[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of West Haverstraw 11-18-1992 by L.L. No. 3-1992 (Ch. 23 of the 1971 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Rockland County Legislature has authorized the installation of an Emergency 911 system within the county which should reduce the response time for emergency services in every town and Village throughout the county, resulting in benefit to the health, safety and welfare of all residents. In order to accomplish this purpose, the Board of Trustees of the Village of West Haverstraw recognizes the need to require that all parcels of real property within the Village be numbered and that the numbers must be conspicuously placed on said parcels so as to be identifiable for response by emergency services.
The Assessor of the Village of West Haverstraw shall have the authority to assign numbers to every parcel of real property within the Village. Such numbers shall be sequential with odd numbers on one side of a street and even numbers on the other side. In the event that a parcel of vacant real property is legally able to be subdivided, such parcel shall be allocated as many numbers as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose of this chapter. All property owners shall be notified in writing of the number assigned to the property owned.
The number or numbers assigned to a parcel of real property as set forth in § 87-2 of this chapter shall be conspicuously shown by placement on the principal building situated on the lot. Such numbers shall be placed on the side of the building facing the street upon which the property is situated. In the event that the principal building on a lot is set back more than 50 feet from the street line, the number or numbers shall be placed upon a mailbox, gatepost, fence or other appropriate place so that it shall be visible from the street.
Numbers on residential buildings shall be not less than three inches in height. Numbers on nonresidential buildings shall be not less than four inches in height. All numbers shall be made of a durable and clearly visible material and shall be in a contrasting color to the building or place upon which it is affixed.
Within 30 days after notification that a number has been assigned to a parcel of real property, the owner of said real property or the agent of such owner shall place or cause to be placed on such real property the number or numbers assigned to such real property by the Assessor in the manner provided in § 87-3 of this chapter. Such owner or agent shall be required to maintain the placement of such number or numbers in accordance with such section.
Any owner of real property or the agent of such owner who violates any of the provisions of §§ 87-3 and/or 87-4 shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to a fine, upon conviction, of not more than $250 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both. Each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.