[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town Board of the Town of Maine 6-11-1974. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 237.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 400.
Zoning — See Ch. 450.
This chapter shall be known as the "Mobile Home, Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Ordinance of the Town of Maine" enacted June 11, 1974.
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community, including the protection and preservation of the property of the Town of Maine and of its inhabitants by establishing specific requirements and regulations governing the occupancy and maintenance of mobile homes, mobile home parks and travel trailers. In administering this chapter, reference should be made to Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Maine.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section:
As it relates to the road surfaces, any material or treatment that serves to reduce or eliminate dust generation. Such material or treatment need not contain any bituminous materials, but must provide a type of surface which will remain durable through all types of climatic conditions.
As it relates to road surfaces, any material or treatment which has a mineral pitch or asphalt base and which provides a durable road surface which can withstand all types of climatic conditions.
Any portable vehicle which is designed to be transported on its own wheels or those of another vehicle, which is used, designed to be used and capable of being used as a detached single family residence; and which is intended to be occupied as permanent living quarters containing sleeping accommodations, a flush toilet, a tub or shower, kitchen facilities and plumbing and electrical connections for attachment to outside systems. This definition of mobile home includes all additions which are purchased and added thereto or additions made subsequent to installation. This definition does not include modular housing placed on a standard foundation or travel trailer. For the purposes of this chapter, a mobile home shall be deemed a structure.
A designated site of specific total land area which is located within a mobile home park for the accommodation of one mobile home and its occupants.
Any parcel of land which is planned and improved for the placement of two or more mobile homes which are used as dwellings and for occupancy of more than 90 consecutive days.
A durable surface located on a mobile home lot which is to be used for placement of and capable of supporting a mobile home.
A housing unit having a minimum width of 18 feet for its entire length and containing a minimum of 750 square feet of usable living space, constructed off site, prefabricated in sections consisting of more than one segment, transported to the building site then fastened together and placed on a permanent and masonry foundation to become a fixed part of the real estate.
Any portable vehicle which is designed to be transported on its own wheels; which is designed and intended to be used for temporary living quarters for travel, recreational or vacation purposes; and which may or may not include one or all of the accommodations and facilities included in a mobile home. Such travel trailer shall be less than 10 feet in width, and 35 feet or less in length.
Any area of land or building used for occupancy by two or more travel trailers that are used for temporary dwellings by transient persons for no more than three months.
No person, partnership, association, joint venture or corporation, being the owner or occupant of any land within the Town of Maine, shall use or allow the use of such land for a mobile home park unless a license has been obtained as herein provided.
Exceptions. None of the provisions of § 332-4, 332-5 or 332-6 of this chapter shall be applicable to the following:
The business of mobile home or travel trailer sales, except where units are used as living quarters, they shall conform with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Maine.
The storage or garaging of mobile homes or travel trailers not being used for living or sleeping purposes within a building or structure or to the storage of one unoccupied mobile home or travel trailer on premises occupied as the principal residence by the owner of such mobile home or travel trailer; provided, however, that such unoccupied mobile home or travel trailer shall not be parked or located between the street line and the front building line as defined in Chapter 450, Zoning, of such premises or within 20 feet of an adjoining property line.
A mobile home located on the site of a construction project, survey project or other similar work project and which is used solely as a field office or work tool house in connection with such project, provided that such mobile home is removed from such site within 30 days after the completion of such project.
Issuance of license. The Town Clerk of the Town of Maine shall issue a license to be effective from the day of issuance to and including December 31 of that same year.
This license may not be issued until the Town Clerk has received:
A written application from the applicant.
The required fee as herein provided.
Approval of the application by the Broome County Department of Health.
Recommendation of the Town Building and Code Inspector and Planning Board.
A resolution from the Town Board approving issuance of license.
The license shall not be transferable or assignable.
Supplemental license. Any person holding a license for a mobile home park and desiring to add additional lots to such park or court shall file an application for a supplemental license.
The application for such supplemental license must be accompanied by two complete sets of plans and specifications as required by § 332-5A of this chapter. The application for supplemental license shall be filed and handled according to the procedure established in that section of this chapter.
