[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Michiana 9-14-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the authority for the appointment of such Village officers as the Council shall deem necessary for the execution of the powers granted to the Village contained in the Village Charter pursuant to Article III, § C-17, there is hereby established the office of Village Manager.
The Village Council shall appoint a Village Manager for an indefinite term, and the Council may, by contract, enter into such other terms and conditions as the Manager and Council deem appropriate. The Manager shall serve at the sole pleasure of the Council and may be removed by the affirmative vote of three or more Council members, but only after a hearing before the Council. The President may, for cause, suspend the Manager with full pay until the hearing. The action of the Council in removing the Manager shall be final.
The Manager shall be selected solely on the basis of administrative and executive abilities with special reference to training and experience.
The Manager need not be a resident of the Village.
The Council shall appoint or designate an Acting Manager during a vacancy in the office of Village Manager and shall make a permanent appointment within 180 days from the effective date of the vacancy.
The Village Manager shall receive such compensation as the Council shall determine annually by resolution or contract.
The Village Manager shall be chief administrative officer of the Village and shall be responsible to the Village Council for the efficient administration of all affairs of the Village and shall exercise management supervision over all departments and over all public property belonging to the Village. The Manager shall have the following functions and duties:
Attend all meetings of the Village Council and Planning Commission and take part therein, but without a vote.
Attend committee meetings at the request of the committee chairperson.
Be responsible for personnel management and shall issue, subject to Council approval, personnel rules applicable to all Village employees. The Manager shall have the following responsibilities:
To appoint, suspend or remove all appointed administrative officers and department heads, subject to Council approval. The Manager shall recommend to the Council the salary or wages to be paid each such official.
To appoint, suspend or remove all other employees of the Village with Council approval. The Manager shall recommend the salaries or wages of all such employees to Council.
Exercise supervisory control over all departments including the Police Department and the Department of Public Works.
Exercise supervisory responsibility over the accounting, budgeting, personnel, purchasing and related management functions of the Village Clerk and Village Treasurer.
Prepare and administer the budget as provided for in the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, Act No. 2, P.A. of 1968, as amended;
Prepare and maintain an administrative code defining the duties and functions of the several officers and departments of the Village, subject to approval by the Council.
Investigate all complaints concerning the administration of the Village, and shall have authority at all times to inspect the books, records and papers of any agent, employee or officer of the Village, unless otherwise required by law to be kept confidential.
Make recommendations to the Council for the adoption of such measures as may be deemed necessary or expedient for the improvement or betterment of the Village.
Perform other duties required from time to time by the Village Council.
The Village Manager shall act as purchasing agent for all Village offices and departments. The Manager may delegate some or all of the duties as purchasing agent to another officer or employee, provided that such delegation shall not relieve the Manager of the responsibility for the proper conduct of those duties.
Neither the Council nor the Village President shall attempt to influence the employment of any person by the Village Manager or in any way interfere in the management of departments under the jurisdiction of the Manager. Except for purpose of inquiry, the President and Council and its members shall deal with departments under the jurisdiction of the Village Manager through the Manager.
This chapter shall become effective 45 days after the date of adoption. If a petition, signed by not less than 10% of the registered electors of the Village, is filed with the Village Clerk within the forty-five-day period, this chapter shall not become effective until after the ordinance is approved at an election held on the question as proved by law.[1]
Editor's Note: No petition was filed; the ordinance is in effect.