[Adopted 10-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-43]
Any tenant who receives a notice of eviction from a residential premises that results from a zoning or code enforcement activity for an illegal occupancy set forth in N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.1(g) shall be considered a "displaced person" and shall be entitled to relocation assistance in an amount equal to six times the monthly rental paid by the displaced person. The owner or landlord of the structure deemed to be in violation of the zoning or construction code shall be liable for payment of the relocation assistance.
In the event that the Borough pays relocation assistance in accordance with this section, and the owner or landlord of the illegal structure fails to pay the costs set forth herein, those costs shall be deemed to be a lien on the real premises and may be billed as additional taxes in the manner prescribed by law.
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the municipality or any of its authorized departments from obtaining the fine or other penalty for the zoning and/or housing code violation.
In the event that an owner/landlord commits a second or subsequent violation for an illegal occupancy, the municipality, after affording the owner/landlord an opportunity for a hearing, may impose a fine equal to the annual tuition cost of any resident of the illegally occupied unit attending a public school, which fine shall be recovered in a civil action by a summary proceeding in the name of the Borough, pursuant to the Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999.[1] The tuition costs shall be determined in the manner prescribed for nonresident pupils pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-19, and payment of the fine shall be remitted to the appropriate school district. For purposes of this section, a "second or subsequent violation for an illegal occupancy" shall be limited to those violations that are new and are a result of distinct and separate zoning or code enforcement activities and shall not include any continuing violations for which citations are issued by a zoning or code enforcement agent during the time period required for summary dispossession proceedings to conclude if the owner has initiated eviction proceedings in a court of proper jurisdiction.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 2A:58-12.