The Committee is hereby formed and recognized by the county for the following purposes: to advise the Chief on matters regarding the operations of the Department, including but not limited to reviewing operating procedures, rules and regulations, budget matters, etc.; to create enthusiasm among its member companies; to coordinate the work of its membership; to disseminate knowledge of fire-fighting methods and techniques; to promote goodwill and devoted service to the people of Warren County; and to promote a general interest and knowledge of fire prevention. The Committee shall be dedicated to the service of volunteer fire and rescue members and the volunteer companies of Warren County, and to promote and encourage cooperation among the member companies. The Committee is empowered to promulgate by-laws to effectuate the purposes set out herein.
Membership on the Advisory Committee is open to one member and an alternate from each company selected by the company. These members may be the company Chief, President or any member at large from the membership of each company. Each company is entitled to one vote.