When approved in accordance with the procedures established and upon the receipt of the required fee, the Town Clerk shall issue a supplemental license which will be effective from the date of issuance to and including December 31 of the same year, and thereafter run concurrent with the original license.
License renewal. An application for the renewal of any mobile home park license which was issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter must be filed with the Town Clerk on or before December 1 preceding the expiration of the license.
The renewal application shall not be accompanied by a plan of the park or court unless changes have been made to it, nor is it necessary that the application be accompanied by the copy of the lease unless a new lease has been entered into subsequent to the time of filing the previous lease application. If changes have been made to the prior plan or a new lease has been entered into, copies shall be attached to the renewal application.
Upon the approval of the Building and Code Inspector and by resolution of the Town Board, the Town Clerk may issue a renewal license to be effective upon the expiration of the previous permit and continue in force for a period of one year.
At the time the renewal license is issued, the applicant shall pay the required fee.
Such renewal license shall not be transferable or assignable.
The applicant for a license for a mobile home park shall pay to the Town of Maine an application fee for the establishment of a mobile home park, and thereafter an annual fee. The amounts of such fees shall be set and established from time to time by resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Maine.
[Amended 12-11-2007 by L.L. No. 8-2007]
The fee for a supplemental license shall be in the same amount, but prorated for the remaining calendar year.
General information.
Each application for the establishment of a mobile home park requires final approval by the Town Board after a public hearing. The application must include all final submission requirements of this chapter and is reviewed by the Planning Board and Building and Code Inspector and recommendations made to the Town Board prior to a public hearing and subsequent Town Board action.
Prior to this application (for final plan approval) or concurrent with this application (for final plan approval), there must also be a separate application for a change in zone, establishing a planned mobile home district, in accordance with the provisions of the zoning and sketch plan, as outlined in Chapter 450, Zoning. The application for a change in zone is reviewed by the Planning Board and Building and Code Inspector, and recommendations made to the Town Board prior to a public hearing and subsequent Town Board action. The submission requirements that accompany an application for a change in zone are outlined in Chapter 450, Zoning.
Specific procedures for final plan approval.
Each application for establishment of a mobile home park shall be in writing and signed by the applicant, and shall include written approval from the Broome County Health Department showing compliance with the rules and regulations of the Broome County Health Department and with the provisions of the Broome County Sanitary Code. The application shall be prepared on a form supplied by the Town, shall include all required application data, and shall be filed in triplicate with the Town Clerk.
The Town Clerk shall submit three copies of the application and application data to the Town Building and Code Inspector.
The Town Building and Code Inspector shall review the application for compliance with the minimum requirements of this chapter.
The Town Building and Code Inspector shall forward a complete application to the Town Board and Planning Board. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant, indicating the additional information or material required.
Within 30 days after receipt of a complete application from the Town Clerk, the Building and Code Inspector shall submit a report of his findings along with his recommendations to the Town Board.
Upon the receipt of the application from the Town Building and Code Inspector, the Planning Board shall review the general arrangement of the mobile home park. This shall include a review of: location and width of streets and parking areas, the location, size and arrangement of lots; the location of other structures within the park; the location of entrances and exits; and the location, type and extent of landscaping, screening materials, and provisions for fire-fighting equipment. The Planning Board may consult the Town Engineer (or a consultant to the Town) as to the appropriateness of the engineering design.
The Planning Board shall submit its recommendations to the Town Board within 75 days from receipt of the application.
The Town Board, after public hearing, by resolution shall indicate its approval or disapproval of the application within 135 days from the filing of a complete application with the Town Clerk. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision rendered within seven days of such decision.
Each application shall be accompanied by three complete sets of plans prepared by a licensed engineer, licensed landscape architect, or licensed architect. The plans shall be drawn to a scale of 50 feet to one inch; shall include the data, North point, and scale; and shall furnish the following information:
Legal data.
The name and address of the applicant; or the names and addresses of each partner or principal if the applicant is a partnership or joint venture; or the name and address of each officer and director if the applicant is an association or corporation.
The location and description and Tax Map number of the land that is proposed to be used as a mobile home park.
