[Amended 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 1586-2024]
Regulations established under this article serve the following purposes:
Provide general standards for all signs within the City and specific standards for signs in each zoning district.
Establish procedures for the review and approval of sign permit applications.
Regulate the location, size, construction, erection, alteration, use and maintenance of signs.
Protect the safety and general welfare of the community through the proper use and design of structures for signs.
Promote the use of well-crafted signs in harmony with the architectural and historical character of the City and consistent with current urban streetscape design guide.
In all zoning districts, signs may be erected, altered, maintained, used or removedonly when in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and any other applicable ordinances and regulations.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A sign erected on or related to the use of a property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of 12 months or more or any sign which relates to a time, event or purpose which is past.
A sign which is installed across a road or street in the City of Coatesville, and is approved and installed by the City Public Works Department or Fire Department and according to § 224-71Q, Banners across streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way.
A large sign placed off the premises of the event/location/business/service that it is advertising.
Any sign that is a part of, made from, or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service area.
A type of temporary sign which is intended to advertise a community event.
A type of temporary sign which is intended to advertise the name of a project and/or the contractor, architect, engineer, financier, or similar information.
A sign which displays a message, information, or advertising on both sides of the sign. Permitted size calculated based on size of sign faces, interior angle of sign faces, and the identicalness of the sign faces.
A sign that is permanently supported in a fixed location by a structure of one or more poles, posts, uprights, or braces from the ground and not supported by a building or a base structure. The height of a "freestanding sign" shall be measured from the proposed finished grade to the highest point of the sign structure.
A sign permanently affixed to the ground at its base, supported entirely by a base structure, and not mounted on a pole or attached to any part of a building (also known as "monument sign").
All signs erected prior to the enactment of this chapter or subsequent amendments, which are not in conformity with the dimensional, setback or lighting provisions thereof, shall be deemed legally nonconforming signs.
Any temporary sign used in connection with a local, county, commonwealth or national election or referendum.
A sign that is not fixed, attached, or anchored in a permanent position, that is capable of being readily moved or relocated, remains on the property with the business which owns the sign, and includes but is not limited to: sandwich boards, placards, or other similar signs mounted on a frame or chassis on wheels or supported by legs but not pressed or extended into the ground or other surface.
A separate lot or tax parcel with individual frontage abutting the street line. "Premises" may include more than one occupant on a lot or parcel, such as an office or retail complex.
A sign affixed to a wall or other vertical building surface in such a manner that its leading edge extends more than six inches perpendicularly out from the surface of such building or wall.
A sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of the property upon which it is located.
Any permanent or temporary structure or part thereof or any device attached, painted or represented, directly or indirectly, on a structure or other outdoor surface that shall display or include any letter, word, insignia, flag or representation used as or which is in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, visual communication, direction or which is designed to attract the eye or bring the subject to the attention of the public.
A sign constructed of paper, cloth, canvas or other lightweight material intended to be displayed for a short period of time, normally less than 30 days.
A sign parallel to a wall or other vertical building surface. "Wall signs" shall not extend beyond the edge of any wall or other surface to which they are mounted and shall project no more than six inches from its surface, otherwise they shall be defined as a projecting sign.
A sign providing locational directions to the person, business, profession, product, or activity not conducted on the same premises as the location of the sign.
Any sign that is applied, painted, or affixed to a window, or placed inside a window, within three feet of the glass, facing the outside of the building, and easily seen from the outside. A window sign meant for a display period of less than 60 days shall be considered a temporary sign and any window sign displayed longer than 60 days shall be considered a permanent sign and shall be permitted and installed pursuant to § 224-72. Regulations for specific sign types, and all other applicable sections.
Sign area.
The area of a sign shall be construed to include the two-dimensional space which contains all lettering, wording and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not including any supporting framework and bracing incidental to the display itself.
Where the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to or painted on a building, wall, window, canopy or awning, the sign area shall be that of the smallest rectangle or other geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters and symbols.
In computing sign area of a double-faced sign, only one side shall be considered, provided that both sides are identical in area, content, and design. If the interior angle is greater than 45°, then both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
Sign height. The height of a sign shall be measured from the existing ground elevation at the base of the sign to the highest point of the sign structure. In the case where there is a sidewalk, the height shall be measured from the elevation of the sidewalk.
