[Added 9-9-1996 by Ord. No. 1033-96]
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or any officer or employee thereof, to block or cause to be blocked over any street, avenue or alley of the City of Coatesville, by the storing or placing of goods, wares or merchandise within or on any traveled section of paved street, avenue or alley, or by the obstruction thereof by placing any motor-propelled or other type of vehicle on any such highway for any purpose whatever particularly so placed for the purpose of making major repair or repairs to such vehicle. Major repairs are prohibited by this section. This section does not prohibit minor repairs.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The replacement of major parts on a vehicle that would require the use of a hoist or heavy floor jack. "Major repairs" include but are not limited to work on brakes, engines, transmissions, radiator, auto body repair, seats, cushions, interior dashboard, steering column or any other item not included in the term "minor repairs."
The replacement of existing parts on a vehicle, which parts can be purchased in automotive stores over the counter. "Minor repairs" include but are not limited to replacement of such items as spark plugs, motor oil, transmission oil, window wash and vehicle tires. "Minor repairs" do not include the performance of any of the foregoing as a commercial venture.