The number of lots to be provided in such park.
Physical features.
Existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals.
Location of watercourses, marshes, and areas subject to flooding.
Wooded areas.
Existing development.
A location map at the scale of one inch equals 100 feet which shows all land within 300 feet of the proposed mobile home park and all structures on the land which abuts the proposed park shall be submitted.
The location, names and widths of all adjacent streets.
The location of all water lines and utilities within and adjacent to the proposed site.
Proposed development.
The location and widths of all entrances, exits, streets, walkways and parking areas, and easements.
The location, size and arrangement of each lot within the park.
The method and plan for electric lighting, including streetlighting.
The location and plan of all proposed structures and improvements.
Any proposed grading and plans for landscaping.
Any proposed stormwater drainage.
Any proposed utilities and written approval from the Broome County Health Department indicating that the proposed sewer and water systems are in compliance with the provisions of the Broome County Sanitary Code.
Any public improvements proposed by the Town in or adjoining the proposed park.
Existing zoning.
The location of any central fuel storage facilities, if any.
Any proposed screening.
The following standards shall apply to all mobile home parks located in the Town of Maine:
The park shall be located in areas where grades and soil conditions are suitable for use as mobile home sites.
The park shall be located on a well-drained site which is properly graded to insure rapid drainage and be free at all times from stagnant pools of water.
The park shall be free from heavy or dense growth of brush and woods.
The park shall be at least 10 acres in size, with at least 300 feet frontage on a public road.
The park shall not be developed within a flood hazard area, as described in Chapter 450, Zoning.
Mobile home lot.
Each mobile home park shall be marked off by permanent post pins, monuments, or other points of reference into mobile home lots.
Each mobile home lot shall have a total area of not less than 6,000 square feet with a minimum width of 60 feet. Each mobile home 18 or more feet in width shall be placed on a lot of not less than 8,000 square feet.
No more than 40% of a mobile home park may be covered by mobile homes or permanent buildings.
The only signs or displays permitted is one sign at each entrance to the park from a public road indicating the name of the mobile home park. Such a sign shall not exceed eight square feet in area.
Permanent structures must be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any property line and 50 feet from the highway right-of-way; provided, however, that the front yard setback along collector and arterial roads shall be 75 feet.
Mobile home.
All mobile homes manufactured in the year 1974 or any subsequent year and placed in a mobile home park within the Town of Maine after December 11, 2007, shall be constructed and installed in compliance with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and any other applicable United States and New York State statutes, codes, rules and regulations.
[Amended 12-11-2007 by L.L. No. 8-2007]
Any mobile home or attachment shall not be parked or otherwise located nearer than a distance of:
At least 15 feet from an adjacent mobile home lot line.
At least 50 feet from the park property line.
At least 50 feet from the right-of-way line of a public street or highway; provided, however, that any mobile home or attachment shall not be parked or otherwise located nearer than a distance of 75 feet from the right-of-way line of a collector or arterial road. In cases where the park is adequately screened by topography or natural vegetation, this requirement relating to collector or arterial roads may be reduced to 50 feet by the Town of Maine Planning Board.
At least 20 feet from the nearest edge of any roadway located within the park.
Only one mobile home shall be permitted to occupy one mobile home lot.
Each mobile home must be provided with perimeter skirting to hide all wheels, chassis and other appurtenances under the home, to be installed in less than 90 days after mobile home is placed on its stand.
Mobile home stand.
Each mobile home lot shall have a mobile home stand which will provide for the practical placement on and removal from the lot both the mobile home and its appurtenant structures, and the retention of the home on the lot in a stable condition.
The stand shall fit the dimensions of the anticipated mobile home and its appurtenant structures and appendages.
The stand shall be constructed to a standard which is durable and adequate for the support of the maximum anticipated loads.
The stand shall be suitably graded to permit rapid surface drainage.
Each mobile home park shall be directly accessible from an existing public highway or street. No dead-end streets or culs-de-sac shall be permitted in any mobile home park.
Entrances and exits shall be designed and strategically located at a minimum distance of 100 feet between them, for the safe and convenient movement into and out of the park, and to minimize friction with the free movement of traffic on a public highway or street.