Sign illumination. Signs may be illuminated by direct (internal) or indirect (projection) lighting. In all cases, lighting shall be shielded so that no light will directly shine or glare onto abutting properties or in the normal line of vision of the public using the streets or sidewalks. All lighting shall be in compliance with the applicable standards of § 224-50, Outdoor lighting.
Sign placement. Except for official traffic and street signs, a sign shall not be erected so that it:
Is located within five feet of or projects over a point within five feet of the curbline in the C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts and the PS Public Service District or within 10 feet of a street right-of-way in any other district.
Is located within the clear-sight triangle required by § 224-53B, Sight distances at intersections.
Obscures the view of a motorist of traffic signals, stop signs or other warning devices as viewed from any distance of 500 feet along established thoroughfares.
Obscures the view of a motorist of a roadway or intersections ahead as viewed from a distance of 500 feet along established thoroughfares.
Limits pedestrian view of vehicular traffic to less than 500 feet while standing at the curbline at an intersection or other established pedestrian crossing.
Is located within a distance of five feet from any side property line in the C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts and the PS Public Service District within 10 feet in any other district.
Is located within a parking space or fire lane.
Blocks the movement of pedestrians traveling along public thoroughfares.
Blocks the entrance, exit, fire escape or fire lanes to a building.
Utility pole or any other utility box.
All permanent signs shall be professionally installed by a licensed sign company and shall comply with all other applicable laws and regulations such as PAUCC requirements.
The following signs are unlawful and prohibited:
No signs shall be of a flashing, rotating or revolving type, with the exception of barbershop poles.
Any sign suspended between poles and lighted by a series of lights is prohibited.
Any sign suspended between poles which is either a pennant which blows in the wind or a spinner which spins in the wind is prohibited.
Any sign erected on a tree or painted or drawn on a rock or other natural feature is prohibited. Signs shall only be attached to utility poles if they are in conformance with all applicable state laws and utility regulations.
Any banner sign or sign of any other type across a public street or any private property is prohibited, except for community special event signs which comply with the applicable requirements of § 224-71Q, Banners across streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way.
Any sign is prohibited which does not conform to the requirements of the sign ordinance which was in effect when the sign was erected.
No sign may be erected containing information on which it states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of this chapter.
No sign may use the words "stop," "look," "danger" or any other word or character which attempts or appears to attempt to direct the movement of traffic, or which interferes with or resembles any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
Except for traffic control signals, red or green lights are prohibited within 75 feet of a public right-of-way or within 200 feet of a traffic control device, whichever is greater.
A sign that uses any method of illumination that can cause glare, visual obstruction, or other harsh viewing conditions is prohibited, except in accordance with the following:
It must be effectively shielded using a full cut-off fixture or equivalent, so that glaring beams or rays of light are not directed to any portion of any street, highway or adjacent property or structure. Equivalent shielding method shall be approved by the Zoning Officer or City Engineer.
It must be less than 1/4 footcandle, as measured from the curb line or road shoulder, so as not to cause glare or impair the vision of any motorist or otherwise interfere with a driver's operation of his motor vehicle.
The following signs are permitted in all districts and do not require a permit, provided that the applicable conditions have been met:
Official highway route number signs, street name signs, way finding or other official federal, state, county, or city signs.
Signs displaying only the name and address of the occupant of the premises, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed one square foot and not more than one such sign shall be erected for each property held in single and separate ownership, unless such property fronts on more than one street, in which case one sign may be erected on each street frontage.
Governmental flags or insignias not exceeding 80 square feet.
Legal notices.
No-trespassing signs indicating the private nature of a road, driveway, or premises, provided that the area of any such sign does not exceed one square foot.
Real estate signs, provided that the area of such sign shall not exceed six square feet and that no more than one such sign shall be placed on the property unless the property fronts on more than one street, in which case one sign shall be permitted along each street. All such signs shall be removed within five days after a final settlement or rental agreement has been reached.
Window signs indicating the store hours or names of credit institutions, provided that the total area of such sign or signs does not exceed two square feet.
Vending machine signs bearing the brand name of a product or price of such product when displayed on a vending machine selling such product.
Wayfinding, informational or public service signs, such as those indicating the availability of rest rooms, telephone or similar public conveniences and signs providing information such as meeting times and places of nonprofit service or charitable clubs and organizations, provided that such signs do not advertise any commercial establishment, activity, organization, product, goods, or service, except public utilities. Any public service and information sign shall not exceed four square feet.
