The following terms and definitions when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
An individual meeting the following criteria, being certified by the Virginia Board of Housing, Office of Uniform Statewide Building Code, to perform electrical inspections of electrical conductors, wiring and equipment and to properly determine whether they conform to the requirements of the code; who has been designated by the Middle Department Inspection Agency, hereafter refereed to as "MDIA," from among its personnel who are available to perform the duties of Electrical Inspector as provided in this article, in accordance with an agreement between the county and MDIA; and a person who bears the credentials designating them as an inspector for the county issued by the Building Official. There may be more than one Electrical Inspector and where the word "the" is used in this article with reference to an Electrical Inspector, it shall refer to any Electrical Inspector as herein defined.
The Electrical Inspector shall receive no compensation from the county.
The Electrical Inspector shall perform those duties relating to the inspection of electrical installations as required by this code and which are not performed by the department in accordance with the provisions of this article; and the Electrical Inspector shall file in the department records of all inspections made and other duties performed, unless otherwise provided by this code and the Board of Supervisors.
It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation who performs any electrical work regulated by this code, in addition to obtaining all permits required by this code, to file application for an electrical inspection thereof upon forms furnished to the department by MDIA and to pay all fees as published and provided by MDIA before commencing with any electrical work, except as otherwise authorized by this code.
No application for an electrical permit shall be approved and issued by the department unless the permit application is accompanied with an MDIA inspection application and the appropriate fee, except as may otherwise be approved by the MDIA Electrical Inspector and/or the Building Official.