[CC §76.520]
Every person riding a bicycle upon any street, alley, or sidewalk within the City shall observe and obey the traffic laws and traffic signals of the City and of the State, so far as the same apply to the riding of bicycles and specifically and without limitation, shall include traffic rules relating to traffic lights and highway stop signs. and the requirement that one must signal any change of direction in the course of travel and must travel on the right hand side of the center of the street, except one-way streets, and that one shall not turn to the right or left in traffic, except at the regular street intersections, and that one shall not weave in and out of the line of traffic.
[CC §76.530; Ord. No. 717 §3, 3-17-2003]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle or any other recreational vehicle on the sidewalks within the business district.
[CC §76.540]
Pedestrians on sidewalks shall have the right-of-way at all times over any person riding or using a bicycle and a person riding or using a bicycle upon any public sidewalk must turn off of the sidewalk at all times when meeting or passing pedestrians, or in lieu thereof, dismount from said bicycle until said pedestrian or pedestrians have passed.
[CC §76.550]
No person riding a bicycle shall hook on to any bicycle or other vehicle or tow another bicycle or permit his bicycle to be towed.
[CC §76.560]
Only one (1) person shall ride or be on any bicycle at any time while riding on any public street, alley or sidewalk.
[CC §76.570]
It shall be unlawful for more than two (2) persons to ride bicycles abreast of each other on any public street or alley.
[CC §76.580]
It shall be unlawful for any person to do any trick riding on a bicycle or to ride without at least one (1) hand on the handle bar or bars at any time upon any public street, alley or sidewalk.
[CC §76.590]
Any Peace Officer may at any time have the right to inspect any bicycle and to require the owner or operator to put the same in a safe operating condition.
[CC §76.600]
No miniature motorcycle or motor scooter, popularly known as a "mini-bike" shall be operated upon any sidewalk, street, or public way unless the same be licensed for operation by the State upon State highways and the operator thereof have a valid operator's license.
[Ord. No. 206 §§1-3, 7-20-1987; Ord. No. 733 §1, 9-2-2003; Ord. No. 768 §1, 9-20-2003]
It is hereby declared unlawful for anyone to ride a skateboard or a motorized scooter on Main Street, 2nd Street East, or on the sidewalks along said streets.
It is hereby declared unlawful for anyone to ride a skateboard or a motorized scooter on any private business parking lot in any "C-1" or "C-2" zoned areas within the City without first obtaining the expressed consent of the owner of the parking lot.
Anyone violating this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under Chapter 110 of the Code.