No person shall cause or permit any locomotive, railroad car or railroad train to obstruct any street by standing for more than five minutes at a point where the railroad track intersects said street.
No person shall install, lay, construct or use any railroad track or railroad siding upon, through or over any public street or highway within the City except under authority of a permit so to do issued in accordance with the provisions of § 148-6 of this chapter.
Applications for such permits shall be accompanied by maps or diagrams showing in detail in all respects the grade and location of such tracks or siding.
No such permit shall be of duration longer than 25 years.
In addition to the fee required by § 148-7A of this chapter, permits under this section may be issued on the condition that the permittee pay the cost of paving, repairing or maintaining any portion of the street or highway lying between said tracks and 18 inches to either side thereof and the cost of removal of said tracks upon the expiration of the permit; and such permits may be further conditioned upon the permittee's furnishing such safety devices, watchmen, insurance or other safeguards or means for the security or protection of pedestrians or vehicles on said street as may from time to time be prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Works; and said tracks or sidings may be required to be shared with other adjacent or connecting property owners on such terms as may be approved by said Superintendent.
Permits under this section shall be denied when the use of such street or highway in the manner proposed in the application would be dangerous to the public safety.