There shall be a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be the Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer, as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq., and who shall be appointed by the Council and shall be directly responsible to the Council as custodian and disburser of Borough funds.
The Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer shall be the Director of the Finance Department responsible for developing, coordinating and maintaining an integrated system of financial services including but not limited to accounting, budgeting and financial reporting; exercising effective control over the financial resources of the municipality; advising on developing, coordinating and carrying out financial policies, procedures and plans; reviewing, analyzing, evaluating and reporting upon various program accomplishments in financial terms; advising and assisting the Mayor and Council and Manager by supplying financial management advice required to make decisions, in managing the municipality; and as financial advisor to coordinate and synthesize financial and management data so as to interpret the composite financial results of operations to the Mayor and Council and Manager.
In conjunction with the Manager, the Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer and Department of Finance shall:
Operate and maintain the central books of account and ledgers relating to the financial transactions of all Borough departments.
Operate and maintain the books, records and procedures required for an encumbrance system of budget controls.
Install and supervise such fiscal management procedures, reports and controls as shall be required by law.
Maintain and preserve pertinent personnel information relate to each employee, including civil service actions and certifications, in permanent Borough records.
Assist the Manager as required in the maintenance of management controls, preparation of the budget and otherwise, as required by the Manager.
Serve as the Borough's municipal financial officer.
Advise and assist the Manager with respect to financial matters.
As requested by the Manager, advise and assist the Council with respect to financial matters.
Pre-audit and control all claims and demands against the Borough.
Have custody of the funds of the Borough and pay and disburse therefrom upon approved vouchers and warrants of the Borough subject to the requirements of the code.
Make reports to the Manager and Council at least quarterly or monthly if requested by Council on all current fund and all water utility receipts, expenditures, commitments and unexpended appropriations and as required by law.
Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the Borough or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity, except as otherwise provided by law; and keep such investments and invested funds safely invested and report thereon to the Council and Manager not less than once a month.
Deposit all Borough moneys received by him/her in depositories authorized by the Council and timely according to law.
The Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer shall prepare and administer a central payroll for all officers and employees paid out of Borough funds pursuant to the provisions of § 2-118 of the code.
The Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer all install, maintain and enforce procedures to control access to all safes, depositories and safe deposit facilities used by any Borough department to store money, negotiable securities or other financial documents.
Pursuant to the Local Bond Law, the Council will, by resolution, designate the Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer to sell and award bonds in accordance with the advertised terms of public sale. He/she shall report in writing to the Council and Manager at the next meeting thereof as to the principal amount, interest rate and maturities of the bonds sold and the price obtained and the name of the purchaser.
The Treasurer/Chief Finance Officer shall supervise the administration of municipal debt and the receipt and delivery of bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange, subject to the provisions of the Local Bond Law.