During preliminary consultation with the village, the subdivider shall discuss stormwater management and stormwater quality options within the subdivision. The following options are available to the subdivider.
Stormwater assessment. The subdivider contributes an amount determined by the Village Board to the village's Regional Detention Basin Fund. The Regional Detention Basin Fund will be used by the village to pay for the design and construction of future regional detention basins. Contributions to the fund will be based on zoning and total acreage.
Regional detention basin. The subdivider constructs an on-site regional detention basin designed by the village. The subdivider dedicates the village a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way in order to permit village maintenance and repair of the regional detention basin. The subdivider may be eligible for Regional Detention Basin Funds due to the additional land requirements and construction costs associated with a regional detention basin.
Wet/dry detention basin. The subdivider designs and constructs an on-site dry detention basin at no cost to the village. Dry detention basin detains the on-site peak two-year and ten-year post-development runoff rate and releases it at the respective on-site peak pre-development runoff rate (subdivider may be required to construct a wet or extended dry detention basin at no cost to the village instead of a dry detention basin in order to improve stormwater quality as well). The subdivider dedicates to the village a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way.
Drainage plan is required showing the entire subdivision and surrounding perimeter area. The plan shall contain:
Existing one-foot contour elevations, based on National Map Accuracy Standards and United States Coast and Geodetic datum as utilized by the village.
Proposed lot layout consistent with plat or certified survey, including lot number.
Proposed elevations of lot corners. Front lot corner grades (at the right-of-way line) shall be based on a one-half-inch-per-foot slope from the top of curb to future sidewalk location and 1/4 inch per foot for a future five-foot-wide sidewalk.
Drainage patterns with percent slope and easements, if necessary. Identify primary drainage swales that convey runoff from four or more residential lots. Primary drainage swales shall have a twenty-foot-wide easement.
Street layout, including proposed storm sewer improvements with proposed elevations. Street elevations to be shown at intersections and changes in grade. Storm sewer elevation to be shown at manholes and catch basins to include rim and invert elevations.
If required, detention basin plans showing existing and proposed grades, including inlet and outlet structure details.
Peak pre-development runoff rate, peak post-development runoff rate and increase in peak runoff rate due to development within the subdivision.
In any new subdivision, prior to issuance of any building permits, in addition to the requirements of § 205-27I, the developer shall grade the road right-of-way and primary drainage swales. After completion of grading, the developer shall submit two copies of the Subdivision Drainage Plan to the village, certifying that the grades of primary swales and rights-of-way have been adjusted to final grades. If curb and gutter is not constructed prior to building permit issuance, the developer shall provide field staking by his or her surveyor or engineer to set driveway and house grades.
Owner or builder shall obtain grade information from the village (i.e., proposed lot corners from drainage plan and proposed top of curb) for inclusion into the building site plan required at the time of building permit application.
A site plan (two copies), using the form drawing provided, showing the lot and proposed building as follows:
Lot location map/subdivision name.
Lot dimensions.
Address (if applicable).
Proposed lot corner elevations (consistent with the subdivision drainage plan).
House footprint, garage and driveway location.
Proposed grade at front of building or garage floor.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).