This chapter shall be known as and may be cited as the "Mass Gatherings Ordinance of the Town of Madison."
This chapter is enacted pursuant to the Home Rule Authority granted to the Town of Madison in accordance with the provisions of 30-A M.R.S.A. § 3001 and 22 M.R.S.A. § 1602, Subsection 5.
The Town of Madison finds that unregulated mass gatherings pose a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Large numbers of patrons overtax the roads leading to the place where the gathering is being held, preventing the passage of emergency vehicles, delaying persons using these roads for other purposes, posing a threat to pedestrians, and obstructing entrances to homes and places of business so that residents and business guests are denied access. mass gatherings also exceed the capacity of the community to provide lodging, parking, food, water, medical services and sanitary facilities, resulting in trespasses upon and damage to private property, the use of private property as public toilets, and creation of hazards to the health of both patrons and residents. A lack of sufficient security forces to cope with large crowds results in open violations of laws intended to prevent breaches of the peace, and illegal consumption of drugs and alcohol. Unregulated mass gatherings also interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of home and property by residents of the Town through the creation of noise, congestion, and unauthorized use of private property. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a balance between the right of assembly and the legitimate rights of privacy of residents of the Town.