[Amended 3-13-1984 by Ord. No. 567]
Every owner of property shall, within 60 days after receipt
of notice from the borough, construct, reconstruct and repair the
curb and sidewalk in front of or along such property. The notice may
be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and shall
be served on the owner personally if he can be located in the borough;
but if he cannot, a copy will be left with the person in possession
or, if no one is in physical possession of the property, the notice
will be posted on the premises.
Any property owner, upon his own initiative and without notice
from any borough authority, may construct, reconstruct or repair any
curb or sidewalk in front of or along his property, provided that
such owner shall give notice, in writing, to the Borough Secretary
at least 10 days before commencing work where the line and grade have
been previously established by borough ordinance or action of the
Borough Engineer, and at least 20 days prior to the next regular meeting
of Borough Council where such line and grade have not been established.
All curbs and sidewalks shall be constructed and reconstructed
and repaired in accordance with the rules and regulations as originally
adopted at the time this Article is enacted and as they shall be changed
and amended from time to time by the Engineer with the approval of
Borough Council.
If any property owner shall fail or refuse to construct, reconstruct and repair the curb or sidewalk as required by §
181-1 of this Article and in conformance with the rules and regulations referred to in §
181-3 when notified to do so, the borough may, at its option, cause the same to be done and charge and collect the cost thereof from the property owner with a penalty of 10%, which cost and penalty shall be collected by an action of assumpsit, the filing of a municipal claim or in any other manner permitted by law.
Any person, whether an individual, partnership, association or corporation, including but not limited to owners, tenants, occupiers, contractors, subcontractors and their agents, servants and employees, who shall violate any of the terms of this Article and the rules and regulations referred to in §
181-4, shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not more than $600 and the costs of prosecution and, in default of the payment of such fine and costs, shall suffer imprisonment for a period not to exceed 30 days. After notice, each day's continuance of a violation shall constitute a separate offense. These penalties shall be in addition to the remedies afforded the borough in §
181-4 of this Article.
No curbs or sidewalks shall be constructed, reconstructed or
repaired to any lines or grades other than those furnished and/or
approved by the Borough Engineer.
[Amended 3-13-1984 by Ord. No. 567]
A. All new curbs along any street shall be constructed of concrete only.
B. Curbing construction shall conform to standard specifications, as
described herein and as further detailed on Exhibit A which is attached
hereto and made a part of this Article.
C. A standard straight concrete curb installation shall be required
on all existing ordained streets within the borough and at such other
thoroughfare locations as the Borough Council may direct, except where
in the opinion of the Borough Council it shall be unnecessary for
the public safety and convenience.
D. All concrete curb shall be constructed of three-thousand-pounds-per-square-inch
twenty-eight-day compressive strength concrete. The proportions of
concrete ingredients shall be such as to provide a mixture which will
work readily into corners and angles of the forms with the method
of placement employed but without permitting the materials to segregate
or excess free water to collect on the surface.
[Amended 3-13-1990 by Ord. No. 625]
Standard straight curb construction shall conform to the design
specifications indicated in Exhibit A. Curb section shall be seven inches in thickness at the
top and eight inches in thickness at the bottom and 18 inches deep,
maintaining a one-inch-per-foot batter on the streetside face. The
height above the gutter line shall normally be eight inches with a
minimum of 4 1/2 inches permitted along streets with a minimum
cartway between curbs (in general this height of curb above the gutter
line shall be established by provision of a three-eighths-inch-per-foot
allowance in finished road pavement surface). The maximum height of
curb above the gutter line shall be eight inches at stormwater inlet
structures, and under certain other conditions of gutter line and
of wide cartway thoroughfares as may be approved or directed by the
Borough Engineer.
[Added 11-22-1994 by Ord. No. 674]
A. Substantial, unyielding, mortar-tight forms shall be used for all
concrete curb and curb and gutter construction, and they shall conform
to the dimensions of the structure to be constructed and be clean
and free of all foreign and previously formed material. The forms
shall be smooth and of uniform alignment, and any forms which, in
the opinion of the Borough Engineer, or his or her designated representatives
do not satisfactorily conform to these requirements may be condemned
for use thereby. The forms shall be properly braced or tied together
so as to maintain position and slope.
B. Rigid straight section forms shall not be used for curved curb construction
except by specific approval of the Borough Engineer or his authorized
representative after consideration of the degree of curvature involved.
C. Forms may be removed after 24 hours, provided that the concrete is
sufficiently hard not to be injured thereby.
D. Protective backfilling against the newly constructed curbs on the
sidewalk side shall be accomplished with dry, durable, unfrozen earth.
Backfilling on the street side shall be accomplished with approved
stone fill compacted in six-inch lifts. The surface of the stone shall
be brought up to elevation based upon criteria as follows:
[Amended 2-13-1996 by Ord. No. 679]
(1) In cases where the installation of the curbing is being done in conjunction
with a street restoration program, where the existing roadway is going
to be overlayed, the stone shall be brought up to an elevation four
inches below the existing road grade. The top four inches shall then
be filled with four inches of BCBC, bringing the surface of the BCBC
flush with the existing roadway surface.
