The provisions of this article shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device.
Wherever a space shall be marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle there parked shall be parked within the lines bounding such space.
Except where angle parking is authorized, every vehicle stopped, standing or parked upon a highway where there are no adjacent curbs shall be so stopped, standing or parked parallel with the edge of the roadway headed in the direction of lawful traffic.
[Amended 9-27-1989; 6-18-2003; 5-20-2009; 11-18-2009; 2-1-2017]
No vehicle shall be left parked or standing on any public highway in the City of Lockport between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Overnight on-street parking.
Effective November 30, 2016, no vehicle shall remain parked upon any street in the City between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless the owner has applied to the Traffic Advisory Board and received from the City Clerk, upon recommendation of the Traffic Advisory Board, an authorized parking permit; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to physicians while making professional calls to or any ambulance or vehicle of a funeral director while such vehicle is engaged in professional calls.
Annual permits. Annual permits shall be effective from January 1 through December 31 of each year and available for passenger vehicles only. Annual permits shall be issued by the City Clerk upon recommendation of the Traffic Advisory Board, upon verification that suitable off-street parking is not available and that it is impractical for the owner to provide off-street parking. The annual fee for such permit shall be $120. Payment shall be in cash, check or money order drawn on United States funds made payable to the "City Clerk." The fee is nonrefundable. In the event a check is returned for insufficient funds, the permit shall automatically be revoked without further notice to the permit holder, and a penalty of $35 shall be charged. A replacement fee of $10 shall be charged for lost or stolen permits.
Seasonal permits. Seasonal permits are available for passenger vehicles only and are effective from April 15 through October 15. Seasonal permits shall be issued by the City Clerk upon submission and approval of a completed application prescribed by the City Clerk. The fee for such a seasonal permit shall be $30 and can be paid in cash, check or money order drawn on United States funds payable to the City Clerk. The fee is nonrefundable. ln the event a check is returned for insufficient funds, the permit shall be automatically revoked without further notice to the permit holder, and a penalty of $35 shall be charged. A replacement fee of $10 shall be charged for lost or stolen permits. No more than two permits shall be issued per building.
[Amended 3-20-2019]
Permits must be displayed in the driver's windshield of the vehicle and may not be transferred from vehicle to vehicle. Failure to properly display said permit shall result in the issuance of a parking ticket.
Vehicles must be parked in front or within the immediate area of the respective property for which the vehicle is registered or the permit was issued.
Funeral directors may receive temporary permits allowing them to mark off reasonable spaces in front of or paralleling their funeral homes or residences where remains of deceased persons are awaiting burial, to be used by them and mourners of the deceased. All parking by others in such areas during such period is prohibited.
Omnibuses or buses; exceptions.
No vehicle capable of carrying more than one ton or an omnibus or bus having a carrying capacity of seven or more passengers shall be parked on any public highway in the City of Lockport.
Exceptions. Subject to any other limitations, vehicles capable of carrying more than one ton or omnibuses or buses having a carrying capacity of seven or more passengers may be parked on public highways that are located in business and industrial zones as classified by the City's Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, during the course of deliveries, vehicles capable of carrying more than one ton and omnibuses or buses having a carrying capacity of seven or more passengers may be parked on public highways of the City of Lockport.
Overnight parking on City streets.
[Added 4-12-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Overnight parking shall be permitted on all streets not subject to no-parking restrictions pursuant to § 183-24 from April 15 of each year to November 1 of each year.
Only two-axle noncommercial passenger vehicles and motorcycles, properly registered and insured, may remain on a City street overnight during this period. No vehicle shall be permitted to stand for a continuous forty-eight-hour period during the months set forth above.
The Highways and Parks Department shall have the ability to designate certain streets for no parking, during periods of street cleaning and/or paving, by notices posted in advance.
The ban on overnight parking within the City limits will remain in effect for the following streets and thoroughfares:
Main Street/East Avenue from Transit Street to Washburn Street.