Memorial signs or historical signs or tablets, provided that such sign or tablet does not exceed four square feet.
Signs which are a permanent architectural feature of a building or structure, such as a cornerstone or identifying letters carved into or embossed on a building, provided that the letters are not made of a reflective material nor contrast in color with the building.
Temporary signs of mechanics, contractors and artisans erected and maintained during the period such persons are performing work on the premises on which such signs are erected, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not exceed six square feet per side.
Not more than one sign for each such mechanic, contractor or artisan shall be placed on any one property on which such person is performing work.
The sign shall be removed immediately after the work has been completed.
A sign advertising a yard sale or garage sale, provided that the sign is on the premises of the sale, does not exceed four square feet, is erected no more than two days prior to the first day of the sale and shall be removed immediately upon completion of the sale. No more than two off-premises wayfinding signs shall be permitted, and such signs shall not be larger than 12 inches by 18 inches in size and may not be erected more than two days prior to the first day of the sale and shall be removed immediately upon completion of the sale. Off-premises wayfinding signs shall only be located on private property with permission of the property owner and shall be removed upon completion of the sale. Yard sale or garage sale signs shall not be permitted on utility poles.
A sign, bunting, pennants, and similar materials to announce the opening of a new business or industry, provided that they are removed within four days of the opening day or first day of business. Such temporary displays shall not be permitted in residential districts. Such temporary displays shall also be in accordance with § 224-72G, Temporary signs.
Revolving barbershop pole sign, provided that it does not exceed 36 inches in length.
Temporary window signs announcing a drive or event of a civic, philanthropic, educational, or religious organization shall be less than four square feet and shall be placed inside a store or office window. Such signs shall also be in accordance with § 224-72G, Temporary signs.
Banners across streets, alleys and other public rights-of-way shall be permitted to promote community events such as food festivals, sidewalk sales, events sponsored by churches, historic preservation groups, veteran's groups, charitable, educational, fraternal, civic, service organizations, parades, or other nonprofit organizations. Banners stretched over the road promoting business and commercial enterprises are prohibited. Banners shall also be governed by the following:
At least 30 days prior to the desired date of hanging a banner over a public street or way, an applicant must complete and submit a banner permit to the office of the City Manager for approval by the City Council. Upon approval of a permit by the City Council, a banner may be hung and displayed as set forth below.
The hanging of banners must be in complete conformance with the application as submitted and as finally approved by the City Council and installed and removed by the City Public Works Department or City Fire Department.
The fee for hanging and removing of banners is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
The banner shall be at least 15 feet above the street surface and shall be securely attached to a building or other structure as the City Council, Public Works, or Fire Department see fit.
No more than two banners may be displayed over any particular street or public way at any one time.
Banners may not be hung more than 14 days prior to the date of the event being advertised and must be removed no later than seven days after the conclusion of the event being advertised.
Temporary signs advertising political parties, political candidates, or election information may be erected, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not exceed four square feet per side.
Such signs are removed within seven days following the election.
The following regulations shall apply to the specific sign types as defined in § 224-68, Sign types and classifications. Section 224-73, Applicability by district, indicates the types, area and height of signs permitted within each district.
Freestanding signs.
The bottom or lowest edge of a freestanding sign shall either be less than four feet or greater than seven feet above the ground.
Freestanding signs shall be limited to one such sign per structure. If more than one use is carried on in a single structure, the one permitted freestanding sign may indicate the presence of all uses in the structure.
A retail center, office complex or industrial complex (two or more retail, office, or industrial uses within a single structure) shall be limited to one freestanding sign indicating the name of the development and the name of other uses within the development. Individual freestanding signs for each use shall not be permitted.
In those zoning districts where freestanding signs, projecting and ground signs are permitted, only one of the foregoing types of signs may be erected on a premises.
Ground signs.
Ground signs shall be supported and permanently placed by embedding, anchoring or connecting the sign in such a manner as to incorporate it into the landscape or architectural design scheme.
In those zoning districts where ground signs, freestanding signs, and projecting signs are permitted, only one of the foregoing types of signs may be erected on a premises.
Projecting signs.
