[Ord. No. 338 §4, 8-12-1991]
It shall be the duty and obligation of the Public Works Director (under the coordinating authority of the City Administrator as per Section 105.110, et seq. of this Code) to manage, control, and operate the City Utilities.
[Ord. No. 311 §§1 — 7, 9-11-1989; Ord. No. 338 §4, 8-12-1991]
In the first regular session of the Eightieth General Assembly, Conference Committee substitute for House Committee for Senate Committee substitute for Senate Bills Nos. 218, 235, 298, 340, and 398 was enacted designed to exempt certain sales from the State sales tax.
Section 144.030 (23) of the new Statutes specifically states that "all sales of metered water service, electricity, electrical current, natural, artificial or propane gas, wood, coal or home heating oil used for non-business, non-commercial or non-industrial purposes, (in short, residential utilities) shall be exempt from the State sales tax.
Section 144.030 (2) of the same act provides that any municipal sales tax on such utility sales will be terminated, unless the municipality involved specifically reimposes its municipal sales tax on residential utilities.
It is the intent of this City to re-enact such tax, as it appears to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens.
The municipal sales tax on all sales of metered water service, electricity, electrical current, natural, artificial or propane gas, wood, coal or home heating oil, used for non-business, non-commercial or non-industrial purposes within the corporate limits of this City is hereby increased.
The rate of taxation shall be increased to one and one-half percent (1.5%), for the Capital Improvements Sales Tax.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to provide copies of this Section to all of the utilities which provide service within the corporate limits of the City, and to the Director of Revenue for the State of Missouri.
[Ord. No. 99 §§1 — 4, 11-21-1966; Ord. No. 338 §4, 8-12-1991]
The word "person" when used in this Section shall include any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, business trust, trustee, receiver, syndicate, or any other group or combination acting as a unit, in the plural as well as the singular number.
Every person now or hereafter engaged in the business of supplying electricity and power, telephone service or water for compensation for any purpose in the City shall pay to the City as a license tax sixteen hundred dollars ($1,600.00) annually; payable on the first days of December, March, June and September in the amount of four hundred dollars ($400.00) per payment.
The tax herein required to be paid shall be in lieu of any other occupation tax required of any person engaged in any of the businesses described in Subsection (B) hereof, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to exempt any such person from the payments to the City of the tax which the City levies upon the real or personal property belonging to any such person, nor the tax required of merchants or manufacturers for the sale of anything other than electricity, telephone service or water, nor shall the tax herein required exempt any such person from the payment of any other tax which may be lawfully required, other than an occupation tax on any of the businesses described in Subsection (B).
Any person engaged in any of the businesses described in Subsection (B) who shall violate any of the foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day's violation of these provisions shall constitute a separate offense. The City may also, by civil action in accordance with the Statutes of Missouri, proceed to collect all sums due and for each month's delinquency one percent (1%) accumulative penalty shall be added thereto, together with reasonable attorney fees.
[Ord. No. 443 §1, 6-12-1997]
The City of St. Robert, Missouri is hereby authorized to enter into the Joint Contract with other municipalities for the purpose of joining a separate legal entity known as the Municipal Gas Commission of Missouri in order to provide for the financing, acquisition and operation of natural production, transmission and distribution facilities and resources and for the joint purchases of natural gas as required to meet the natural gas requirements of their respective municipal natural gas utility systems. The joint contract is in the form of the Joint Contract which is Exhibit A of this Ordinance 443, a copy of which is on file in the City offices. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Joint Contract in the form submitted as Exhibit A hereto.
[Ord. No. 748 §§1 — 2, 9-27-1999]
No person shall, without a written permit previously obtained from the Board of Aldermen, or a franchise granted by ordinance of the Board of Aldermen:
Own, erect, construct, operate, maintain, utilize, extend, or improve a water, sewer, or electrical system within the corporate limits of the City of St. Robert; or
Own, erect, construct, operate, maintain, utilize, extend, or improve a water, sewer, or electrical system which is designed to, or does in fact, provide electrical service to itself or any other person; or
Utilize, occupy, cross above or below, or in any way encroach upon any public street, alley, easement or right-of-way with any component or aspect of its water, sewer, or electrical system; or
Own, utilize, operate or maintain a water, sewer, or electrical system which utilizes a source of electrical power and energy other than the municipal water, sewer or electrical system.
Sell utility services provided by the City of St. Robert to persons or organizations for a sum greater than that charged for those utility services by the City of St. Robert.
[Ord. No. 2871 §2, 2-16-2016]
The following shall be required to establish new utility services in the City of St. Robert:
Proof of right to occupancy, which shall be one (1) of the following: a copy of the front page of rental agreement, including lease; deed or contract for deed; proof of ownership; or written consent of owner to occupy the residence. (The tenant identified in the right to occupancy shall be the same person identified in the photo ID and utility application.)
Valid photo ID.
Completed utility application.
Utility deposit (for services to be provided at the residence or place of business listed in the utility application and identified in the proof of right to occupancy).
[Ord. No. 1820 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005]
Buildings constructed in the City of St. Robert which have interior supply plumbing so configured that the supply line to the exterior hose bibs is separated from all other water supply lines and provision made for the installation of a secondary meter measuring the amount of water flowing to the outside of the building shall be allowed to install a secondary meter with an installation fee charged by the City for said installation.
The secondary meter shall be read monthly and a credit shall be given on the sewer charged for that month for the amount of water which has passed to the outside of the house. No credit shall be allowed hereunder in the event that the water flowing through said secondary meter ultimately is disposed of in the City sanitary sewer system.