The Municipality of Madison administers a program of general assistance (GA) available to all persons who are eligible to receive assistance in accordance with the standards of eligibility as provided within this chapter, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) GA policy and in 22 M.R.S.A. § 4301 et seq.
Every effort will be made to recognize the dignity of the applicant while encouraging self-reliance. The program will strive to help eligible persons achieve self-maintenance by promoting the work incentive. When possible, it will seek to alleviate needs other than financial through rehabilitative, preventive and protective services. The general assistance program will place no unreasonable restrictions on the personal rights of the applicant or recipient, nor will there be any unlawful discrimination based on sex, age, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or disability. The municipality is committed to including qualified individuals with disabilities in municipal services, programs, and activities. As a result, the municipality will promote a GA program that, when viewed in its entirety, is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. GA applicants with physical or mental disabilities that require a reasonable accommodation in order to access and/or utilize the municipal GA program are encouraged to provide the municipality with advance notice regarding the accommodation request.
The general assistance administrator will act promptly on all applications for assistance and requests for fair hearings. GA applicants will be provided information regarding their rights and responsibilities under the GA program. Within 24 hours of receiving an application, the administrator will provide the applicant a written decision, whether or not assistance is granted, that will state the specific reasons for the decision. The administrator will also provide the applicant written notice that the applicant may appeal to the municipal fair hearing authority if dissatisfied with the decision. When an applicant is determined to be eligible, assistance appropriate to the need will be furnished within 24 hours after the completed application is submitted except when the administrator issues nonemergency assistance conditionally on the successful completion of a workfare assignment. (See § 200-23 of this chapter.)
The administrator will maintain complete and accurate records pertaining to each applicant and recipient. These records are confidential as a matter of law. (See 22 M.R.S.A. § 4306.)
The administrator will post notice stating the day(s) and hours the administrator will be available. The administrator, or other designated person/entity, will be available to take applications in the event of an emergency at all other times. A copy of this chapter and Maine General Assistance Law will be readily available to any member of the public upon request. Notice to this effect will be posted.