Any applicant for land development may, prior to the subdividing of land as defined in this chapter, submit to the Secretary of the Board a sketch plat of the proposed subdivision for the purpose of classification and preliminary discussion. This submission shall be at least 21 days prior to the next meeting at which the subdivision is to be discussed. The submission shall consist of 20 copies of the sketch plat, together with 20 copies of a letter or report explaining the proposal. The application fee and escrow is as reflected on the fee schedule.
A fee for a nonbinding review of a sketch plat shall be charged in accordance with the current fee schedule and escrow schedule for land development boards as adopted by the Township Committee.
Purpose of the preliminary plat. The purpose of the preliminary plat is to provide the Board with the detailed drawings of what is expected to become the final subdivision plat. These drawings shall be accurate in order to give the Board, the Township Committee and their representatives who are charged with the responsibility of reviewing the plat all the data necessary for a detailed review. The Board Engineer is the designated agent of the Board who shall review all development applications and certify completeness of the same.
Required documents to be submitted with preliminary plat. The following documents or proofs shall be submitted 21 days prior to action by the Board on all preliminary major subdivisions:
Twenty copies of preliminary subdivision application forms to the Board Secretary and one copy to the Board Engineer and Planner.
Preliminary subdivision fee. See adopted fee schedule.[1] A fee for preliminary subdivision applications shall be charged in accordance with the current fee and escrow schedules for land development boards as adopted by the Township Committee.
Editor’s Note: See Ch. 60, Fee and Escrow Schedule.
Twenty copies of the preliminary plat as well as any other maps required for the proper presentation of the subdivision accompanied by the written consent of the owner to the Board Secretary. Two copies of the preliminary plat and two copies of the preliminary profiles shall be submitted directly to the Engineer and Planner by the applicant.
Twenty copies of a drainage area map and drainage calculations shall be submitted to the Board Secretary and one copy to the Board Engineer and Planner.
The Board Secretary is required to distribute the preliminary plats as follows:
Environmental Commission.
Fire Chief.
Joint Land Use Board Attorney.
The Delanco Sewerage Authority.
Proof of payment of all current taxes due and assessments for local improvements, if any.
Approval of the Delanco Sewer Authority of all sewage extensions.
Environmental impact statement. An electronic copy of an environmental impact statement (EIS) shall be submitted by the applicant for all preliminary site plan applications and/or subdivisions involving the creation of four or more lots, except as waived in whole or in part by the Board.
[Amended 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-12]
An EIS shall include the following:
A report prepared in general accordance with the most recent guidance for completion of a preliminary assessment published by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the most recent industry standards for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM Designation: E1527), and the requirements of this subsection. The report shall include:
Preparation by a qualified firm and individuals and including a statement of qualifications.
A narrative history of the site, the prior uses of the land, past and current owners and of the potential pollution-related effects of such uses on the property.
Review of regulatory agency data, prior environmental reports, and property ownership records.
Review of local and county files, including zoning/planning, health, construction code, environmental, police and fire departments with respect to site specific applications, incidents, or investigations which may involve storage or release of chemicals or petroleum products.
Review of readily available historical resources including aerial photographs, topographic maps, atlases, fire insurance maps, directories, and other resources which may provide site-specific information regarding past uses.
Review of current and prior water supply and waste disposal practices, including on-site wastewater disposal.
Review and discussion of current and prior chemical and materials used at the site.
Results of a site inspection conducted in general accordance with above-referenced guidance and standards.
Interviews with local government officials, occupants and adjoining property owners relative to obtaining information indicating history and/or environmental conditions in connection with the site. The interviews shall inquire to: 1) prior site uses; 2) significant environmental conditions or events; 3) helpful documents or prior assessments; and 4) proceedings involving the property.
Findings of the assessment, conclusions regarding the significance of the findings, and recommendations for further evaluation or no further evaluation of findings, as appropriate.
Based upon the findings of the preliminary assessment, the applicant shall be required to perform soil testing of the project site to detect the presence of contaminants which may be suspected to be present in the soil of the project site such as pesticides, lead, herbicides, petroleum, chemicals or any other environmental toxin(s). Results of the soil testing are to be submitted as a separate report as part of the environmental impact statement.
Indication of prior agricultural in the preliminary assessment use shall be a finding warranting soil testing, if the application includes the disturbance of any site soils as part of nonresidential development, or includes planned residential, school, or day care use as part of the planned development.
In addition to the test results, the testing report shall also describe in detail the name of the consultant performing the test, the date, time and methodology used in the soil testing and what steps are to be taken in order to alleviate any level of contamination found in or on the project site.
The testing report shall include figures indicating the location of samples, boring or test pit logs, analytical summary tables, laboratory reports, and other commonly provided investigation-related information.
The testing report shall compare results to current New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection standards and ecological screening levels as appropriate if potential ecological receptors exist within or near the site.
The testing report shall evaluate the significance of the results with respect to the proposed development and the protection of human health and the environment. If further testing is required to complete the evaluation, it shall be conducted and included in the testing report so as to present a complete and final evaluation.
A description of the proposed project shall be submitted and shall include:
The purpose and scope of the project;
The suitability of the site for the intended project;
The estimated resident population, if applicable;
The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed project with surrounding uses, including the adequacy of proposed exterior buffers, setbacks and screening.
An inventory and description of existing environmental conditions on the project site shall be submitted and shall include the following:
Soil types. Each soil type on the site shall be classified and described per the Burlington County Soil Survey. Where the proposed area of land disturbance involves soil with moderate or severe limitations, as per the Burlington County Soil Survey, relative to the project proposed, a complete mapping of all soil types on the site shall be required indicating where those moderate and severe limitations exist per the Soil Survey.
Topography. The topographic conditions of the site shall be mapped and described and in particular areas of steep slopes, clearly identified.
Vegetation. The existing vegetation on the site shall be described. When required, a map showing the location of major vegetation groupings, such as woodland, open field and wetland, shall be submitted. Where woodlands are delineated, the forest type shall be indicated. Trees within the area of disturbance must be identified on the site map, and a list showing the number and species of mature trees must be provided.
Wildlife. Unique wildlife habitats shall be identified. Where applicable, other data assembled regarding wildlife activity on the site shall also be mapped and/or described.
Surface water. Existing watercourses and water bodies that are partially or totally on the site or within 200 feet of the site and their relationship to the area of land disturbance shall be delineated and described.
Subsurface water. The subsurface conditions on the site, in terms both of depth to groundwater and of water supply capabilities of the site, shall be described. When existing conditions warrant, detailed information regarding existing wells within 500 feet of the site relative to depth, capacity and water quality shall be provided. The water supply capabilities of the adjacent areas and the recharge capabilities of the site shall be described.
Unique, scenic and/or historic features. Those portions of the site that can be considered to have unique, scenic and/or historic qualities shall be described and delineated.
Existing development features. All existing features on the site that are not considered to be part of the natural environment shall be described. This shall include, but not be limited to, roads, dwelling units, accessory structures, utility lines, easements, rights-of-way, etc.
Air and water quality. An analysis shall be conducted of existing air and water quality in accordance with the standards established by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Wetlands. Any on-site wetlands regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers and/or New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection shall be delineated and mapped, and the status of any jurisdictional determination or permit application with respect to the mapped wetlands line and any required wetlands buffer shall be described and mapped, if applicable. Off-site wetlands, within 200 feet, shall be generally located with respect to the proposed development.
An assessment of the impacts of the project on all items set forth in Subsection B(8)(a)[4] above shall be provided.
A description of steps to be taken to minimize adverse environmental impacts during construction and operation, both at the project site and in the surrounding area, shall be submitted. Such description shall be accompanied by the necessary maps, schedules and other explanatory data that may be needed to clarify and explain the action to be taken.