No portion of a projecting sign shall be less than eight feet nor more than 20 feet above the proposed finished grade, and no such sign shall be less than five feet from the plane of the face of the curb or project more than four feet from the face of the building.
No projecting sign shall be attached to a building where a canopy or awning sign exists.
In those zoning districts in which projecting signs, freestanding signs and ground signs are permitted, only one of the foregoing types of signs may be erected on a premises.
Wall signs.
No portion of a wall sign shall be less than eight feet above the proposed finished grade or extend more than six inches from the building wall. If the wall sign projects less than three inches from the building, the sign need not meet the eight-foot height requirement.
Permanent window signs shall be considered wall signs when computing the maximum permitted building coverage of wall signs.
Wall signs which are part of the architectural design of a building shall be exempt from size requirements if they are limited to the area on the building specifically designed for sign placement.
One wall sign shall be permitted on the front facade of a building, and one additional wall sign on the side of a corner or end of the building.
Window signs. Unless specified otherwise in another section, a maximum of 25% of the total window area may be used for permanent signs that are hung, applied, painted or affixed to the windows.
A maximum of 40% of the total window area may be covered by a combination of permanent and temporary window signs.
Permanent window signs shall be considered wall signs when computing the maximum permitted building coverage of wall signs.
Canopy or awning signs.
Use of a canopy or awning sign shall be limited to not more than one on each side of the building facing a public street.
A canopy or awning without lettering or other advertising shall not be regulated as a sign.
Temporary signs.
Temporary signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct access to or from any door, window, fire escape, or ventilating equipment, nor be attached to any standpipe or fire escape.
Such signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic or create a safety hazard.
Signs shall either be anchored to the ground or sufficiently stable so as not to blow over or otherwise create a safety hazard.
Temporary signs for sidewalk sales, flea markets, promotions, and other like signs may be placed after a permit is obtained for each event/occasion.
Temporary special event signs and all other temporary signs shall be removed within two days after completion of the event, situation, or circumstance for which it is used. For temporary signs requiring a permit, an escrow deposit, as established by the City fee schedule, as a guaranty that the portable sign shall be promptly removed at the end of the authorized period. If not removed within 10 days of the permit expiration date, the City shall remove the sign and keep a sum necessary from the escrow account to cover the expense incurred in removal.
Temporary signs placed outdoors directing attention to commercial promotions or activities on the same lot shall be moved indoors at the end of each business day.
The size of these signs shall not exceed 1/3 square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building, eight square feet or whatever the balance of the allowable sign area is after subtracting the other signs on the property, whichever is less.
Billboard. Where permitted, only one billboard may be erected on a property. A billboard shall not be permitted on the same premises as a freestanding sign.
No billboard shall be within 500 feet of a residential zoning district, public recreation facility, school, or church.
No billboard or any part thereof shall be erected more than 75 feet from the right-of-way of a public street.
No billboard shall be erected within 30 feet of any side or rear property line.
No billboard shall be erected within 1,000 feet of another billboard.
A billboard may have changeable copy, provided that:
Dwell time. No billboard shall change message or copy on the active area more than once every seven seconds.
Message or copy transition. All message or copy changes shall be instantaneous; there shall be no scrolling, fading, animated, flashing or moving messages or copy.
The billboard conforms to all requirements of this section and those contained in § 224-73D(8), Billboards.
Restrictions. A billboard sign shall not:
Emit any verbal or musical announcements or noises.
Display any moving, flashing, scrolling or animated text or video.
Portable signs.
Application for a portable sign shall be made to the City Code Enforcement Officer accompanied by the required permit fee.
Regardless of the length of use, portable signs shall:
Remain on the property where the business it is referring to is located.
Be returned inside the building at the close of business each day.
Signs shall be sufficiently stable so as not to blow over or otherwise create a safety hazard. If inclement weather arises, then sign shall be returned to the inside of the building earlier than the close of business.
Be under the control and sole responsibility of the owner or the business utilizing the portable sign at all times.
Portable signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct access to or from any door, window, fire escape, or ventilating equipment, nor be attached to any standpipe or fire escape.
Such signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic or create a safety hazard.
The size of these signs shall not exceed six square feet of sign area on each sign face and may have no more than two sign faces.
No signs, other than those specifically listed in § 224-71, Exempt signs, shall be permitted except as described below. This section provides a summary of sign types and maximum sizes permitted in each district.
