[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Economy 7-13-1999 by Ord. No. 373. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parking regulations — See Ch. 175.
Any Borough resident who has been issued a handicapped or severely disabled veteran license plate by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or on whose behalf said license plate has been issued, pursuant to § 1338 or § 1342 of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, shall be eligible for the installation, in front of said person's residence solely for said person's use, of a sign indicating that parking in such space is restricted to such person's vehicle bearing a handicapped or severely disabled veteran license plate, which eligibility shall expire 12 months from the date such sign is installed. Application for such restricted parking sign shall be made to the Chief of Police.
Application for a restricted handicapped or severely disabled parking space shall be made on a form provided by the Economy Borough Public Safety Committee. The application information shall include the identity of the handicapped person or severely disabled veteran and said person's place of residence and shall be accompanied by documentation evidencing issuance of a handicapped or severely disabled veteran plate by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
In reviewing the application the Economy Borough Public Safety Committee shall take into consideration the following factors:
Impact on general safety;
Impact on traffic flow;
Impact on neighboring properties;
Nature of disability;
Availability of off-street parking, garage and/or driveway; and
Verification of application in general.
Following its review of the application and consideration of the above factors, the Public Safety Committee shall submit its recommendation to Borough Council for final determination as to whether the application shall be approved or rejected. The application shall not be approved if off-street parking is available to the applicant unless the same cannot be utilized or if an undue hardship is created for the other residents parking in the area.
Each renewal period shall be 12 months.
Application for renewal must be filed with the Chief of Police no later than 30 days before the date the prior eligibility is due to expire.
The Chief of Police will not accept the application for renewal unless it is also accompanied by a sworn document containing the following averments:
The applicant continues to be disabled as evidenced by documentation submitted and signed by applicant's treating physician.
The applicant continues to drive an automobile or is being driven by another identified individual because of applicant's disability.
The applicant resides at the same address.
Failure to file a completed initial application or a timely application for renewal shall result in such application being denied or not renewed. in the event that an individual fails to file a completed application for recertification within the time allowed, that is, on an annual basis prior to expiration of the individuals eligibility, the right to such sign shall be forfeited and the sign shall be removed by the Borough.
In addition to removal of the sign for failure to properly apply for renewal, a handicapped or severely disabled veteran parking restriction sign may be removed after notice to the applicant if, upon investigation, the Borough determines either that the applicant has moved; or, that the privilege is being abused in a manner inconsistent with its intent. The notice to the individual shall state the reason or reasons for the anticipated removal of the sign and shall give the handicapped individual or severely disabled veteran 20 days in which to request a hearing before the Public Safety Committee.
Upon approval of the application, the Chief of Police shall refer all applications for handicapped or severely disabled veteran restricted parking which meet the requirements of this chapter to the Economy Borough Road Department for installation of a restricted handicapped or severely disabled veteran parking sign.
An individual who submits a false application to the Economy Borough Public Safety Committee shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $600 and shall forfeit his or her privileges to a handicapped parking sign for a period of 12 months.