[Adopted 1-15-2002]
A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if, with the intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he:
In any street, highway, public building, or while in or on a public conveyance, or public place engages in conduct having the direct tendency to cause acts of violence by the person or persons at whom, individually, such conduct is directed; or
Willfully or being intoxicated, whether willfully or not, and whether such intoxication results from self-administered alcohol or other drug of whatever nature, disrupts any meeting of the Board of Supervisor or a division or agency thereof or of any political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited to the Planning Commission, the Industrial Development Authority of the Town of Front Royal and the County of Warren, or of any public school, including any meeting of the Warren County School Board, if the disruption:
Prevents or interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting; or
Has a direct tendency to cause acts of violence by the person or persons at whom, individually, the disruption is directed; or
Willfully or while intoxicated, whether willfully or not, and whether such intoxication results from self-administered alcohol or other drug of whatever nature, disrupts the operation of any school or any activity conducted or sponsored by any school, if the disruption:
Prevents or interferes with the orderly conduct of the operation or activity; or
Has a direct tendency to cause acts of violence by the person or persons at whom, individually, the disruption is directed.
The conduct prohibited under Subsection A of this section shall not be deemed to include the utterance or display of any words or conduct otherwise made punishable under Article 2, Chapter 9, Title 18-2, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended.
Any member of the Board of Supervisors, the County Administrator, or the County Administrator's designee, or in the case of a public school, the person in charge of any such building, place, conveyance, meeting, operation or activity, may eject therefrom any person who violates any provision of this article, with the aid, if necessary, of any persons who may be called upon for such purpose.
Any person violating § 128-4 shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.