[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Dover 12-7-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-06. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the Borough Council by Section 1005 of the Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1005, which section grants power to the Borough Council to enact an ordinance authorizing the Borough Council to appoint an independent auditor to examine the accounting records of the Borough.
The members of Borough Council are authorized to appoint an independent auditor to examine the accounting records of Dover Borough.
The independent auditor appointed by the Borough Council shall be a certified public accountant registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or a firm of certified public accountants registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In the exercise of the sound discretion of the Borough Council, the independent auditor may be a competent public accountant or a competent firm of public accountants.
The Borough Council shall, by resolution adopted before the close of the fiscal year, appoint an independent auditor to make an independent examination of the accounting records of the Borough for the fiscal year, and the independent auditor shall also perform the other duties and exercise the powers as conferred upon the independent auditor under Chapter 10, Subchapter C of the Borough Code (relating to auditors).
The compensation of the independent auditor shall be determined by the Borough Council and shall be paid by Borough funds.