The applicant shall submit a description and evaluation of adverse environmental impacts which cannot be avoided, with particular emphasis upon air or water quality, increase in noise, damage to natural resources, displacement of people and businesses, displacement of existing farms, increase in sedimentation and siltation and impact of storm drainage upon water quality. Increase in municipal services and consequences to municipal tax structures shall also be included.
Further steps.
Upon review of the preliminary assessment by the Joint Land Use Board engineer and upon the recommendation of said engineer, the Joint Land Use Board may require such other studies, tests or environmental treatments and remedies as may be determined reasonable and necessary for the environmental safety and security of the site.
Preliminary plat submission procedure.
Public hearing date. Upon receipt by the Board Secretary and the Board Engineer and Planner that the required proofs and documents were received 21 days prior to the regular scheduled meeting, the Board shall set a date for a public hearing on the proposed preliminary plat, which shall be as soon thereafter as possible, predicated upon administrative policy set by the Board. The Board Secretary shall then notify the applicant in writing of the time and place of the public hearing.
Notice of hearing. Upon setting the public hearing date, the Secretary shall forward the notice of the time and place of the public hearing to each of the following:
Joint Land Use Board Engineer.
Joint Land Use Board Attorney.
Environmental Commission.
Fire Chief.
Public hearing notification. Notice of applications shall conform to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:55-12 et seq.
Public hearing on preliminary plat. The Board shall hold the public hearing on the preliminary plat, at the time and place specified, in accordance with an adopted procedure set by the Board.
Board Engineer’s report.
The Board Engineer shall check each preliminary plat in sufficient detail to assure the Board all applicable regulations and design standards have been satisfactorily complied with. The Board Engineer shall review the preliminary plat for compliance with the current zoning ordinances; suitability of the land for building purposes; adequacy of the proposed street layout with due consideration given to traffic safety, circulation, ease of access, proper street dedications and extensions of existing streets; adequacy of the on-site drainage system and proper disposition of the discharge off site, including any off-site drainage assessment; satisfactory water supply and sewage disposal facilities; proposed grading of streets and lots to ensure the land disturbance is kept to a minimum; all else either requested by the Board which, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, affects the proper evaluation of the preliminary plat; any other data requested by the Board which, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, is necessary for the proper evaluation of the preliminary plat.
The Board Engineer shall submit his report to the Board as soon as practicable.
The Board Engineer and Board Secretary shall report to the Board if all required approvals of all other governmental agencies have been obtained and are in proper order.
It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to see that the Board Engineer is furnished with copies of all required approvals.
Reports of other governmental agencies. Major subdividers shall provide and incorporate in their plans provisions for adequate water supply and adequate waste and sewage disposal facilities.
Sewage disposal facilities. All major subdivisions shall provide sewage disposal facilities which are connected to any existing collection and treatment facilities of the Delanco Sewerage Authority. Prior to any action by the Board, the subdivider shall obtain tentative approval of the proposed collection system from the Delanco Sewerage Authority. In the event that the Delanco Sewerage Authority is unable or deems it impractical to provide for extension of the collection system, then the subdivider shall obtain tentative approval of the County Board of Health for individual disposal systems. If it is proposed to provide individual sewage disposal systems for 50 or more lots, the subdivider will then be required, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:11-25.1, to obtain tentative approval of the proposed system from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy.
Water supply facilities. All major subdivisions shall be required to provide a public central water supply system. The subdivider shall furnish to the Board a statement indicating the type of system proposed (extension of an existing distribution system or construction of a new supply and distribution system) and, in the case of extension of an existing system, a letter from the franchised water company indicating the availability of service to the subdivision. In the event that the Board determines that the requirement to provide a public water supply and distribution system should be waived, the subdivider shall obtain individual well approvals. If it is proposed to provide individual water supply systems for 50 or more lots or if it is provided to provide a new comprehensive water supply and distribution system, the subdivider will then be required, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:11-25.1, to obtain tentative approval of the proposed system from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy.
Action by the Board. Upon completion of the public hearing, the Board shall review the preliminary plat.