(2) In cases where the installation of the curbing is not being done
in conjunction with a street restoration program, the stone shall
be brought up to an elevation 5.5 inches below the existing road grade.
This difference in elevation shall then be filled with four inches
of BCBC and then topped with 1.5 inches of ID-2 surface wearing course,
bringing the restored trench surface flush with the existing roadway
surface. All pavement joints and the joint along the curb face shall
then be sealed with AC20.
[Amended 3-13-1990 by Ord. No. 625]
A. A radius curb shall be constructed at all street intersections designated
by the Borough Engineer. The minimum radius for any curb at a street
intersection shall be 15 feet. Depressed curbs and aprons shall be
provided at any alley and/or driveway in accordance with the specifications
set forth on Exhibits A and B.
[Amended 11-22-1994 by Ord. No. 674]
B. For driveways in all new land subdivision street constructions and
where otherwise deemed necessary for the public safety and convenience
by Borough Council and/or directed by the Borough Engineer, driveway
entrances shall be constructed as shown on Exhibit B.
C. All curbs at the intersection of public alleys shall extend along
the sides of the alley for the full width of the street sidewalk.
D. The minimum radius for curblines at street intersections in all new
land subdivision street construction work shall be 30 feet as rounded
by a tangential arc. The curbline radius shall be concentric with
that of the right-of-way line, excepting at the intersection of streets
having different widths between the curb and right-of-way (property)
lines. The grade of lines of curbs at intersections shall intersect
if the tangents are extended.
[Amended 3-13-1990 by Ord. No. 625]
No new driveway within the street line shall be constructed
of anything other than reinforced concrete and shall meet all other
specifications of this Article. All driveways or alleyways crossing
the sidewalks shall have a minimum thickness of six inches within
the street right-of-way. The top surface of the driveway or alleyway
shall take the cross slope of the sidewalk from a point three feet
from the street face of curbline toward the property line. The driveway
or alleyway shall slope uniformly from a point three feet inside the
street face of the curbline to 1 1/2 inches above the gutter
line. A reinforced curb extending 10 inches below the gutter line
shall be constructed along the street face of all driveways where
the standard straight curb section is used. Driveway construction
design shall conform to Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and made
a part of this Article.
[Amended 3-13-1984 by Ord. No. 567; 3-13-1990 by Ord. No. 625; 2-12-1991 by Ord. No. 634]
A. All new, reconstructed or replacement sidewalk pavement shall be
constructed, reconstructed or replaced with concrete pavement only
over four inches of well-compacted crushed stone. Brick sidewalks
may be constructed if approved by the Borough Engineer or such other
committee or person designated by the Borough Council for such purpose.
Such approval may be obtained only on the condition that such brick
sidewalks are constructed in accordance with the following specifications:
a well-compacted subgrade of four inches of crushed stone, one-inch
compacted stone screening or sand sloped for proper drainage and four-by-eight-by-two-and-one-half-inch
brick pavers (or other brick paver approved by the Borough Engineer)
shall be placed on the screenings and sand shall be scattered over
bricks and swept into the joints followed by an application of a light
mist from a hose over the entire surface; and such other provisions
of this Article as are applicable under the circumstances.
B. All sidewalk pavements shall be constructed to a minimum thickness
of four inches and a minimum width of four feet. Widths of pavements
shall, however, be four feet or greater, as specified, for certain
borough streets by various existing ordinances pertaining specifically
thereto; and the placement of such pavements within the sidewalk area
shall be in accordance with such existing ordinances as well. The
width and location of sidewalk pavements for streets not covered by
existing ordinances, or changes in such specifications for streets
already ordained, shall be established upon recommendation of the
Borough Engineer and by approval of the Borough Council.
C. All concrete pavements shall be constructed of three-thousand-pounds-per-square-inch
twenty-eight-day compressive strength concrete, the proportionate
ingredients of which shall be such as to provide a readily workable
mixture in the forms without permitting segregation of the material
ingredients or excessive free water to collect on the surface.
D. Longitudinally, bituminous expansion joints shall be placed at a
minimum spacing of 30 feet.
E. All sidewalk pavements' slope, longitudinally, shall conform
to adjacent curb sections' slope. Cross slopes of sidewalk sections
shall have a finished surface slope or pitch of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch
per foot from the right-of-way (property) line toward the curbline
to coincide with the finished top-of-curb cross slope.
F. Separate, square, pavement islands, separated from abutting pavement
sections by one-half-inch bituminous expansion joints, shall be constructed
around all poles, fire hydrants, light standards or any other utility
structure within the sidewalk area. These special pavement sections
shall be sized to provide a minimum six inches clearance from the
face of the structure to abutting sections on all sides. One-half-inch
bituminous expansion joints shall also be provided where special pavement
section abuts structure.
G. Under no circumstances shall any public service curb or sidewalk
boxes for access to underground facilities be left below or above
the sidewalk level. They shall be brought to the grade of the new
walk and the concrete placed around them so they will always be accessible
for the purpose for which they were originally intended and placed,
all of which shall be the responsibility of the property owner.