All entrances and exits shall be at right angles to the existing public highway or street.
All entrances and exits shall be free of all objects which would impede the visibility of the driver entering or exiting a public highway or street for a distance of 20 feet from the edge of pavement of the public highway and park road.
All entrances and exits shall be of sufficient width to facilitate the turning movements of vehicles with mobile homes attached.
Streets and drives.
Each park shall have improved streets to provide for the convenient access to all mobile home lots and other important facilities within the park. Streets shall be improved to at least meet the following specifications. (These are not Town highway specifications).
The street system shall be so designed to permit the safe and convenient vehicular circulation within the park.
Streets shall be adapted to the topography and shall have suitable alignment and gradient for traffic safety.
All streets shall intersect at angles not less than 80°.
All streets shall be surfaced with a bituminous material.
All streets shall have a minimum paved width of 18 feet as in Subsection F(5) of this chapter, and shall contain two four-foot shoulders.
An all-weather, dustless driveway shall be provided for each mobile home lot. This driveway shall have a minimum width of 10 feet.
Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each mobile home lot. (This requirement may be satisfied by driveway parking areas). The parking spaces shall be surfaced with an all-weather, dustless material. Each parking space shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a minimum length of 25 feet.
Additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided at strategic and convenient locations.
There shall be one such parking space for each two mobile home lots within the park.
Such parking space shall be provided in bays of a dimension of 10 feet by 20 feet which shall provide for adequate maneuvering space, at the standard of 350 square feet, for total parking and maneuvering.
Utilities and service facilities. The following utilities and service facilities shall be provided in each mobile home park which shall bear the stamp of approval of the Broome County Department of Health:
An adequate supply of pure water for drinking and domestic purposes shall be supplied by pipes to all mobile home lots and buildings within the park to meet the requirements of the park. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with sufficient water connections.
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with a sewer, which shall be connected to the mobile home situated on the lot, to receive the waste from the shower, tub, flush toilets, lavatory and kitchen sink in such home. The sewer shall be connected to a public sewer system or one approved by the Broome County Health Department, so as not to present a health hazard. Sewer connections in unoccupied lots shall be so sealed to prevent the emission of any odors and the creation of breeding places for insects.
A storm drainage system designed to convey all stormwater into natural watercourses and to maintain the park free from standing pools of water.
Twenty-gallon garbage cans with tight-fitting covers shall be provided by the tenant in quantities sufficient to effect disposal of all garbage and rubbish. The cans shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times. Garbage and rubbish shall be collected and disposed of as frequently as may be necessary to insure that such cans shall not overflow. The trash collections areas shall be screened by opaque fencing and/or plantings.
Service buildings shall be provided as deemed necessary for the normal operation of the park. Such buildings shall be maintained by the owner or manager of the park in a clean, sightly and sanitary condition.
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with weatherproof electric service connections and outlets which are a type approved by the New York State Board of Fire Underwriters.
Mailboxes shall be clustered attractively and located near the main entrance road.
Open space.
Each mobile home park shall provide common open space for the use by the occupants of such park.
Such open space shall be conveniently located in the park. Such open space shall have a total area equal to at least 10% of the gross land area of the park, and such open space shall be at least one acre in size.
Lawn and ground cover shall be provided on those areas not used for the placement of mobile homes and other buildings, walkways, roads and parking areas.
Planting or screening shall be provided and maintained to the extent needed in order to provide for the screening of objectionable views.
Screen planting or fencing shall be provided to screen objectionable views. Views which shall be screened include nonresidential uses, garbage storage and collection areas, and fuel tanks.
Grass or ground cover shall be provided on all areas subject to erosion.
Nonconforming parks. All mobile home parks built and operating prior to the enactment of this chapter which do not meet the standards of this chapter shall be called "nonconforming mobile home parks." All changes and additions to such parks shall be made in accordance with this chapter and reviewed by the Planning Board and approved by the Town Board.
Mobile homes outside mobile home parks are permitted by right in areas appropriately zoned within the Town of Maine, subject to the following conditions and requirements.
