[HISTORY: Approved by a majority vote of the electors of the Village of Michiana at a Special Village Election held 3-29-2003. Amendments noted where applicable.]
We, the People of Michiana, do ordain and establish this Charter to perfect and perpetuate our mode of home rule government.
To this end, we do not yield our sovereign rights to the public bodies which serve us, nor do we relinquish our control over the instruments which we have created.
Furthermore, it is our intent by virtue of this Charter to provide a system of checks and balances and to encourage the exercise of independent thought and participation not only for officials but for all citizens.
Finally, it is also our intent to safeguard the civil rights of all citizens and to provide means to preserve and protect the unique environment of the area in which we live and which we cherish.
We do hereby ordain and adopt a Revised Charter for the Village of Michiana pursuant to the Home Rule Village Act of the State of Michigan, being Act 278 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended.