It hereby is declared that the lack of adequate affordable housing is a significant problem for the citizens of Lexington, particularly for low-income persons. The availability of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income is of grave concern to the City.
There is hereby created for the City a Housing Commission, which will be an agency designated "Threshold," which is to take the initiative in coordinating the parties which, in partnership with the City, may be able to make progress in resolving the City's housing problems.
The primary responsibility of the Commission shall be to coordinate and administer housing programs, recruit public and private developers and provide public information on housing issues, which shall include programs for the elderly and handicapped as well as low-income persons.
It will catalogue available sites within the City available and suitable for low-income housing, suggest zoning ordinance changes allowing implementation of programs for developments in those areas, investigate and inquire as to the availability of surplus land now titled in institutions which could be made available for private residential development, investigate and seek out funding resources for the improvement of low-income housing in the City, and perform any other functions which may be requested of the Commission by the Council.
Threshold will consist of eight regular members. Seven members are appointed by the City Council and will, after initial periods of appointment, serve terms of three years. The eighth member of Threshold will be the housing liaison, appointed by Council as a member thereof.
Additional members may be appointed as needed pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth below.
Additional members may be added who will be target area representatives. These members will be appointed by City Council to serve on Threshold during any given twenty-four-month grant implementation period. Target area representatives must be residents of specific target areas.
Any of the members of the City Housing Commission may be removed by the Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, provided that such removal may be made only after a public hearing in which such member is given an opportunity to appear and be heard.
All members of the City Housing Commission shall serve as such without compensation. Members shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
The members of the Housing Commission shall elect their own Chairperson and Secretary and such other officers as may be required for the proper functioning of the Commission. The Commission will adopt a regular schedule of meetings with such frequency as is necessary to carry out its duties set forth in this article. It will report its activities to City Council at the end of each quarter through June 30, 1990, and not less frequently than semiannually thereafter.