Application procedure. Each application for a building permit to establish a mobile home outside a mobile home park shall be filed with the Building and Code Inspector of the Town of Maine.
Application data.
Each mobile home building permit application shall contain a sketch showing:
Lot dimensions.
Proposed location of the mobile home.
Location of all other structures.
Description of the foundation.
All building permits under this section shall be issued by the Building and Code Inspector of the Town of Maine.
Requirements for mobile homes outside mobile home parks. No occupied mobile home shall hereafter be parked or otherwise placed within the Town of Maine and outside a licensed mobile home park except when a building permit therefor has been issued as herein provided. A building permit for the use of a mobile home in the Town of Maine may be issued only when, in addition to meeting all of the requirements set forth in Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Maine, the New York State Public Health Law, and the Broome County Sanitary Code, such mobile home meets all of the following requirements:
General requirements.
All mobile homes placed on individual lots shall be constructed and installed in compliance with Article 19-AA of the New York State Executive Law, or as the same may hereafter be amended.
Each lot on which a mobile home is located must be appropriately zoned for mobile homes.
Each mobile home must be placed upon an individual lot and meet all pertinent zoning and subdivision regulations for single-family homes.
That the gross floor area of such mobile home shall not be less than 650 square feet.
Foundation construction.
Material: Masonry eight inches in width.
Type of construction: Perimeter foundation; or lateral runners; or longitudinal runners; or pillars.
Manner of construction:
Foundation shall extend 36 inches below the ground level.
Foundation shall contact and support mobile home structural frame in a sufficient number of places to adequately support the mobile home.
The structural frame of said mobile home shall be attached to the foundation in not less than four places, located in accordance with good engineering practice. Each attaching device shall be capable of withstanding a tension force of at least 2,800 pounds.
The bottom frame of the mobile home, when placed upon said foundation shall not exceed 48 inches in height above ground level at any point.
Foundation and closure. The mobile home foundation shall be enclosed by a skirt securely fastened and extending from the outside wall of the mobile home to ground level around the entire perimeter of the mobile home. The skirt shall be constructed of sturdy wood, plastic, masonry, or metal material capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions over extended periods of time. No skirt shall be required where a perimeter foundation fully encloses the area between the unit and the ground level.
Storage space. Each mobile home shall have at least 500 cubic feet of accessory storage space either in the basement (as defined in Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Maine) below the mobile home or in an accessory building.
Prohibition of mobile homes. No occupied mobile home or travel trailer shall be parked or allowed to remain upon any street, highway or other public place, except that emergency stopping or parking, when caused by mechanical failure, shall be permitted upon the shoulder of any street or highway for a period of not more than 72 hours, subject, however, to any prohibition imposed by other regulations or laws.
No person, partnership, association, joint venture or corporation, being the owner or occupant of any land within the Town of Maine, shall use or allow the use of such land for a travel trailer camp unless a license has been obtained as herein provided.
General information.
Each application for the establishment of a travel trailer camp requires final plan approval by the Town Board after a public hearing. The application must include all final plan submission requirements of this chapter and is reviewed by the Planning Board and Building and Code Inspector, and recommendations made to the Town Board prior to public hearing and subsequent Town Board action.
Prior to this application (for final plan approval) or concurrent with the application (for final plan approval) there must also be a separate application for a change of zone, establishing a planned recreation district, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 450, Zoning.
The zone may be changed on the basis of an application and sketch plan, as outlined in Chapter 450, Zoning. The application for a change in zone is reviewed by the Planning Board and Building and Code Inspector and recommendations made to the Town Board prior to a public hearing and subsequent Town Board action. The submission requirements that accompany an application for change in zone are outlined in Chapter 450, Zoning.
Each application for establishment of a travel trailer camp shall be in writing and signed by the applicant and shall include written approval from the Broome County Health Department showing compliance with the provisions of the rules and regulations of the Broome County Health Department and compliance with the Broome County Sanitary Code. The application shall be prepared on a form supplied by the Town, and shall include all required application data, and four copies shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
The Town Clerk shall transmit three copies of the application and application data to the Town Building and Code Inspector.
