structure refuses, impedes, inhibits, interferes with, restricts, or obstructs entry and free access to any part of the structure or premises where inspection authorized by this code is sought, the Town may seek, in a court of competent jurisdiction, an order that the property owner, tenant, or operator cease and desist from the interference.
A tenant of a structure or premises shall give the property owner or operator, or agent or employee, access to any part of the structure or its premises at reasonable times upon being given notice for the purpose of making the inspection, maintenance, repairs or alterations as are necessary to comply with the provisions of this code.
The Code Official shall disclose his credentials for the purpose of inspecting a structure or premises.
The inspection of structures and premises, the issuance of notices and orders, and enforcement of them, shall be the responsibility of the Code Official.
Whenever a Code Official initiating an inspection of a premises under this code becomes aware that an inspection of the same premises is to be made by any other governmental official or agency, the Code Official shall make a reasonable effort to arrange for the coordination of the inspections so as to minimize the number of visits by inspectors.
The Code Official shall confer with the other governmental officials or agencies for the purpose of eliminating conflicting orders before any are issued.
The Code Official shall have power, as may be necessary in the interest of public safety, health, and general welfare, to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to interpret and implement the provisions of this code to further its intent, and to prepare necessary procedures.