If any changes to the plat are required by the Board, the Board Engineer shall notify the applicant in writing of the necessary revisions. If the applicant requests, the Secretary shall also arrange a meeting whereby the applicant and Board can review and discuss the proposed changes.
Upon a favorable review and completion of any required changes, the Board shall act on the preliminary plat within 45 days for a subdivision.
Upon favorable action by the Board, the Secretary shall forward a copy of the approving resolution to the applicant. The applicant will then furnish to the Secretary the original tracing, together with proof that any or all conditions specified in the approval have been complied with. The Secretary will then have the tracing signed by the Chairperson and return the original to the applicant.
Preliminary plat approval rights. Approval shall confer upon the applicant the following rights for a three-year period from date of approval:
That the general terms and conditions upon which the tentative approval was granted will not be changed.
That the applicant may submit on or before the expiration date the whole or part or parts of the plat for final approval.
Such other provisions as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-49.
Detail required on preliminary plans.
The preliminary plans of a major subdivision shall include the preliminary plat, preliminary street profile, drainage area map and drainage calculations, utility plans, if required, construction details, if required, and any other plans necessary to establish the design, arrangement and dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features as to form, size and location. This information shall form the basis for the general terms and conditions upon which tentative approval may be granted.
The preliminary plans shall be clearly and legibly drawn on a reproducible tracing base. Any map which, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, is not clear and legible shall be returned to the applicant without action by the Board. Preliminary plats shall be drawn to a scale commensurate with the size of the property being subdivided but in no instance shall it be less than one inch equals 100 feet unless approval is obtained from the Board Engineer. All plats shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer or land surveyor, as authorized by law, in compliance with the design provision of § 18-12 et seq.
Required information on preliminary plat. The following information shall be shown on all preliminary plats:
Title box showing tract name and section, if any, Tax Map block and lot numbers, map date showing month, day and year, revision box and graphic scale.
Joint Land Use Board approval block.
Zone of the property being subdivided, together with a tabulation of the minimum zoning requirements of lot width, depth, frontage and area front, side and rear setbacks.
Entire tract acreage to the nearest tenth of an acre.
Total number of building lots created by the subdivision.
Name and address of the subdivider and name and address of the owner, together with a certification by the owner attesting to his ownership and consenting to the subdivision.
Names and tax block and lot numbers of all adjoiners.
Reference meridian.
Key map at an appropriate scale showing the subdivision in relation to surrounding major arteries and waterways.
Complete boundary information, together with a statement as to the source of the information (survey, tax map, deed, etc.)
All existing streets within the proposed subdivision and within 400 feet of the boundary showing names, width and established center line. (May be shown on supplemental sheet.)
All existing easements, rights-of-way and other reserved lands within the subdivision showing width, purpose and grantee.
All proposed street dedications, easements and rights-of-way showing location, width, purpose and grantee and all other reserved lands indicating size and proposed use.
All existing aboveground topography, including buildings, woods outline with a general description of type and density, watercourses, curbs, sidewalks and pavement types.
All existing and proposed storm drainage and existing and proposed sanitary sewage showing pipe size, type, invert elevation and slope. All existing and proposed water mains, gas mains and other underground utilities within or contiguous to the proposed subdivision when a separate utility plan is not required by the Township Engineer.
Proposed block and lot numbers and street names and addresses must be submitted to the Township Assessor before final approval. The Assessor will forward the street names and addresses to the 911 Coordinator and the post office for confirmation.
Dimensions of each and every lot within the subdivision.
Boring and percolation data. When a public sewage disposal system is not available, results of a soil boring and percolation test, confirmed by a licensed engineer, shall be submitted for each proposed residential lot. The results shall include the following information:
Date of test.
Soil log to a depth of 10 feet or as directed by the Board Engineer.
Depth at which groundwater was encountered.
An evaluation of depth to the seasonal high groundwater level.
Exact location of the test on the proposed lot.
Rate of percolation in minutes per inch.
Depth at which the percolation test was taken.