The Town Building and Code Inspector shall review the application for compliance with the minimum requirements of this chapter.
The Town Building and Code Inspector shall forward one copy of a complete application to the Town Board and Planning Board. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant, indicating the additional information or material required.
Within 30 days after receipt of a complete application from the Town Clerk, the Building and Code Inspector must submit a report of his findings along with his recommendations to the Town Board.
Upon receipt of the application from the Town Building and Code Inspector, the Planning Board shall review the general arrangement of the travel trailer camp. This shall include a review of location and width of streets, drives and parking areas; the location of all structures, the location of all entrances and exits, the location, type and extent of landscaping screening materials, and provisions for fire-fighting or emergency vehicles. The Planning Board may consult the Town Engineer or the appropriate parties as to the appropriateness of the engineering design.
The Planning Board shall submit its recommendations to the Town Board within 75 days from receipt of the application.
The Town Board, after public hearing, by resolution shall indicate its approval or disapproval of the application, within 135 days from the filing of a complete application with the Town Clerk. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision rendered within seven days of such decision.
[Amended 12-11-2007 by L.L. No. 8-2007]
The applicant for a license for a travel trailer camp shall pay to the Town of Maine an application fee for the establishment of a travel trailer camp, and thereafter an annual fee. The amounts of such fees shall be set and established from time to time by resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Maine. The initial application shall be accompanied by a statement of development intent and four complete sets of plans prepared by a licensed engineer, licensed landscape architect, or licensed architect.
Legal data.
The name and address of the applicant; or the name and address of each partner or principal if the applicant is a partnership or joint venture; or the name and address of each officer and director if the applicant is an association or corporation.
The location and description and Tax Map number of the land that is proposed to be used as a travel trailer camp.
The number of lots to be provided in such camp.
Final plan.
Proposed site plan generally showing building, location, parking areas and drives.
Walks, landscaping and recreation areas.
Proposed utility system including storm drainage systems and location of wells and septic treatment areas if any.
Proposed construction sequence for buildings and other development.
Location, dimensions, and exterior treatment of all structures.
Accurate, up-to-date boundary survey by a licensed surveyor.
Each campsite shall have a minimum area of 2,500 square feet; a minimum width of 40 feet and shall be set back at least 100 feet from the right-of-way of an adjacent public highway.
Each campground shall be supplied with at least one public water tap for every four campsites. If electricity is supplied, all-weather, grounded outlets shall be installed.
The camp shall not be developed within a flood hazard area, as described in Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Maine.
Pedestrian safety. The design of roads and walkways within the campground must indicate pedestrian traffic.
Walkways shall be designed where possible to avoid crossing roads to reach service buildings or recreation areas. Walkways in the campground shall be indicated on the plan and shall be surfaced with an all-weather, dustless material.
Roads shall be at least 14 feet wide for one-way roads and 20 feet wide for two-way roads. All roads shall be maintained in a well-graded, well-drained condition and surfaced with an all-weather, dustless material.
All entrance and exit roads shall intersect public roads at an angle between 80° and 90°, and at a grade not to exceed 3% for the first 75 feet of camp road.
Service facilities.
Service building. Such building shall include toilets and lavatories for both sexes. Women's facilities shall be provided at the rate of one toilet and one lavatory for each 10 camping sites. Men's facilities shall have one urinal, one lavatory and one toilet for each 10 camping sites. The service building shall also include a public telephone and one washer and one dryer for each 10 camping sites.
Sewage dump station. A sewage dump station shall be provided for the convenient emptying of camp trailer tanks. Such dump station shall provide a connection with an approved sewage treatment system and a water outlet for the flushing of the sewage tanks.
Cold drinking water shall be supplied from taps, with each tap serving a maximum of four camp sites. Each water outlet shall have a valve and dry well.
Hot water shall be available at the service building. All plans for sewage and water systems shall bear the stamp of approval of the Broome County Health Department.
Travel trailers shall not be parked or located between the street line and the front building line as defined in Chapter 450, Zoning, or within 20 feet of an adjoining property line.
[Amended 3-19-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
A violation of this chapter is hereby declared to be an offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or both. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation.