[Adopted as Art. 921 of the 1965 Codified Ordinances]
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333; 8-4-1955 by Ord. No. 1470; 5-11-2005 by Ord. No. 4673]
The following words and terms, as used in this article, shall be construed or defined as follows, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
The sewer or sewers of a building used to convey sewage and/or industrial waste through a pipeline from the building to the building lateral at the curb.
The pipeline from the curb to the sewer system.
All sewer pipelines, including the internal sewer drains within the building, the building drain between the house and curb, and the building lateral from the curb to the sewer system.
The Municipal Authority created by the City July 11, 1950, under the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945" of Pennsylvania, as amended.
The pipeline or pipelines from the building to the sewer main.
[Amended 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 5854]
Any liquid, gaseous or solid substance resulting from any manufacturing or industrial processes.
Any structure erected and intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure sewage is or may be discharged.
Refers not only to a person who has title to property by deed, devise or operation of law, but also includes a person purchasing a property on a sales agreement or operation of law, and also includes a person purchasing a property on a sales agreement, and shall be construed to include associates, partnerships and corporations.
The Plumbing Code recognized by the City.
The Plumbing Inspector of the City or his duly authorized assistant or representative.
Real estate which adjoins, abuts on or is adjacent to the sewer system.
Household waste, liquids, human or animal excretion and all substances commonly known as sewage, but does not include roof or surface waters, exhaust steam, oil, tar, grease, gasoline, benzine, or other combustible gases and liquids, offal, insoluble solids or substances which would impair, impede, affect, interfere with or endanger the sewer system or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever or the functioning of the processes of sewage treatment or industrial waste.
A common pipe conduit for carrying sewage or industrial waste, and which is owned and maintained by the City.
The present sanitary sewer collection system of the City and any additions or extensions that may hereafter be made thereto by the City of Easton Authority or the City, including any sewage treatment, disposal plants or works, pumping stations and necessary trunk lines and intercepting sewers, but excluding stormwater sewers.
The word "shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive.
Editor's Note: Resolution 30-94, adopted March 23, 1994, provides for management services at the Easton Water Treatment Plant and the Easton Sewage Treatment Plant by U.S. Water, Inc., effective April 1, 1994. Resolution 50-94 adopted May 24, 1994, provides for operation and maintenance services at the Easton Water and Sewage Treatment Plants by U.S. Water, Inc. for a period of 10 years. Resolution 50-94 also authorizes execution of a "sideletter" and a "past practices letter."
All persons owning any building now erected upon premises accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within three months after notice to do so from the office of the City Engineer.
[Amended 2-9-1967 by Ord. No. 1947]
All persons owning any premises accessible to the sewer system upon which a building is hereafter erected shall, at the time of the erection of such building and at their own expense, connect the same with the sewer system.
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333]
All persons owning any building upon premises which hereafter becomes accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within three months after notice to do so from the office of the City Engineer.
[Amended 2-9-1967 by Ord. No. 1947]
An existing building lateral may be used to connect a new or renovated building only when it is found, after examination, to meet all current requirements of the Plumbing Code. The existing building lateral shall be televised at the property owner's expense and a video record provided to the City.
Maintenance and repair responsibilities.
The owner of an occupied building shall maintain the building drain and building lateral at his own expense and shall remove all tree roots, grease and other obstructions in the building drain and building lateral. The owner of any occupied building shall, if needed, repair or replace the building drain at his own expense.
In the event that a potential blockage cannot be cleared by the owner or owner's contractor, a closed circuit TV inspection of the building drain and building lateral with equipment that has the capability of measuring distance and location shall be performed at the owner's expense and a video record provided to the City. If the building lateral line is found to be inoperable due to a condition that requires repair or replacement of the building lateral or a portion thereof, the City shall be responsible for said repair or replacement.
Contractors performing TV inspections and blockage removals shall be plumbers who are duly registered and licensed by the City to perform the work in accordance with applicable codes of the City.
[Amended 5-11-2005 by Ord. No. 4673]
[Amended 2-9-1967 by Ord. No. 1947; 11-13-2023 by Ord. No. 5841]
No person owning any building on premises accessible to the sewer system shall erect, construct, use or maintain, or cause to be erected, constructed, used or maintained, any privy, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or other receptacle on such premises for receiving sewage after the effective date of this article without written permission from the Office of the City Engineer. If permission is not granted, such receptacle shall be cleaned and filled in within three months after being notified, in writing, to do so by the City Engineer. This does not, however, prohibit the use of such receptacle for the disposal of roof or surface water after such receptacle has been properly cleaned.