Surface elevations at each boring location
A soils map taken from the Burlington County Soils Survey, prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, showing the location of the proposed development thereon.
A map taken from the United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory maps, showing the location of the proposed development thereon.
Existing ground contours at a maximum interval of two feet, except if the average slope of the land is 1% or less, the maximum interval shall be one foot. Existing contours shall be shown as short dashed lines with fifth contour accented.
Proposed elevations every 100 feet along the center line of all streets within and abutting the proposed subdivision. In addition, there shall be proposed elevations at each lot corner, an approximate house plateau elevation and sufficient other elevations to show the anticipated grading of the subdivision and general direction of all surface drainage runoff.
Traffic control signs and devices.
Required information on preliminary profile. Preliminary profiles shall be submitted for every street within, and for all existing streets, abutting the proposed subdivision. Except in unusual circumstances, profiles shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontally and one inch equals five feet vertically. Streets shall be stationed from south to north and west to east and profiles drawn with stations increasing to the right. In addition, all profiles shall show the following information:
Existing ground and proposed finished grade; existing and proposed elevations to the nearest tenth shown at every station. Station to the nearest five feet and proposed elevation at every intersecting street; PVI station, elevation and length of curve at all vertical curves; station and proposed elevation of all PVC’s and IVT’s; tangent grades to the nearest 100th percent.
All existing and proposed sanitary sewers and all existing and proposed trunk and principal lateral storm sewers. Any trunk or principal lateral storm sewer which is not in a street shall be plotted on a separate profile. Invert elevations and pipe sizes shall also be shown for storm and sanitary sewers.
When suitable material is required to be removed in roadway areas, the vertical limits of such removal shall be shown.
Any other information required by the nature of the design which may appropriately be shown in a profile view.
Required information on drainage area map and drainage calculations. Unless specifically approved otherwise by the Board Engineer, the drainage area map shall be prepared on a duplicate original of the preliminary plat, which has been completed to show all the detail required on a preliminary plat with the exception of the proposed drainage and extraneous notation, and shall show the following additional information:
All proposed drainage with each manhole, inlet, headwall and other drainage structure numbered.
The outline of each area contributing to a drainage inlet structure, both on site and off site. When it is impractical to show the on-site contributing area on the drainage map, it may be shown on the largest scale geodetic quadrangle sheet or other appropriate contour map.
Arrows showing the direction of flow of all surface drainage particularly noting the location of all high and low points and the direction of gutter flow through all street intersections.
In either tabulated form or within the appropriate outline, there shall be shown for each contributing area the total area in acres with subtotals for areas of equal runoff coefficients and the runoff coefficient used for each subarea.
In either tabulated form or within the appropriate outline, there shall be shown the distance from the most remote point of the contributing drainage area to the inlet structure. This shall be segregated into lengths of equal overland flow characteristics and shall show the overland flow time for each length and also the total.
The off-site point of discharge and existing off-site system showing pipe size, type, slope, invert and capacity to an extent which will provide the Board Engineer with sufficient detail to properly evaluate the complete drainage system. Dependent upon the size and scale of the drawing, this information may be shown at a reduced scale.
When, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, the design appears to be marginal, there shall also be included a hydraulic profile of the proposed system.
Drainage calculations shall be organized in an orderly logical sequence and shall show for each drainage inlet structure the contributing drainage area; the runoff coefficient; time of concentration; rainfall intensity; design flow; length of pipe; slope of pipe; proposed diameter and type; coefficient of roughness of pipe; velocity in pipe; time in pipe; and capacity.
Utility plans. When required by the Board Engineer, a separate utility plan shall be submitted showing for all streets within the proposed subdivision and those streets abutting the proposed subdivision all existing and proposed storm sewers, water mains (including hydrant locations), gas mains, utility poles, underground electric transmission and distribution lines (including locations of streetlight standards, transformers and other aboveground items), underground telephone service lines (including the location of any aboveground items) and any other utility service proposed to be provided either above or below ground.