Signs permitted in the RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC and POS Districts.
Wall, ground or freestanding signs for bulletin or announcement boards or for the identification of schools, churches, recreation areas and other principal uses or buildings other than dwellings shall be permitted, provided that the area of any such sign does not exceed 12 square feet and not more than one such sign shall be placed on property in single and separate ownership, unless such property fronts on more than one street, in which case one such sign may be placed on each street frontage.
Wall, ground or freestanding signs for the identification of a residential development of 12 units or more, erected on the site of said development and the location of a sale or rental office shall be permitted, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed nine square feet and not more than one such sign shall be placed on property in single and separate ownership, unless such property fronts on more than one street, in which case one such sign may be placed on each street frontage.
One wall or window sign for major home occupations, indicating only names of persons, telephone numbers and the occupation shall be permitted, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed two square feet. A permit for such sign shall not be required if the home occupation has been approved by the Zoning Hearing Board.
One construction/development sign shall be permitted, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet and such sign shall be removed within 20 days after the final inspection by the City Building Inspector or 18 months after the erection of the sign, whichever comes first.
Signs permitted in the RN-4 District.
All signs permitted in the RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC and POS Districts shall be permitted in the RN-4 District.
Wall signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The total area of the wall sign(s), including permanent window signs, shall not exceed 5% of the area of the building face, including the window and door area and cornices, to which it is attached. In no case shall they exceed 32 square feet.
Window signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The total area of the window sign, including permanent window signs, shall not exceed 40% of the area of the window, including the window and door area and cornices, to which it is attached. In no case shall they exceed 32 square feet.
Projecting signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
Freestanding signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curbline. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height or 12 square feet in area.
Signs permitted in the C-1, C-2, PS and I-1 Districts.
All signs permitted in the RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC and POS Districts shall be permitted in the C-1, C-2, PS and I-1 Districts.
Wall signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The total area of the wall sign(s), including permanent window signs, shall not exceed 10% of the area of the building face, including window and door area and cornices, to which it is attached. In no case shall they exceed 50 square feet.
Projecting signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet.
Freestanding signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curbline.
Freestanding signs identifying a retail center or complex, office complex or industrial complex shall not exceed 18 feet in height or 32 square feet in area.
Freestanding signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed 12 feet in height or 18 square feet in area.
Ground signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curbline.
Ground signs identifying a retail center or complex, office complex or industrial complex shall not exceed six feet in height or 32 square feet in area.
Ground signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed six feet in height or 18 square feet in area.
Canopy or awning signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted.
Where a wall sign already exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed eight square feet.
Where no wall sign exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
Signs permitted in the C-3 and I-2 districts.
All signs permitted in the RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC and POS Districts shall be permitted in the C-3 and I-2 Districts.
Wall signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The total area of the wall sign(s), including permanent window signs, shall not exceed 10% of the area of the building face, including the window and door area and cornices, to which it is attached.
Projecting signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 18 square feet.
Freestanding signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curb line.
Freestanding signs identifying a retail center or complex, office park or complex or industrial park or complex shall not exceed 20 feet in height or 40 square feet in area.
Freestanding signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed 15 feet in height or 24 square feet in area.
Ground signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curb line.
Ground signs for a retail center or complex, office park or complex or industrial park or complex shall not exceed eight feet in height or 40 square feet in area.
Ground signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed six feet in height or 24 square feet in area.
Canopy or awning signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted.
Where a wall sign already exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed 10 square feet.
Where no wall sign exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed 14 square feet.
Portable signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet.
Signs permitted in the C-4 District.
All signs permitted in the RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC, C-3, C-2, I-2, and I-3, and POS Districts shall be permitted in the C-4 District.
Wall signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The total area of the wall sign(s), including permanent window signs, shall not exceed 15% of the area of the building face, including the window and door area and cornices, to which it is attached.
Projecting signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 18 square feet.
Freestanding signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curb line.
Freestanding signs identifying a retail center or complex, office park or complex or industrial park or complex shall not exceed 20 feet in height or 40 square feet in area.
Freestanding signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed 15 feet in height or 24 square feet in area.
Ground signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted where they can be set back at least five feet from the curb line.
