The Board of Elections shall have and exercise all the powers and duties conferred or imposed upon it by the Election Law or any other applicable law. The appointment of the members of the Board shall be as provided by the Election Law. The term of office for each member of this Board shall be four years.
The Commissioners of Elections shall, within the appropriations provided therefor, appoint such officers, assistants and/or employees in their departments, including such actual deputy positions as may be authorized and budgeted, as shall be authorized by the County Legislature. All Deputy Commissioners of Elections shall serve at the pleasure of the Commissioners of Elections, subject to all applicable provisions of New York State law.
The Commissioners of Elections shall designate and deputize a deputy or deputies to whom shall be delegated all the powers and duties of the Commissioners of Elections and the authority to act generally for and in place of said Commissioners of Elections.
The designation or designations shall be in writing and shall designate the relative rank of the deputies, including the order of temporary succession to the duties of the Commissioners of Elections during absence, disability or otherwise and also may delegate among them such powers and duties as they may determine. The designation(s) and delegations shall be in writing and filed in the Department of Records, and copies thereof shall be filed with the Clerk to the County Legislature and with the County Executive.
The Probation Department shall be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to legislative confirmation, on the basis of his or her administrative experience and his or her qualifications for the duties of this office.
The Probation Director shall have and exercise all the powers and duties now or hereafter lawfully conferred or imposed upon him or her by the Charter, this code or local law, ordinance or resolution of the County Legislature, as head of a County Probation Department, or any other applicable state law not inconsistent with the Charter or this code. The Director shall also perform such other related functions as the County Legislature or the County Executive may designate in order to implement and accomplish the policies and responsibilities the County Legislature has prescribed.
The Probation Director shall, within the appropriations provided therefor, appoint such officers, assistants and/or employees in his or her Department, including such actual deputy positions as may be authorized and budgeted, as shall be authorized by the County Legislature. All Deputy Probation Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the Probation Director, subject to all applicable provisions of New York State law.
The Probation Director shall designate and deputize a deputy or deputies to whom shall be delegated all the powers and duties of the Probation Director and the authority to act generally for and in place of said Probation Director.
The designation or designations shall be in writing and shall designate the relative rank of the deputies, including the order of temporary succession to the duties of the Probation Director during absence, disability or otherwise and also may delegate among them such powers and duties as he or she may determine. The designation(s) and delegations shall be in writing and filed in the Department of Records, and copies thereof shall be filed with the Clerk to the County Legislature and with the County Executive.
The Board of Trustees of Rockland Community College shall continue as provided by law.
There shall be a Traffic Safety Board which shall have and exercise all the powers and duties conferred or imposed by, and be constituted in accordance with, the applicable state legislation bearing on or affecting its function, as well as those other powers, duties and responsibilities set forth in the enabling legislation of the County of Rockland which created such Board and any subsequent revisions, additions or amendments thereto.
Each member shall be a resident of the County, and the members of such Board shall receive no compensation for services but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, within any appropriation made for such purpose.
The Board is authorized to.
Promote and encourage street and highway traffic safety.
Formulate County-wide highway safety programs and coordinate efforts of interested parties and agencies engaged in traffic safety education.
Cooperate with local officials within the County in the formulation and execution of traffic safety programs and activities.
Study traffic conditions on streets and highways within the County and study and analyze reports of accidents and causes thereof and recommend to the appropriate legislative bodies, departments or commissions such changes in rules, orders, regulations and existing law as the Board may deem advisable.
Conduct meetings within the County whenever and wherever the Board shall deem it advisable and invite to such meetings, parties and agencies, public and private, interested in traffic regulation, control and safety education.
Promote safety education for drivers and pedestrians.
Obtain and assemble motor vehicle accident data and analyze, study and consolidate such data for educational and informational purposes.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 177, Traffic Safety Board.
Subject to confirmation by the County Legislature, and except as otherwise stated in the Charter or this code, the County Executive shall appoint the head of any other additional department of the County.
Administrative functions not otherwise specified in or assigned by the Charter shall continue in the manner previously provided and historically performed until lawfully amended, modified or superseded. All other agencies and officers shall possess all the powers and duties heretofore or hereafter lawfully conferred or imposed upon them by the Charter, this code, local law, ordinance or resolution of the County Legislature or any other applicable state law not inconsistent with the Charter or this code.
There shall be a Department, to be known as the "Office for the Aging," headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.
Except as otherwise provided in the Charter and this code, the Director of the Office for the Aging shall have all powers and duties to supervise, control and direct programs and facilities, as may be authorized by the County Legislature, so as to provide for the needs of the elderly and aged persons in the County of Rockland, to include the providing of a County-wide information and referral service for older persons; conducting workshop and training programs for the aged; encouraging greater volunteer service opportunities for older persons; establishing a comprehensive data profile on older persons in Rockland County; developing proposals for new programs for older persons; and utilizing all available resources in the County to formulate a County-wide service system for older persons. Said Director shall also have charge of and have the duty of performing such other and related duties concerning the Office for the Aging as the County Legislature may direct.
The Director shall have and exercise all the powers and duties heretofore or hereafter lawfully conferred or imposed upon him or her by the Charter, this code, local law, ordinance or resolution of the County Legislature or any other applicable state law not inconsistent with the Charter or this code. The Director shall also perform such other related functions as the County Legislature or the County Executive may designate in order to implement and accomplish the policies and responsibilities the County Legislature has prescribed. The Director of the Office for the Aging shall appoint a deputy, if such position is authorized by the County Legislature, to whom shall be delegated the authority to act generally for and in place of such Director.
