[Adopted 1-6-1992 by Ord. No. 171]
Under and by virtue of the authority contained in Article 25 of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the amendments thereto and further for the protection and promotion of the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the citizens of Federalsburg, the following rules, regulations, and provisions are enacted, adopted and established.
No motor truck larger than a one-ton truck or one which is generally known as a "pickup" or "panel" or "small stake" truck is to use the streets of Federalsburg as a means of passage from one place to another on any streets of Federalsburg except the following streets and roads:
East Central Avenue, East of Liberty Road.
Reliance Avenue, from the Maryland Routes 313/318 to Chambers Street, only.
Liberty Road.
Railroad Avenue.
Industrial Park Drive.
Chambers Street.
Caroline Drive.
Passage upon all streets of Federalsburg other than the above-enumerated streets shall be by permit only, said permits obtained under the provisions of § 223-6 of this article. It is further prohibited to have any truck in excess of 20,000 pounds operate on the East Central Avenue Bridge.
No motor truck larger than a one-ton truck or one which is generally known as a "pickup" or "panel" or "small stake" truck is to use the streets of Federalsburg as a means of passage from one place to another between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on the following day, except for deliveries, unless a permit for such movement is obtained prior thereto.
A permit for truck movement herein prescribed may be obtained from the Federalsburg Police Department by advising the Department of the location of the truck, the place to which it is desired to move the truck and by providing the Federalsburg Police Department with such other information as the Chief of Police may deem necessary.
Upon application for a permit as herein provided, the Police Department will advise the applicant of the route to be taken, and the times that movement will be permitted. In the event that the same route is to be taken upon regular occasions by the same truck, then the Police Department may issue the permit which will be good for a period of one year.
A separate permit shall be issued for each truck and shall be carried in the vehicle at all times while said vehicle is in the prohibited area.
It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park any truck, tractor, tractor trailer, car carrier or other motor vehicle with the load capacity greater than one ton on any street within the Town, except for the purpose of immediate loading or unloading, and it shall be unlawful to park any of the aforedescribed vehicles in a residence area with a continuous running unit including, but not limited to, an operating refrigeration unit.
It shall be lawful for any vehicle covered by the terms and conditions of this article to travel to any location within the corporate limits of the Town of Federalsburg for the purpose of immediate loading and unloading subject to the restriction that the vehicle must use an approved truck route and permit if such route will provide access to the loading location, and that only when no such route is legally provided shall the vehicle have the right to travel unauthorized routings. This exception does not apply to any truck using any unauthorized street route in Federalsburg when an authorized route could have been used by the vehicle.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The penalty for violation of this article shall be a fine not exceeding $75 for each offense.