[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Dover 4-3-1978 by Ord. No. 4-1978. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 47.
The office of Borough Manager of the Borough of Dover is hereby created.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 46141 et seq.
The Borough Manager shall perform such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Borough Council.
The Borough Manager shall, among other duties, perform and be responsible for the management, operation, maintenance, and repair of all real and tangible personal property, utilities, services and facilities operated, maintained or licensed by the borough. In the event that the Borough Council authorizes the hiring of additional personnel, either part-time or full-time, to assist the Borough Manager in those duties as prescribed by the Borough Council, the Borough Manager shall, in addition to performing his said duties, supervise such additional employees in assisting him to perform those duties.
If so directed by the Mayor or Borough Council, the Borough Manager shall take such actions as are necessary to enforce ordinances and regulations of the Borough of Dover.
In addition to any duties prescribed by the Borough Council, the Borough Manager shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Borough Council when so directed to attend by the Mayor or by the Borough Council. The Borough Manager shall inform the Borough Council at such meetings of the current affairs of the borough and shall recommend to the Borough Council actions which may be necessary and appropriate for the welfare of the borough. The Borough Manager shall maintain a current inventory as a borough record showing all real and tangible personal property of the borough and shall set forth the location and condition of such property.
The Borough Manager shall maintain a current log as a borough record of all activities of the Borough Manager.
[Added 11-6-1978 by Ord. No. 10-1978]
Any or all duties, functions, responsibilities or the exercise of powers assigned to the Borough Manager may be performed by another borough official, either elected or appointed, as may be designated by the Borough Council from time to time by resolution. More than one such borough official may be delegated to perform one or more of such duties, functions, responsibilities or exercise of powers, as aforesaid, at any time by the Borough Council. This delegation of duties, functions, responsibilities or exercise of powers may be accomplished by the Borough Council whether or not the position of Borough Manager is being filled at the time. The delegation of any such duty, function, responsibility or exercise of power shall continue until revoked by resolution of the Borough Council.