Construction details. When, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, elements of the subdivision design or features of construction do not conform to standard criteria, separate construction details shall be provided. Details shall be submitted with sufficient information to establish the concept to the design. Some examples for which construction details will be required are special drainage structures, bridges, warped intersection designs, special improvement requirements, retaining walls, special grading locations, special slope stabilization techniques, etc.
Clearing and grading plan. A clearing and grading plan shall be submitted with the preliminary plat for review and decision by the Board. All clearing and grading of the site shall be performed in accordance with the plan approved by the Board. Any departure from this plan shall be subject to review and decision by the Township Engineer.
Clearing and grading shall be performed in a manner which will prevent or minimize the damage, destruction or removal of trees on the site.
The site shall be graded to secure proper drainage and to prevent the collection of stormwater.
Grading shall be designed to prevent or minimize drainage to structures or improvements when major storms exceeding the design basis of the storm drainage system occur.
Action by the subdivider after preliminary plat approval. If, after all preliminary approvals are obtained, the subdivider wishes to construct the improvements prior to final approval, the following must be complied with:
Engineering drawings. All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with final engineering drawings prepared by a licensed New Jersey Professional engineer and approved by the Board Engineer. The drawings shall include final plans and profiles of all streets; tentative final lot grading plans which will show sufficient elevations to establish the lot area surface flow throughout the subdivision and finalized versions of all other supporting drawings deemed necessary by the Board Engineer. Upon notification of approval of the engineering drawings, the applicant shall furnish the Board Engineer with the original and duplicate original of all drawings. The Board Engineer shall affix his/her signature to both sets and return the original to the applicant, retain the duplicate original for filing and forward copies to the Board, Township Clerk and Building Subcode Official. The drawings shall become the approved plans governing the construction of all improvements.
Construction of improvements. Upon receipt of the approved plans, the subdivider may proceed to construct the required improvements; provided, however, that the subdivider shall notify the Township Clerk, Township Committee, Board Engineer and Building Subcode Official at least seven days in advance of the date of beginning construction and shall have obtained all permits required. No on-site or off-site improvements shall be constructed except in strict accordance with approved plans. If it is found by the subdivider that minor modifications or additions are needed during the course of installing such improvements due to unforeseen circumstances, the subdivider shall not make such improvement change until approval has been granted by the Board Engineer after the submittal of plans incorporating such changes.
Inspection of improvements. The subdivider shall install no improvements without 48 hours’ notification to the Board Engineer. The Board Engineer shall determine if an inspector is to be on the job during construction. If the subdivider fails to so notify the Board Engineer, the Engineer shall determine if the construction performed shall be replaced, acceptable as constructed or a maintenance bond of longer than normal duration shall be posted at time of final acceptance. Neither the Township Committee, the Board Engineer, the Joint Land Use Board nor any of their agents, employees or representatives shall make any inspection reports or declarations to the subdivider or his subcontractors except as may be required for Township purposes.
Inspection fees as determined by the Board Engineer must be posted with the Chief Financial Officer of Delanco Township prior to the commencement of any construction. The Township may utilize escrow funds for all costs associated with bond release and bond reduction expenses.
General. The final plat shall be submitted to the Board within the time set forth in N.J.S.A 40:55D-49.
Required documents to be submitted with final plat. The following documents or proofs shall be submitted with all final major subdivision plats:
Twenty copies of final subdivision application forms.
Copies of the final plat and grading plan must be distributed by the applicant in accordance with the provisions set forth herein.
Final subdivision fee. A fee for a final subdivision application shall be charged in accordance with the current fee and escrow schedules for land development boards as adopted by the Township Committee.
Proof of payment of all current taxes due and assessments for local improvements, if any.
Certification of title and certification of the owner consenting to the subdivision and filing of the plat.
Final plat submission procedure. The applicant shall submit all the required proofs or documents to the Secretary of the Board, except that the applicant shall submit directly to the Board Engineer and Planner one copy of the final application, together with two copies each of the following: final plat; lot grading plan; final plans and profiles; together with any necessary computations and/or reports covering all subdivision improvements, if not previously submitted. The Board Engineer and Planner shall review the exhibits as soon as is practical and submit a report to the Board. Upon receipt of the Board Engineer’s and Planner’s report, the Board shall act on the final plat. The Board shall act within 45 days of the date whereon the subdivider has complied with all action required by this ordinance. Failure of the Board to act within the allotted time or a mutually agreed upon extension shall be deemed to be favorable action and the Township Clerk shall issue a certificate to that effect.
Detail required on final plat.
General. The final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn on a reproducible tracing base. Any map which, in the opinion of the Board Engineer, is not clear and legible shall be returned to the applicant without action by the Board. Final plats shall be drawn to a scale commensurate with the size of the property being subdivided but in no instance shall it be less than one inch equals 100 feet unless approval is obtained from the Board Engineer. All plats shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor in compliance with the provisions of this section.
Required information on final plat. The following information shall be shown on all final plats:
Title box showing tract name and section, if any, Tax Map block and lot numbers, map date showing month, day and year, revision box and graphic scale.
Joint Land Use Board and Township Committee approval blocks.
Zone of property being subdivided, together with a tabulation of the minimum zoning requirements of lot width, depth, frontage and area and front, side and rear setbacks.
Entire tract acreage to the nearest 100th of an acre.
Total number of building lots created by the subdivision.
Name and address of the subdivider and name and address of the owner together, with a certification by the owner attesting to his ownership and consenting to the subdivision.
Tax block and lot numbers of all adjacent lands.
Reference meridian.
Key map at an appropriate scale showing the subdivision in relation to surrounding major arteries and waterways.
Complete survey boundary information.
All existing streets within and contiguous to the proposed subdivision showing names, width and established center line.
All existing easements, rights-of-way and other reserved lands within the subdivision showing width, purpose and grantee.
All proposed street dedications, easements and rights-of-way showing locations, width, purpose and grantee and all other reserved lands indicating size and proposed use.
All existing buildings and watercourses.
Proposed block and lot numbers and street names and addresses which have been approved by the Assessor, 911 Coordinator and the post office.
Dimensions of each and every lot within the subdivision.
All monumentation, both existing and proposed.
Complete curve data for all street center lines and right-of-way lines showing identification number, radius, central angle, tangent length and chord length.
Setback lines from all streets properly dimensioned.
Certification as follows:
Board Engineer attesting to conformance with the Map Filing Law[1] and applicable regulations.
Editor’s Note: See N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.
Land surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the map and survey and the status of monuments on the plat.
Joint Land Use Board attesting to approval of the map.
Owner’s certification attesting to ownership and consenting to the subdivision and filing thereof.
Township may utilize escrow funds for all costs associated with bond release and bond reduction expenses.
Required information on final lot grading plan.
All streets and lots within the proposed subdivision, including lot and block numbers. Lot dimensions shall also be shown when they do not obscure the legibility of the other information.
Existing ground contours at the same interval required for the preliminary plan.
All surface improvements properly delineating between constructed and to be constructed.
All storm drainage.
Center line and top of curb elevations every 50 feet along all streets.
Graphic location of all proposed buildings showing type, finished floor elevation, garage elevation and type of foundation (basement, crawl space, slab).
Proposed elevations at all lot corners, house corners, swales and other locations sufficient to clearly establish the direction of surface runoff from all lot areas.
Except when permitted or directed otherwise by the Board Engineer, proposed contours at the same interval as existing contours.
All grading plans must be developed at 50 scale or greater.
Any fill utilized during the course of development which is deposited on lands located within Delanco must fully comply with Delanco general ordinances.
Prerequisites of final approval. Prior approval by the Joint Land Use Board, the applicant shall submit the following:
Off-site drainage fee (when required).