[Amended 12-3-1996 by L.L. No. 21-1996[1]]
There shall be a Division of Real Property Tax Services within the Department of Finance, headed by a Real Property Tax Services Officer who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Finance and have all of the duties and terms and conditions of the office formerly held by the Director of Real Property Tax Services as prescribed by the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.
The Division shall:
Keep a record of all real property owned and acquired by the County. Such record shall show the date the property was acquired, the tax map description thereof and the Town in which the property is located and shall be properly cross-indexed to the original deeds of acquisition.
Pursuant to § 1532 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, through the Real Property Tax Service Officer, perform all of the duties prescribed by § 1532 of the Real Property Tax Law.
The Officer shall have and exercise all the powers and duties heretofore or hereafter lawfully conferred or imposed upon him or her by the Charter, this Code, local law, ordinance or resolution of the County Legislature or any other applicable state law not inconsistent with the Charter or this Code. The Officer shall also perform such other related functions as the County Legislature or the County Executive may designate in order to implement and accomplish the policies and responsibilities the County Legislature has prescribed.
Editor's Note: This local law also abolished the Office of Real Property Tax Services, effective 1-1-1997.
[Added 9-16-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1986]
Funding. Capital projects, whether funded by the capital funds or operating funds, shall include the appropriation of funds equal to 1% of the cost of the project for the first $15,000,000 appropriated, said funds to be appropriated for the acquisition, maintenance and management of public art, except where the appropriating resolution, bond resolution or budget may provide otherwise; provided, however, that, where applicable, such amount shall be reduced to the extent that state or federal government funds are not authorized to be used for such purpose.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
New construction of a building or of additional space added to a building.
Any reconstruction or renovation of a building or part of a building equal to or exceeding $50,000 in cost.
Any other project, the intended use of which requires that it be accessible or visible to the public, including but not limited to drainage, roads, parks and bridges, excepting therefrom sewer lines.
"Projects" shall not include those which are solely for rehabilitation of equipment.
Includes architectural and engineering fees, site work and contingency allowances for a project, but shall exclude land or building acquisitions and subsequent changes to the project unless such subsequent changes exceed 50% of the initial cost of the project.
Includes any application of skill and taste to production of tangible objects according to aesthetic principles, including but not limited to paintings, sculptures, engravings, carvings, frescoes, mobiles, murals, collages, mosaics, statues, bas-reliefs, tapestries, photographs, drawings and ceramics.
Applicability. This section shall apply to all capital projects in each annual budget of Rockland County as defined by this section.
The Arts in Public Places Committee.
There shall be an Arts in Public Places Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee," consisting of 11 members appointed by the County Executive, who shall serve at his or her pleasure, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature. The Chairperson of such Committee shall be selected by the County Executive from the members of the Committee for a term of one year. The County Executive, the Chairperson of the Legislature, the Chairperson of the Arts, Culture and Tourism Committee of the legislature, the majority leader and minority leader, or their designees, shall serve as ex officio voting members of the Committee.
The members shall be experts in the fields of art, art history, architecture or architectural history.
Committee duties.
The Committee shall prepare a Master Art Plan to ensure a coherent acquisition program and implementation guidelines, both of which shall be approved by the Rockland County Legislature. All acquisitions and sales of public art shall be in accordance with the Master Art Plan and implementation guidelines. The Committee shall recommend acquisitions and shall oversee the public education and curatorial aspects of the acquisition program. The Rockland Center for the Arts shall serve as coordinator for the program. The Arts in Public Places Committee shall deliver an annual report to the County Executive and the Rockland County Legislature.
[Amended 4-6-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
The Committee shall choose the methods of acquisition of public art for each project. Such methods of acquisition may include but are not limited to projects of preexisting art, direct commission, art competition or acceptance of donations.
The Committee may, for each capital project, convene a panel comprised of at least three members of the Committee, one of whom shall be designated Chairperson. The Committee may also appoint additional art experts as members of the panel. The Committee may appoint additional members to the panel to serve as advisors, who may be community representatives, County employees, project managers or others who will have frequent contact with the public art when it is completed. The architect or engineer of the project shall be an ex officio member of each panel. The panel shall review the scope of each project and shall make recommendations to the Committee on the nature of the public art to be considered for the project, on the method of acquisition for each project, on the specific artist and the specific art for each project and what portion of the budget for each project shall be used for refurbishing or restoring existing works of art or to be set aside for the maintenance of a work of art.
The acquisition and siting of all art work shall be approved by the County Executive and the County Legislature.
Use of appropriated funds. The use of any funds appropriated for any project for public art purposes shall be in accordance with the Master Plan, except that any such funds provided from the proceeds of County serial bonds or notes shall be used only for public art purposes related to the project for which such bonds or notes were authorized. To the extent the total appropriation of a project is not used for the acquisition of works of art for said project, upon the approval of the County Legislature, the remainder may be used for.
Arts program administrative costs, insurance costs or for the repair and maintenance of any works of art acquired under this law; or
Supplementing other appropriations for the acquisition of works of art under this section or to place works of art in or near government facilities which have already been constructed.
Ownership and upkeep. Ownership and title of all works of public art acquired by the County under this section shall be vested in the County of Rockland.