[Amended 5-11-2005 by Ord. No. 4673]
No person owning or occupying a building connected with the sewer system shall discharge or permit to be discharged into any part thereof roof or surface water, exhaust water, exhaust steam, oils, tar, grease, gasoline, benzine or other combustible gases and liquids, offal or insoluble solids or substances which, in the opinion of the City Chemist, would impair, impede, affect, interfere with or endanger the sewer system or any part thereof, in any manner whatsoever, or the functioning of the processes of sewage treatment. No cellar or floor drains of any kind may be connected with the sanitary sewer system.
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333]
No person shall discharge or permit to be discharged into the sewer system any industrial waste which, in the opinion of the City Chemist, would impair, impede, affect, interfere with or endanger the sewer system or any part thereof or the functioning of the processes of sewage treatment. No permit shall be issued for a connection, nor shall any connection be made, to the sewer system for the purpose of discharging industrial waste therein until the City Chemist shall have first determined that such industrial waste to be discharged into the sewer system is or has been rendered, by pretreatment or otherwise, reasonably harmless and would not impair, impede, affect, interfere with, or endanger the sewer system or any part thereof or the functioning of the processes of sewage treatment.
The City Chemist shall have access at all reasonable times to all plants and buildings from which industrial waste is being discharged into the sewer system for the purpose of determining whether any of the provisions of this article are being violated. In the event of any violation of this section, the City shall, in addition to the penalties provided for in this article, have the right to compel the discontinuance of the discharge of such industrial waste.
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333]
No connection shall be made to the sewer system except by a plumber duly registered and licensed by the City, and in a manner and of such materials as are approved of by the City's Plumbing Inspector, or his duly appointed deputy or assistant, and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Works or as may otherwise be required by law. All occupied buildings shall be provided with a fresh air inlet between the main house trap and the sanitary sewer. Such trap shall be within the building line and shall be of a type satisfactory to the City's Plumbing Inspector.
[Amended 5-11-2005 by Ord. No. 4673]
Whenever a building is to be connected to the sewer system, the owner or plumber who shall be duly licensed and registered by the City shall secure from the office of the City Engineer a permit setting forth the location of the property to be connected to the sewer system. The fee for such permit shall be as provided in Chapter 285, Fees, payable at the time the permit is issued.
Upon the completion of the connection, and while the piping is exposed, the plumber will be required to notify the office of the City Engineer and the office of the Plumbing Inspector to the effect that the connection is ready for inspection. Failure to have the connection properly inspected and approved by the City Engineer and the Plumbing Inspector or their duly authorized representatives and the securing of the permits required by this section will subject the plumber to the penalties provided in this article.
All persons owning any building now connected to the sewer system which is altered in any way which results in an increase in sewage discharge or increases the number of equivalent dwelling units, or is not altered but due to an increase in business or other event results in an increase in sewage discharge, shall secure from the office of the City Engineer a sewer connection permit. The fee for such a permit shall be provided in Chapter 285, Fees, payable at the time the permit is issued.
[Amended 5-11-2005 by Ord. No. 4673]
Each separate building shall be provided with an independent connection with the sewer system, and two or more properties shall not be permitted to discharge in the same building lateral connecting any property with the sewer system.
An exception may be made where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway. The sanitary sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one sanitary sewer for the purposes of this article, provided appropriate written agreement therefor shall be made between the affected property owners. In the case where there are multiple dwellings on a single property owned by one owner or condominium association, sanitary sewer lines may be joined for one connection to the City sewer system if approved by the proper authority.
Exceptions due to special circumstances may be approved by the City Engineer.
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333]
Each permit issued to a plumber pursuant to the provisions of this article for the making of a connection with the sewer system shall be invalid unless work is commenced and completed in accordance with the terms thereof. No work shall be done after any permit has expired or been revoked unless and until new permits shall have been obtained from the City Engineer and the Plumbing Inspector. The City reserves the right to revoke any permit so issued upon violation of any of the provisions of this article. A plumber whose permit shall be so revoked shall thereupon be required to secure a new permit for the making of a connection with the sewer system upon such terms as the City may prescribe.
[Amended 8-21-1951 by Ord. No. 1333]
Any person who erects, constructs or maintains a privy, cesspool, sinkhole or septic tank on any property accessible to the sewer system shall be deemed and declared to be a nuisance, which nuisance the Board of Health is authorized and directed to abate in the manner provided by law.
[Amended 10-22-1964 by Ord. No. 1842]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $300 and, in default of payment of fine and costs, imprisoned not more than 90 days.