[Adopted 7-20-1992 by Ord. No. 15-1992; amended in its entirety 11-8-1993 by Ord. No. 6-1993]
Miscellaneous fees associated with this chapter shall be as follows:
Copies of City maps (8 1/2 inches by 11 inches)
Copies of City maps (8 1/2 inches by 14 inches)
Copies of maps (24 inches by 36 inches/ 42 inches by 36 inches)
Sanborn Maps (11 inches by 17 inches)
Copies of deeds
Up to 4 pages
More than 4 pages
Copies of house connections
Copies of Tax Maps
  Small 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches and 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches)
  Large (11 inches by 17 inches and 24 inches by 36 inches)
Copies of blueprints, Xerox, etc.
Searches (assessment)
Searches (continuation)
Flood certification letters
Plans and specifications
$75.00 (nonrefundable)
Storm and sanitary sewer maps (24 inches by 35 inches)
$5.00 each
Monument maps
$6.00 each
Vertical and horizontal control sheet
$1.00 each
Digital Map Data
Parcel map layer files
Planimetric map layer files
Topographic map layer files
Water, storm and sanitary sewer map layer files
Fire hydrant location layer files
Thematic map layer files
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The penalty schedule for failure to follow the requirements of articles specified herein shall be as follows:
For unauthorized connections made to the sanitary or storm sewerage conveyance system: fine, $2,500
For failure to obtain a permit prior to working on any East Orange sewer: fine, $250.
For failure to have sewer work inspected prior to closure of trench: fine, $400 for each location.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).