Ground signs for a retail center or complex, office park or complex or industrial park or complex shall not exceed eight feet in height or 40 square feet in area.
Ground signs for all other permitted nonresidential uses shall not exceed six feet in height or 24 square feet in area.
Canopy or awning signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted.
Where a wall sign already exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed 10 square feet.
Where no wall sign exists, the size of the canopy or awning sign shall not exceed 14 square feet.
Portable signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 16 square feet.
Billboards shall be permitted in the C-4 District on property abutting the Route 30 Bypass.
The height of such sign shall not exceed 45 feet, as measured from the surface of the adjacent roadway.
Such sign may have up to two sign faces with a maximum area of 600 square feet per face.
Sign chart.
The following chart contains a summary of the sign type and size permitted within an applicable district.
Summary of Sign Type and Size Permitted Within each Zoning District for Signs Requiring Permits
(Noted Ordinance Section Must be Consulted for Details)
Zoning District
Maximum sizes shown in square feet
Sign Type
RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-5, RC and POS (See § 224-73A)
RN-4 (See § 224-73B)
C-1, C-2, PS and I-1 (See § 224-73C)
C-3 and I-2 (See § 224-73D)
C-4 (See § 224-73E)
Wall, ground, or freestanding signs in these districts:
• Can be used as bulletin or announcement boards to identify schools, churches, or recreation areas.
• Can be used for other principal uses or buildings other than dwellings.
• The area of such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
Not more than 1 sign shall be placed along each road frontage on any one property in single and separate ownership.
• 1 wall or window sign for major home occupations shall be permitted, maximum sign area shall not exceed 2 square feet. A permit for such sign shall not be required if the home occupation has been approved by the Zoning Hearing Board.
• To identify a residential development of 12 units or more and shall be:
○ Erected on the site of said development near the location of a sale or rental office, if applicable.
○ A maximum sign area of 9 square feet.
○ No more than 1 sign placed along each road frontage on any one property in single and separate ownership.
32 square feet or 5% of building face, whichever is less
50 square feet or 10% of building face, whichever is less
15% of building face
15% of building face
• For nonresidential uses only
• Shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
• Shall not exceed 12 square feet area.
• Must be set back at least 5 from curbline.
• As identification sign for retail center or complex, office complex, or industrial complex
• 32 square feet in area
• Maximum height is 18 feet
• Set back at least 5 feet from curbline
• 40 square feet
• 20 feet maximum height
• Must be 5 feet from curbline
• As Identification sign for retail center or complex, office park or complex, and industrial park or complex
• 40 square feet
• 20 feet maximum height
• Must be 5 feet from curbline
• As Identification sign for retail center or complex, office park or complex, and industrial park or complex
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
• 18 square feet in area
• Maximum height is 12 feet
• Set back at least 5 feet from curbline
• 24 square feet
• 15 feet maximum height
• Must be 5 feet from curbline
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
• 24 square feet
• 15 feet maximum height
• Must be 5 feet from curbline
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
Not permitted
• As identification sign for retail center or complex, office complex, or industrial complex
• 32 square feet
• Maximum height is 6 feet
• Set back at least 5 feet from curbline
• 40 square feet maximum area
• 8 feet maximum height
• As identification sign for retail center or complex, office park or complex and industrial park or complex
• 40 square feet maximum area
• 8 feet maximum height
• As identification sign for retail center or complex, office park or complex and industrial park or complex
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
• 18 square feet
• Maximum height is 6 feet
• Set back at least 5 feet from curbline
• 24 square feet maximum area
• 6 feet maximum height
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
• 24 square feet maximum area
• 6 feet maximum height
• All nonresidential signs other than those listed directly above
Maximum 25%
32 square feet or 5% of building face, whichever is less
50 square feet or 10% of building face, whichever is less
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
12 square feet, for nonresidential uses only
16 square feet, nonresidential uses only
18 square feet
18 square feet
Canopy or awning
Not permitted
Not permitted
• For nonresidential uses only
• 8 square feet with wall sign OR 12 square feet without wall sign
• 10 square feet with wall sign OR 14 square feet without wall sign
• Nonresidential uses only
• 10 square feet with wall sign OR 14 square feet without wall sign
• Nonresidential uses only
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
• 16 square feet, maximum area
• Nonresidential uses only
• 16 square feet, maximum area
• Nonresidential uses only
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
• Not permitted
• 600 square feet per side, up to 2 sign faces allowed
• Allowed on properties abutting the Route 30 Bypass only
• 45 feet maximum height, measured from the surface of the adjacent roadway
Construction and maintenance requirements.
