No person who shall have been suspended or expelled from the Fire Department shall, for the time being, run with any of the apparatus or interfere with or handle the same in any way, shape or manner.
Upon conviction of a violation of this section before the Municipal Judge, such person shall be amenable to punishment as a disorderly person.
It shall be the duty of the officers of each company to prevent all improper persons from in any way handling or interfering with the apparatus of the respective companies, to prevent any racing of their company with any other company and to abstain and to cause all members to abstain from any conduct likely to cause a breach of peace or bring discredit on the Fire Department.
[Amended 7-20-1983 by Ord. No. 1983-9]
It shall be the duty of the Captains of each company to see that the apparatus and house of his company are protected from danger by neglect or otherwise.
No fire apparatus shall at any time be used on any mere unnecessary trial of skill or power; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not prevent competitions between companies.
It shall be the duty of the officers and members of the Fire Department to promptly report any violation of this Part 1 to the Chief, who is hereby empowered to take such action thereupon as may be deemed advisable and for the best interests of the Fire Department; provided, however, that no penalties other than such as are provided in this Part 1 shall be imposed.
The penalty for any violation of this Part 1 to which no definite penalty is attached shall, in the case of an officer or member, be demotion from his office or suspension from the Fire Department, or both.