[HISTORY: Adopted by the Rockland County Legislature 12-3-1996 by L.L. No. 19-1996.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law provided an effective date of 1-1-1997.
There shall be established, within the Office of the County Executive, a Division of Environmental Resources, headed by a Coordinator who shall supervise and coordinate the diverse units, offices, activities, functions and services of the Environmental Management Council, parks, soil and water, and provide services to the Rockland County Solid Waste authority in relation to household hazardous waste, the express aim being that the activities, goals and industry of the aforesaid units and offices of government be integrated and consolidated insofar as is possible so that Rockland County's efforts on behalf of a safer, cleaner environmental quality of life will be better coordinated and maximized.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Environmental Resources Coordinator shall have the following duties:
To supervise the aforesaid units, offices, and functions of County government, and to serve as a liaison between the Rockland County Executive, the Rockland County Legislature and the various directors of said units.
To assemble all available information with respect to state and federal grants that may be available to reduce the cost of operation of said units and offices, and to supervise the coordination, planning and review of all programs operated by the aforesaid units and offices.
The Environmental Resources Coordinator shall also exercise such further power and authority as the Legislature of Rockland County may, from time to time, delegate by local law or resolution or as the County Executive may delegate in his/her administrative capacity.
The Division of Environmental Resources shall have within it the following units:
Environmental Management Council, which shall continue to be composed as provided for in Local Law No. 6-1973,[1] and who shall be headed by the environmental management assistant. The Environmental Management Council, as established by Local Law No. 6-1973, shall continue to serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 61, Environmental Management Council.
Parks, consisting of the following positions: Park Ranger II; Park Ranger I (2); Senior stenographer (1/2). The Park Commission, as established by Resolution No. 387-1960,[2] shall continue to serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 128, Park Commission.
Soil and Water Conservation, consisting of the position of Soil and Water Conservation Assistant.
Household Hazardous Waste Management, consisting of the position of Chemical Engineer (public health).
The following positions are hereby transferred to the Division of Environmental Resources. These positions may be modified or abolished by budgetary action, legislative resolution or local law.
Environmental Management Council:
Environmental Management Assistant (#3245).
Senior Stenographer (1/2) (#5722).
Park Ranger I (5603).
Park Ranger I (6166).
Park Ranger II(6948).
Senior Stenographer (1/2) (#7118).
Household Hazardous Waste Management:
Chemical Engineer (public health).
Soil and Water Conservation:
Soil and Water Conservation Assistant.
The employees encumbering the positions aforesaid in § 62-4 shall be concurrently transferred, where appropriate, consistent with civil service requirements and the various employment agreements between the County and the respective collective bargaining units involved. Employees transferred hereby shall not be reduced in grade or salary or have their civil service status and rights diminished by reason of such transfer.
All budgetary allocations for the personnel and functions incorporated into the Division of Environmental Resources are transferred to that division, and the Budget Director shall make appropriate provision within the 1997 budget of the County of Rockland for this Division.
Any and all portions of such local laws and resolutions heretofore adopted by the Board of Supervisors or the Legislature of Rockland County inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. However, unless inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to alter or impair any of the powers, duties or responsibilities which are provided under general laws of the Legislature of the State of New York relative to any County board, office, or agency or department, and each such board, office or agency or department shall continue to possess all such powers, duties and responsibilities.