Walnut Street from Transit Street to Washburn Street.
West Genesee Street and West Avenue from the City line to Transit Street.
The restrictions on parking for buses and delivery vehicles set forth in § 183-23D shall remain in full force and effect during this period.
[Added 4-26-1989; amended 2-20-2008]
The streets or parts of streets or City-owned and operated parking lots or parts of parking lots described in Schedule XIIA (§ 183-55.1), attached to and made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as handicapped parking zones and, as such, are hereby reserved for the use of vehicles being used for the transportation of a severely disabled or handicapped person or persons.
The parking of vehicles is prohibited at all times in those streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIII (§ 183-56).
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in those streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIV (§ 183-57) during the hours indicated.
The Department of Police may, in times of emergency or when necessity requires, prohibit the parking of vehicles on any street, avenue or property hereinbefore or hereinafter referred to, where such parking, in their opinion, would interfere with snow or ice removal or repairs to the street or might endanger the public in the use of any such street, avenue or property, and the posting of printed notices in the area affected shall be sufficient notice to the public of such fact, and all persons shall comply therewith.
The Department of Police or its duly authorized agents shall attach to any vehicle parked in violation of any provision of previous Subsection A, except when a vehicle is towed away as provided herein, a notice to the owner or operator thereof instructing such owner or operator to report to the police station of said City in regard to such violation.
Winter parking restrictions. For the purpose of emergency snow removal, the parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited from November 1 to and including April 1 in any City-owned parking lot or in any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XV (§ 183-58) during the hours indicated.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the streets or parts of streets described below for a longer period of time than that designated, during the hours indicated:
Except in an emergency or in compliance with the direction of a peace officer or official traffic sign, vehicles shall be permitted to park two hours only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays excepted, only on any of the following named streets or highways or parts thereof: any public highway within the City of Lockport, except those presently having parking restrictions, within a radius of 1/2 mile of the property line of the Lockport Senior High School located on Lincoln Avenue, Lockport, New York, and except Locust Street, west side, from Lincoln Avenue south to the City line.
The parking of vehicles is limited as provided in Schedule XVI (§ 183-59).
Lockport High School permit parking zone.
[Added 11-17-1993]
A permit parking zone is established on Lincoln Avenue south side, from the entrance driveway of Lockport High School east to the intersection of Locust Street and west side of Locust Street from its intersection with Lincoln Avenue south to the City line. Said permit parking to begin 6:00 a.m. and end at 2:15 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday.
Criteria for student parking.
The student completes the permit application. Eligibility shall be determined by the Lockport High School administration.
The student parking permit is issued by Lockport High School staff.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the parking lots described in Schedule XVII (§ 183-60) for a longer period of time than designated, in any twenty-four-hour period, during the hours indicated.
[Amended 8-5-1993]
No vehicle shall be parked in any City-controlled parking lot whose gross weight exceeds 2 1/2 tons.
The standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XVIII (§ 183-61) during the hours indicated.
The stopping of vehicles is hereby prohibited in those streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIX (§ 183-62) during the hours indicated.
No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XX (§ 183-63) except at the angle designated and only within the painted white stall lines.
The locations described in Schedule XXI (§ 183-64) are hereby designated as bus stops, and the parking or standing of vehicles other than buses is hereby prohibited in such locations.
The locations described in Schedule XXII (§ 183-65) are hereby designated as taxi stands, and the standing or parking of vehicles other than taxis is hereby prohibited in such locations. Taxis using such stands shall not be left unattended and shall be subject to all other vehicle and traffic regulations of the City.
[Added 5-30-1988]
The locations described in Schedule XXIIA (§ 183-65.1), attached to and made a part of this chapter, are hereby designated as loading zones.
In addition to any other penalties which may be provided in this chapter, any vehicle parked illegally under the provisions of this article may be removed and stored as provided in Article IV, Removal and Storage of Vehicles.