Performance bond in cash or other surety satisfactory to the Township Committee. A surety will be evaluated in part based upon its AM BEST rating. Performance bonds must be posted in the amount of 120% in accordance with the bond estimate. Bonds must be enforceable for a minimum of 24 months. Where a developer elects to post a surety in lieu of cash, at least 10% of the guarantee amount must be posted in cash.
A letter of credit shall be an acceptable form of a performance guarantee if approved by the Township Committee or Township Attorney, if so designated, and only under the following conditions:
The letter of credit is irrevocable for an initial period of at least one year with an automatic renewal period of one year.
The issuing bank must notify the Township in writing by certified mail at least 90 days prior to the expiration date should the bank exercise its option not to renew the existing letter of credit.
If the letter of credit is not renewed or replaced with a comparable letter of credit, the Township shall have the right to immediately draw a draft on sight if the developer’s performance is not satisfactory as of that date or to draw a draft 30 days after receipt of said notice if, after notification by the municipality that the letter of credit will not be renewed, the developer fails to submit a satisfactory replacement guarantee within 10 days prior to its expiration.
The developer agrees to cease and desist all such work upon receipt of notification from the municipality that the letter of credit will not be renewed until such time as a satisfactory replacement guarantee is submitted.
The developer shall execute any agreement(s) required by the Township Attorney confirming the conditions set forth herein prior to the Township’s acceptance of said letter of credit. All agreements between developers and Delanco shall be binding upon the parties for the life of development project.
Prior to the signing of the final plat, the developer shall execute an agreement prepared by the Joint Land Use Board Attorney confirming the conditions of approval for all major subdivisions, minor subdivision, and site plans.
The cost of inspection shall be the responsibility of the developer who shall reimburse the Township for all reasonable inspection fees by submitting a check to the Township Clerk. The deposit for inspection fee costs shall be 5% of the cost of required improvements as determined by the Board Engineer. This fee shall be an addition to the amount of the performance guarantee and all application fees. Upon completion of the development and all inspections and at the request of the developer, the developer shall receive an accounting of the expended funds and any unspent funds shall be returned to the developer. Should the initial deposit be insufficient to cover inspection costs, the developer shall deposit additional sums upon notice from the Township Clerk; each additional deposit being an amount not to exceed 50% of the initial deposit. The Secretary shall obtain the signature of the Chairperson and shall endorse all remaining certifications shown on the final plat and return the original tracing, together with a copy of the approving resolution, to the applicant. The applicant shall then obtain the signature of the Board Engineer and file the final plat with the County Recording Office and afterwards submit a duplicate original tracing to the Board Engineer and seven prints of the approved plat, together with a statement from the applicant’s engineer that these are true copies of the plat approved by the Board, on which is shown the filing information, to the Secretary of the Board who will retain one copy in the Board files and distribute approved plats to the following:
Tax Assessor.
Board Engineer.
Building Subcode Official.
Zoning officer.
Building permits. Upon filing of the final map, the developer may obtain building permits for all lots shown on the final plat. Adequate accessibility of all roads within a subdivision must be provided by the developer. A minimum gravel base course as set forth in the design standards must be installed by the developer prior to the issuance of any building permits for dwellings to the be constructed with access via the same.
Occupancy permits. No certificates of occupancy shall be issued until all underground services serving the premises for which the certificate is sought are installed and operating and the road in front of and leading to the premises has at least one layer of bituminous concrete.
Street name signs must be posted as approved on the plat. Street name signs must be located at the designated location and the dimensions of the sign must be as shown or as designated within the design standards approved by Delanco. All street signs must be erected prior to the issuance of any building permits for dwellings to be located with access along the same. All other traffic control signs must be in place prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy.
Building permits may not be issued unless and until house numbers identifying the location of each dwelling and are clearly visible from the street.
[Added 8-2-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-13]
The subdivision plan shall contain a note that the developer will provide a copy of as-built plans to the Township in a form satisfactory to the Township Engineer to be inserted into the Township’s GIS program. The as-built plans shall be provided following release of the certificate of occupancy, or in the case of multiple certificates of occupancy, upon the release of the last certificate of occupancy.