All signs shall be kept in a proper state of repair, in accordance with the requirements of the City's Building Code, Property Maintenance Code and other pertinent regulations.
All maintenance, cleaning, and repair, including repair of torn or worn copy and removal of paint or other material used to deface the sign, shall be performed promptly. In the event the City notifies the owner or lessee of any damage, vandalism, or graffiti on the billboard, the owner or lessee shall repair or correct the problem within 48 hours of such notification. If repairs and corrections are not timely, the City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make repairs or corrections and be reimbursed the cost thereof by the owner or lessee.
All signs requiring the use of electricity shall be manufactured in accordance with Underwriter Laboratories specifications.
Removal of unsafe, unlawful, or abandoned signs.
Unsafe or unlawful signs.
Upon written notice by the City of Coatesville, the owner, person or firm maintaining a sign must remove said sign when it:
Becomes unsafe, is in danger of falling or it becomes so deteriorated that it no longer serves a useful purpose of communication.
Is determined by the City to be a nuisance.
Is deemed unsafe by the City.
Is unlawfully erected in violation of any of the provisions of this article.
The City may remove or cause to be removed said sign at the expense of the owner if the owner does not comply with the written notice within 30 days. In the event of immediate danger, however, the City may remove said sign immediately upon the issuance of said notice to the owner, person or firm maintaining said sign, and at the expense of the owner.
Abandoned signs.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any property upon which an abandoned sign is located to remove such sign within 14 days of the sign becoming abandoned as defined in the zoning ordinance. Removal of an abandoned sign shall include the removal of the entire sign, including the sign face, supporting structure, structural trim, and all associated electrical components, when applicable.
Where the owner of the property on which an abandoned sign is located fails to remove such sign in 14 days, the City may remove such sign after the Zoning Officer gives written notice to the sign owner. Any expense directly incurred in the removal of such sign shall be charged to the owner of the property. Where the owner fails to pay, the City may file a lien upon the property for the purpose of recovering all reasonable costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by the City, associated with the removal of the sign.
Sign permit.
A permit must be obtained from the City before the erection of any signs in the City, unless specifically exempted in this article.
All signs required to be permitted by the PAUCC must be applied for and permitted through the City Building Code Official as well as the zoning permit.
Exemptions from the necessity of securing a permit shall not be construed to relieve the owner of the exempted sign from responsibility for its construction and installation in a safe manner and in accordance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
The following changes to a sign shall not require a permit:
Changing of the advertising message.
Regular maintenance of the sign, including electrical, repainting or cleaning of a sign.
The repair of a sign.
Application information. Before a sign permit is granted, a sign permit application with the following information shall be submitted in duplicate:
A description of the size, shape, color, sign contents, material, supports, anchoring, weight, and height of the sign, as well as the intensity of illumination.
A plan or sketch of the sign, drawn to scale, and demonstrating the faces of the sign and indicating the proposed style of the letters, words, symbols or other graphics and the proposed size, dimensions, shape, color, material, supports, anchoring and height of the sign.
A plan diagramming the design as well as specifications of electrical components of the sign and any materials used to manufacture or build the sign.
A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the proposed sign location with respect to the property lines, building(s), parking areas, and all other improvements.
The application shall be accompanied by the written consent of the owner to allow for the construction of the sign on the property.
The application shall be accompanied by the written consent of the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is to be erected for city officials to enter said premises to inspect the sign.
All sign permit applications shall be accompanied by a check to cover the required fee as set forth in the fee schedule for signs established by the City Council.
Processing and approval of permit.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall process applications for sign approval permits within 30 days from the date of the filing of the complete application with the required fee.
In determining the appropriateness of the proposed sign, the Code Enforcement Officer shall determine the following:
That the sign meets all restrictions, standards and sign area requirements of this chapter.
That the sign has a reasonable location, scale and proportion in relation to buildings, doors, windows and pedestrian and vehicular access.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect and approve the installation of the sign and shall make periodic inspections to determine conformity of signs to these regulations.
Nonconforming signs shall be subject to the requirements of § 224-97 of this chapter.